License agreement (offer) for the use of the sheepChat software

License agreement (offer) for the use of the sheepChat software.


1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This license agreement (hereinafter, the License) is the parties in relation to the programme sheepChat("Chat"), any software included in the program and program-related, all patches and add-ons to the program, all online components of the program, all sites with restricted access, and all other services sheepChat in relation to the programme, all alpha, beta, trial, pre-release, paid, free, gift of the versions of the elements listed above, and any accompanying documentation (collectively "Software").

1.2. Full and unconditional acceptance of this offer is by clicking the " YES " button to accept the terms of this License, and/or using, installing, copying the Software to the hard disk of the User's computer, RAM or other data storage device.

1.3. Acceptance of the offer means that the User subscribes to the License terms without any exceptions and / or reservations, agrees to all the provisions and undertakes to follow them.

1.4. By clicking the " No "button or otherwise refusing to click the" Yes " button to accept the License terms, the User refuses the offer to conclude a License. If the User does not agree with the License terms, they must immediately:

1.4.1. Stop installing (or deleting) and using the Software and other materials related to the Software;

1.4.2. Completely delete all copies of the Software and related files from the User's computer.

2. Software rights

2.1. The exclusive rights to the software belong to the Copyright Holder.

2.2. The authors and Copyright Holders of the software are:

Evstafiev Valeriy Nikolaevich, Selskaya st., Izhevsk, Russia

Nikolaev Kirill Konstantinovich, Pastukhova st., Izhevsk, Russia

3. License

3.1. The Copyright Holder, free of charge under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, grants the User a non-transferable right to use the Software under the terms of this License for personal non-commercial purposes in the territory of countries around the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. Use the Software for its intended functional purpose, for which purpose they should be copied and installed on the User's computer. The user has the right to install the application on an unlimited number of computers.

3.1.2. The User may purchase additional content from the Copyright Holder for a fee, subject to acceptance of the License terms and registration of the Software on the site The amount of remuneration is determined depending on the selected additional software package on the site Payment of remuneration is made using third-party services.

3.2. The License is valid from the moment of installation or other beginning of using the Software.

3.3. The Copyright Holder reserves all rights with respect to the Software that are not explicitly granted to Users in this License.

3.4. Use of the Software under the terms and methods not provided for in this License is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder.

4. Limitations

4.1. Use of the software is permitted only under the terms of this License for personal non-commercial purposes.

4.2. Use of the Software in violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the License terms is prohibited.

4.3. Any commercial use of the Software is prohibited.

4.4. It is prohibited to transfer the Software or the right to use the Software under sublicense agreements, to rent or lease it, or to distribute it in any other way.

4.5. The software can only be used on a computer that meets the technical requirements specified on the site

4.6. The User undertakes to comply with all the terms of the License until all Software elements are removed from the User's computer.

4.7. The User undertakes not to use any programs installed on the User's computer or any other computer that can modify the program code and/or other elements of the Software.

4.8. The User does not have the right to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the object code of the Software aimed at extracting the source text of the application and/or obtaining information about the implementation of algorithms used in the Software, create derivative works using the Software, or perform (allow) other use of the Software without the written consent of the Copyright Holder.

4.9. Use of the Software under the terms and methods not provided for in this License is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder.

5. Terms of use for individual Software functions.

5.1. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when the Software includes the function of automatically sending anonymous statistics of program usage to the Copyright Holder in order to improve the quality of products and services provided to the User, anonymous (without linking to the User) information is automatically provided, including information about the operating system, streaming sites, until the specified function is disabled.

5.2. All data about the use of the Software transmitted under this License is stored and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy published on the page:

6. Limitation of liability under the License

6.1. The Software is provided on an "as is"as isbasis. The User understands and agrees that the use of the Software and the media (if any) on which it is recorded is at their own risk.

6.2. During the term of the License, the Copyright Holder will make reasonable efforts to eliminate any failures and errors in the functioning of the Software that may make it difficult to use the Software. However, the Copyright Holder does not guarantee the complete absence of errors and failures when using the Software.

6.3. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when using the Software, the following information is automatically transmitted anonymously (without linking to the User) to the Copyright Holder:: the User's operating system type, software version, and information about the User's channels.

6.4. The User confirms that he is aware of the fact that unauthorized use of the Software or any part of it, or the use or distribution of Software Modifications, may cause irreparable damage to the Copyright Holder, as a result of which only monetary compensation may not be sufficient for the Copyright Holder.

6.5. The User confirms that he agrees that the Rightholder may resort to judicial protection and any other interim measures, including monetary compensation, to the corresponding restriction and/or prohibition of unauthorized use of the Software without the need to provide compensation or other compensation on the part of the Rightholder.

6.6. The User's liability listed in this section of the License will remain valid after the cancellation or expiration of this License.

6.7. The holder does not bear any responsibility for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Software and/or damage caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use or non-use of the Software, including due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Software.

6.8. The Copyright Holder is not responsible and does not provide any warranty of any kind, direct or indirect, including, but not limited to, only an indirect guarantee for the quality of the Software or its suitability for specific purposes. The Copyright Holder does not guarantee that the operation of the Software will meet the User's requirements. Neither oral nor written information provided by the copyright holder constitutes a guarantee and in no way increases the scope of the warranty provided.

6.9. The right holder (Author or their Licensees, Licensors, Agents, Employees, and other persons) under no circumstances, including negligence, will not be liable for incidental, special, direct or indirect damages in connection with the Software, including damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Software, even if the copyright holder has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

6.10. The total liability of the Copyright Holder (the Author or their Licensee, Licensor, Agent, Employee and other persons) is limited to the amount of money (remuneration) paid by the User for using the Software.

7. Software Updates/new versions

7.1. The Software may from time to time automatically download and install updates that are aimed at improving the Software and may take the form of patches, additional modules or completely new versions of the Software. The User is hereby notified and agrees to automatically update the Software, including requesting, downloading, and installing Software updates on the User's computer without any additional notice.

7.2. This License applies to all subsequent updates/new versions of the Software. Installing an update / new version of the Software means that the User accepts the terms of this License for the corresponding updates/new versions of the Software, unless the update/installation of a new version of the Software is accompanied by another license agreement.

8. Changes to the terms of this License

8.1. This license Agreement may be changed by the Copyright Holder unilaterally. The User's notification about changes made to the terms of this License is published on the page:

9. Other conditions

9.1. The law of the Russian Federation applies to this License and all relations related to the use of the Software, and any claims or actions arising out of this License must be filed and considered in court at the location of the Copyright Holder.

9.2. The User can view the License text in Russian on the page: If there are discrepancies between the Russian version of the License and the English version of the License, the Russian version of the License will prevail.

This policy is valid from 30.10.2020

These changes to the terms of the license agreement will take effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the corresponding publication.