Bugtraq: by thread
439 messages
starting Nov 01 07 and
ending Nov 30 07
Date index |
Thread index |
Author index
- ZDI-07-058: Oracle E-Business Suite SQL Injection Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- Synergiser <= 1.2 RC1 Local File Inclusion & Full path disclosure kingoftheworld92 (Nov 01)
- CFP: International workshop on Secure Software Engineering - Deadline extended! secse08 (Nov 01)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Henrik Langos (Nov 01)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Network Protocol Security (Nov 01)
- Re: Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security ntn (Nov 01)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Theo de Raadt (Nov 01)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Tim (Nov 01)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Shane Kerr (Nov 02)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Tim (Nov 02)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Shane Kerr (Nov 02)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Tim (Nov 05)
- Re: Comments re ISC's announcement on bind9 security Theo de Raadt (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-060: HP OpenView Radia Integration Server File System Exposure Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- sBlog 0.7.3 Beta Cross Site Request Forgery Guns (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-061: RealNetworks RealPlayer SWF Processing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-062: RealNetworks RealPlayer PLS File Memory Corruption Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-063: RealPlayer RA Field Size File Processing Heap Oveflow Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-064: Novell Client Trust Heap Overflow Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- mac trojan in-the-wild Gadi Evron (Nov 01)
- Re: mac trojan in-the-wild Matthew Leeds (Nov 01)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Alex Eckelberry (Nov 01)
- Re: mac trojan in-the-wild Nick FitzGerald (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Thor (Hammer of God) (Nov 01)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Alex Eckelberry (Nov 01)
- Re: mac trojan in-the-wild nnp (Nov 02)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] mac trojan in-the-wild Peter Besenbruch (Nov 02)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] mac trojan in-the-wild Paul Schmehl (Nov 02)
- Message not available
- Re: mac trojan in-the-wild Robert McArdle (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Roger A. Grimes (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Thor (Hammer of God) (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Roger A. Grimes (Nov 02)
- the heart of the problem [was: RE: mac trojan in-the-wild] Gadi Evron (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Jim Harrison (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Gadi Evron (Nov 02)
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Alex Eckelberry (Nov 01)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] mac trojan in-the-wild Peter Besenbruch (Nov 02)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: mac trojan in-the-wild Memisyazici, Aras (Nov 02)
- Re: mac trojan in-the-wild Matthew Leeds (Nov 01)
- (tool announce) Orizon v0.50 announce Paolo Perego (Nov 01)
- SEC Consult SA-20071101-0 :: Multiple Vulnerabilities in SonicWALL SSL-VPN Client Bernhard Mueller (Nov 01)
- Re: Airkiosk/formlib application is XSS vuln Raymond Pete (Nov 01)
- Re: Airkiosk/formlib application is XSS vuln skien (Nov 01)
- Cryptome: NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones Juha-Matti Laurio (Nov 01)
- RE: Cryptome: NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones Kurt Dillard (Nov 01)
- Two XSS on Blue Coat ProxySG Management Console research (Nov 01)
- [ MDKSA-2007:203 ] - Updated xen packages fix multiple vulnerabilities security (Nov 01)
- ZDI-07-059: Verity KeyView SDK Multiple File Format Parsing Vulnerabilities zdi-disclosures (Nov 01)
- [ MDKSA-2007:204 ] - Updated cups packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 01)
- [ GLSA 200711-01 ] gFTP: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 02)
- IM upgrade automated social engineering attack Dragos Ruiu (Nov 02)
- Re: IM upgrade automated social engineering attack Roman Shirokov (Nov 06)
- Re: IM upgrade automated social engineering attack Dragos Ruiu (Nov 06)
- Re: IM upgrade automated social engineering attack Roman Shirokov (Nov 06)
- [ GLSA 200711-03 ] Gallery: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 02)
- Secunia Research: ACDSee Products Image and Archive Plug-ins Buffer Overflows Secunia Research (Nov 02)
- [ GLSA 200711-02 ] OpenSSH: Security bypass Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 02)
- Scribe <= 2.0 Remote PHP Code Execution kingoftheworld92 (Nov 02)
- [USN-537-2] Compiz vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 02)
- Re: [botnets] re MAC trojan (fwd) Gadi Evron (Nov 02)
- [UPH-07-03] Firefly Media Server remote format string vulnerability nnp (Nov 02)
- [UPH-07-01] Firefly Media Server DoS nnp (Nov 02)
- Re: [UPH-07-01] Firefly Media Server DoS nnp (Nov 02)
- [UPH-07-02] Firefly Media Server DoS nnp (Nov 02)
- DoS Exploit for DHCPd bug (Bugtraq ID 25984 ; CVE-2007-5365) Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez (Nov 02)
- [ MDKSA-2007:205 ] - Updated opal packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 02)
- phphelpdesk Multiple vulnerabilities Joseph . giron13 (Nov 03)
- [ MDKSA-2007:206 ] - Updated pwlib packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 03)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1397-1] New mono packages fix integer overflow Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 03)
- Skalinks <= 1_5 Cross Site Request Forgery Add Admin djvincy (Nov 05)
- JBC Explorer <= V7.20 RC 1 Remote Code Execution Exploit gmdarkfig (Nov 05)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1398-1] New perdition packages fix arbitrary code execution Noah Meyerhans (Nov 05)
- [Tool] sqlmap: a blind SQL injection tool (release 0.5) Bernardo Damele (Nov 05)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.02.07: Sun Microsystems Solaris srsexec Format String Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 05)
- Leopard's firewall damages Skype and WoW Juergen Schmidt (Nov 05)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1399-1] New pcre3 packages fix arbitrary code execution Florian Weimer (Nov 05)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.05.07: Apple QuickTime Panorama Sample Atom Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 05)
- ZDI-07-066: Apple Quicktime PICT File PackBitsRgn Parsing Heap Corruption Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 05)
- ZDI-07-065: Apple QuickTime Color Table RGB Parsing Heap Corruption Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 05)
- ZDI-07-068: Apple QuickTime Uncompressedfile Opcode Stack Overflow Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 05)
- ZDI-07-067: Apple QuickTime PICT File Poly Opcodes Heap Corruption Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 05)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1401-1] New iceape packages fix several vulnerabilities Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 06)
- [ MDKSA-2007:207 ] - Updated perl packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 06)
- [ MDKSA-2007:208 ] - Updated ghostscript packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 06)
- rPSA-2007-0232-1 perl rPath Update Announcements (Nov 06)
- [ MDKSA-2007:209 ] - Updated netpbm packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 06)
- [USN-539-1] CUPS vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 06)
- [CVE-2007-5741] Plone: statusmessages and linkintegrity unsafe network data hotfix mj (Nov 06)
- SMF .htaccess bypass h3llcode (Nov 06)
- Re: SMF .htaccess bypass Matt D. Harris (Nov 06)
- Re: SMF .htaccess bypass anuj tenani (Nov 06)
- Re: SMF .htaccess bypass Matt D. Harris (Nov 06)
- IDMOS v1.0 Alpha Multiple RFI Vulnerability Guns (Nov 06)
- Cypress BX script backdoored? Chris (Nov 06)
- PhpNuke (add-on) MS TopSites Edit Exploit And Html Injection Guns (Nov 06)
- MyWebFTP Password Disclosure [NO-REPLY] (Nov 06)
- rPSA-2007-0231-1 pcre rPath Update Announcements (Nov 06)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.06.07: Microsoft DebugView Privilege Escalation Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 06)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1400-1] New perl packages fix arbitrary code execution Florian Weimer (Nov 06)
- [ GLSA 200711-04 ] Evolution: User-assisted remote execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 06)
- [ MDKSA-2007:210 ] - Updated xfs package prevents arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities security (Nov 06)
- [ GLSA 200711-05 ] SiteBar: Multiple issues Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 06)
- SiteMinder Agent: Cross Site Scripting Giuseppe Gottardi (Nov 07)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: SiteMinder Agent: Cross Site Scripting securityfocus (Nov 08)
- Re: Re: SiteMinder Agent: Cross Site Scripting overet (Nov 09)
- Re: SiteMinder Agent: Cross Site Scripting Williams, James K (Nov 09)
- Secunia Research: Link Grammar "separate_sentence()" Buffer Overflow Secunia Research (Nov 07)
- Secunia Research: AbiWord Link Grammar "separate_sentence()" Buffer Overflow Secunia Research (Nov 07)
- Secunia Research: Xpdf "Stream.cc" Multiple Vulnerabilities Secunia Research (Nov 07)
- [ GLSA 200711-06 ] Apache: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 07)
- [ GLSA 200711-07 ] Python: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 07)
- [ GLSA 200711-08 ] libpng: Multiple Denials of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 07)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1402-1] New gforge packages fix several vulnerabilities Steve Kemp (Nov 07)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.07.07: Oracle 10g R2 PITRIG_DROPMETADATA Buffer Overflow Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 07)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: iDefense Security Advisory 11.07.07: Oracle 10g R2 PITRIG_DROPMETADATA Buffer Overflow Vulnerability buzzy (Nov 08)
- [ GLSA 200711-09 ] MadWifi: Denial of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 07)
- [ GLSA 200711-10 ] Mono: Buffer overflow Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 07)
- Aria-Security.Net Research: Request For Travel Sql Injection Advisory (Nov 08)
- Simple Machine Forum - Private section/posts/info disclosure h3llcode (Nov 08)
- Re: Simple Machine Forum - Private section/posts/info disclosure Jindrich Kubec (Nov 09)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Simple Machine Forum - Private section/posts/info disclosure klynn . securityfocus (Nov 09)
- [OpenPKG-SA-2007.023] OpenPKG Security Advisory (perl) OpenPKG GmbH (Nov 08)
- [ GLSA 200711-12 ] Tomboy: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 08)
- [ GLSA 200711-11 ] Nagios Plugins: Two buffer overflows Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 08)
- [security bulletin] HPSBUX02285 SSRT071484 rev.1 - HP-UX Running Aries PA Emulator, Local Unauthorized Access security-alert (Nov 08)
- [ GLSA 200711-13 ] 3proxy: Denial of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 08)
- [ MDKSA-2007:211 ] - Updated pcre packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 08)
- Aria-Security.Net Research: Lotfian BROCHURE Management System Advisory (Nov 08)
- [ MDKSA-2007:212 ] - Updated pcre packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 08)
- [ MDKSA-2007:213 ] - Updated pcre packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 08)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1404-1] New gallery2 packages fix privilege escalation Thijs Kinkhorst (Nov 08)
- AST-2007-024 - Fallacious security advisory spread on the Internet involving buffer overflow in Zaptel's sethdlc application The Asterisk Development Team (Nov 08)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1403-1] New phpmyadmin packages fix cross-site scripting Thijs Kinkhorst (Nov 08)
- [ MDKSA-2007:214 ] - Updated flac packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 09)
- CanSecWest 2008 CFP (deadline Nov 30, conf Mar 26-28) and PacSec Dojo's Dragos Ruiu (Nov 09)
- [ MDKSA-2007:215 ] - Updated openldap packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 09)
- li-guestbook sql inj abc . seo (Nov 09)
- xoops mylinks module - sql injection root (Nov 09)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.09.07: AOL AmpX ActiveX Control Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities iDefense Labs (Nov 10)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1405-1] New zope-cmfplone packages fix arbitrary code execution Thijs Kinkhorst (Nov 10)
- SQL injection bug found in TBSource. drakomo (Nov 10)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.09.07: IBM Informix Dynamic Server DBLANG Directory Traversal Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 10)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1406-1] New horde3 packages fix several vulnerabilities Thijs Kinkhorst (Nov 10)
- [48Bits Advisory] QuickTime Panorama Sample Atom Heap Overflow [48bits] vulndev (Nov 12)
- Aria-Security.Net Research: Rapid Classified HotList Image Advisory (Nov 12)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1405-2] New zope-cmfplone packages fix regression Thijs Kinkhorst (Nov 12)
- Re: Re: Simple Machine Forum - Private section/posts/info disclosure rx (Nov 12)
- Eggblog v3.1.0 XSS Vulnerability mesut (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0063-1 perl Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0066-1 ImageMagick Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- Oracle 0-day to get SYSDBA access pete (Nov 12)
- Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Paul Sebastian Ziegler (Nov 12)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Jan Newger (Nov 12)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Peter Conrad (Nov 13)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Duncan Simpson (Nov 13)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle johan beisser (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle johan beisser (Nov 12)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Matt D. Harris (Nov 12)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle johan beisser (Nov 12)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Florian Echtler (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Paul Wouters (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle johan beisser (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Valdis . Kletnieks (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Frank Guthausen (Nov 14)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Stefano Zanero (Nov 13)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Raj Mathur (Nov 14)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle imipak (Nov 14)
- RE: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Quark IT - Hilton Travis (Nov 17)
- Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Matt D. Harris (Nov 12)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle Jan Newger (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0068-1 ruby Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- PeopleAggregatory security advisory - re CVE-2007-5631 phil (Nov 12)
- PHP-Nuke Module Advertising Blind SQL Injection Guns (Nov 12)
- CVE-2007-3694: Cross site scripting (XSS) in broadcast machine Hanno Böck (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0064-1 pcre Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0067-1 pidgin Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.12.07: WinPcap NPF.SYS bpf_filter_init Arbitrary Array Indexing Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0065-1 libpng Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- FLEA-2007-0069-1 perl Foresight Linux Essential Announcement Service (Nov 12)
- Cisco IOS Shellcode Research (Nov 12)
- Alice - dns spoofer fabio (Nov 12)
- RFID: Security Briefings angelo (Nov 12)
- HPSBUX02287 SSRT071485 rev.1 - HP-UX Running HP Secure Shell, Remotely Gain Extended Privileges security-alert (Nov 12)
- AutoIndex <= 2.2.2 Cross Site Scripting and Denial of Service L4teral (Nov 12)
- [ GLSA 200711-14 ] Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, XULRunner: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 12)
- [ GLSA 200711-15 ] FLAC: Buffer overflow Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 12)
- [ MDKSA-2007:204-1 ] - Updated cups packages fix vulnerability security (Nov 12)
- [ GLSA 200711-16 ] CUPS: Memory corruption Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 12)
- PR07-13: Cross-site Scripting / HTML injection on F5 FirePass 4100 SSL VPN 'download_plugin.php3' server-side script research (Nov 12)
- [ISecAuditors Security Advisories] VTLS.web.gateway cgi is vulnerable to XSS ISecAuditors Security Advisories (Nov 13)
- ATC-08 Call for papers (repost) atc08 (Nov 13)
- Re: Bosdev Multiple vulnerabilities sales (Nov 13)
- [ MDKSA-2007:216 ] - Updated kernel packages fix multiple vulnerabilities and bugs security (Nov 13)
- After 6 months - fix available for Microsoft DNS cache poisoning attack Amit Klein (Nov 13)
- PHP <= 5.2.5 stream_wrapper_register() denial of service laurent . gaffie (Nov 13)
- PHP <= 5.2.5 Gettext Lib Multiple Denial of service laurent . gaffie (Nov 13)
- Oracle 11g/10g Installation Vulnerability David Litchfield (Nov 13)
- [USN-540-1] flac vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 13)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.12.07: Novell NetWare Client Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 13)
- [ MDKSA-2007:217 ] - Updated libpng packages fix multiple vulnerabilities security (Nov 13)
- [USN-541-1] Emacs vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 13)
- ExoPHPdesk user profile XSS / profile SQL injection Joseph . giron13 (Nov 13)
- DocuSafe "Search" SQL Injection No-Reply (Nov 14)
- Aria-Security.Net: MetaCart SQL Injection No-Reply (Nov 14)
- Predictable DNS transaction IDs in Microsoft DNS Server Alla Bezroutchko (Nov 14)
- [USN-542-1] poppler vulnerabilities Kees Cook (Nov 14)
- Free Forums "search" Sql Injection No-Reply (Nov 14)
- Konqueror Remote Denial Of Service laurent . gaffie (Nov 14)
- Six Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities in IBM WebSphere MQ 6.0 IRM Research (Nov 14)
- [security bulletin] HPSBMA02288 SSRT071465 rev.1 - HP OpenView Operations (OVO) Running on HP-UX and Solaris, Remote Unauthorized Access, Denial of Service (DoS) security-alert (Nov 14)
- [ MDKSA-2007:218 ] - Updated mono packages fix arbitrary code execution vulnerability security (Nov 14)
- [ GLSA 200711-17 ] Ruby on Rails: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 14)
- TPTI-07-20: Apple Quicktime Movie Stack Overflow Vulnerability DVLabs (Nov 14)
- [ GLSA 200711-18 ] Cpio: Buffer overflow Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 14)
- [ GLSA 200711-19 ] TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 14)
- Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization gandlf (Nov 14)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization Alexander Klimov (Nov 15)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization Clifton Royston (Nov 15)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization gandlf (Nov 15)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization Erick Galinkin (Nov 16)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization gandlf (Nov 15)
- Re: Breaking RSA: Totient indirect factorization Watson Ladd (Nov 16)
- [ GLSA 200711-20 ] Pioneers: Denial of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 14)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.14.07: Apple Mac OS X AppleTalk mbuf Kernel Heap Overflow Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 15)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.14.07: Apple Mac OS X AppleTalk ASP Message Kernel Heap Overflow Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 15)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.14.07: Apple Mac OS X Mach Port Inheritance Privilege Escalation Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 15)
- Some hashes for the record shadown (Nov 15)
- iDefense Security Advisory 11.14.07: Apple Mac OS X AppleTalk Socket IOCTL Kernel Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability iDefense Labs (Nov 15)
- [security bulletin] HPSBUX02284 SSRT071483 rev.2 - HP-UX Running Java JRE and JDK, Remote Unauthorized Access security-alert (Nov 15)
- [SAMBA] CVE-2007-4572 - GETDC mailslot processing buffer overrun in nmbd Gerald (Jerry) Carter (Nov 15)
- [SAMBA] CVE-2007-5398 - Remote Code Execution in Samba's nmbd Gerald (Jerry) Carter (Nov 15)
- Secunia Research: Samba "reply_netbios_packet()" Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Secunia Research (Nov 15)
- Aida-Web Information Exposure MC Iglo (Nov 15)
- [TKADV2007-001] Mac OS X TIOCSETD IOCTL Kernel Memory Corruption Vulnerability Tobias Klein (Nov 15)
- [ MDKSA-2007:219 ] - Updated xpdf packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 15)
- EEYE: Multiple Vulnerabilities In .FLAC File Format and Various Media Applications eEye Advisories (Nov 15)
- [USN-542-2] KOffice vulnerabilities Jamie Strandboge (Nov 15)
- PR07-02: XSS on Liferay Portal Enterprise 4.1.1 login page ('login' parameter) research (Nov 15)
- PR07-26: Persistent XSS on Aruba 800 Mobility Controller's login page research (Nov 15)
- [ MDKSA-2007:220 ] - Updated gpdf packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 15)
- [USN-543-1] VMWare vulnerabilities Kees Cook (Nov 15)
- [RISE-2007004] Apple Mac OS X 10.4.x Kernel i386_set_ldt() Integer Overflow Vulnerability RISE Security (Nov 16)
- [USN-544-1] Samba vulnerabilities Jamie Strandboge (Nov 16)
- [ MDKSA-2007:221 ] - Updated kdegraphics packages fix vulnerabilities in kpdf security (Nov 16)
- Microsoft Jet Engine MDB File Parsing Stack Overflow Vulnerability cocoruder (Nov 16)
- Re: Microsoft Jet Engine MDB File Parsing Stack Overflow Vulnerability CaseArmour.net Security Administrator (Nov 17)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Microsoft Jet Engine MDB File Parsing Stack Overflow Vulnerability Juha-Matti Laurio (Nov 19)
- AhnLab AntiVirus Remote Kernel Memory Corruption Sowhat (Nov 16)
- Javamail login username and password same email problem thetaung (Nov 16)
- JiRos Upload Manager SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 17)
- rPSA-2007-0241-1 samba samba-swat rPath Update Announcements (Nov 17)
- [USN-544-2] Samba regression Jamie Strandboge (Nov 17)
- net-finity (links.php) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability verys-secret (Nov 17)
- Black Lily 2007 (products.php class) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability verys-secret (Nov 17)
- Myspace Clone Script (index.php) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability verys-secret (Nov 17)
- security contact for mitsubishi electric? Chris Withers (Nov 17)
- Sciurus Hosting Panel Code İnjection admin (Nov 17)
- [ MDKSA-2007:222 ] - Updated koffice packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 17)
- [ MDKSA-2007:223 ] - Updated pdftohtml packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 17)
- [ MDKSA-2007:224 ] - Updated samba packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 17)
- [ECHO_ADV_84$2007] ProfileCMS <= 1.0 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability erdc (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-24 ] Mozilla Thunderbird: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-23 ] VMware Workstation and Player: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-26 ] teTeX: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- Vulnerability Hash Database - Maillist Sowhat (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-25 ] MySQL: Denial of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-27 ] Link Grammar: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-21 ] Bochs: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- VigileCMS 1.4 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities info (Nov 19)
- Belkin Wireless G Router DoS r00t (Nov 19)
- [ MDKSA-2007:225 ] - Updated net-snmp packages fix remote denial of service vulnerability security (Nov 19)
- Crash in LIVE555 Media Server 2007.11.01 Luigi Auriemma (Nov 19)
- IceBB 1.0rc6 <= Remote SQL Injection aeroxteam-nospam (Nov 19)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: IceBB 1.0rc6 <= Remote SQL Injection aeroxteam-nospam (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-22 ] Poppler, KDE: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1407-1] New cupsys packages fix arbitrary code execution Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 19)
- [Aria-Secutiy Net] Click&BaneX SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 19)
- Citrix NetScaler Web Management XSS nnposter (Nov 19)
- Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Nils Toedtmann (Nov 19)
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Kapetanakis Giannis (Nov 19)
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Graeme Fowler (Nov 19)
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Michal Zalewski (Nov 19)
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Nils Toedtmann (Nov 20)
- Message not available
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Kapetanakis Giannis (Nov 20)
- Re: Certificate spoofing issue with Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari 2 Kapetanakis Giannis (Nov 19)
- Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability Steven J. Murdoch (Nov 19)
- Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise VoIP Vulnerability daniel . stirnimann (Nov 19)
- rPSA-2007-0242-1 php5 php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-pear php5-pgsql php5-soap php5-xsl rPath Update Announcements (Nov 19)
- [ GLSA 200711-28 ] Perl: Buffer overflow Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 19)
- [ MDKSA-2007:226 ] - Updated kernel packages fix multiple vulnerabilities and bugs security (Nov 19)
- [security bulletin] HPSBUX02289 SSRT071461 rev.1 - HP-UX Running BIND 8, Remote DNS Cache Poisoning security-alert (Nov 20)
- Banks (Wellsfargo.com) using CDNs to deliver Javascript: enables password theft by anyone compromising or controlling the CDN joel (Nov 20)
- Re: Banks (Wellsfargo.com) using CDNs to deliver Javascript: enables password theft by anyone compromising or controlling the CDN Jason Muskat de VE3TSJ - GCFA, GCUX, CEI, CEH (Nov 21)
- [ MDKSA-2007:227 ] - Updated poppler packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 20)
- [ MDKSA-2007:228 ] - Updated cups packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 20)
- EEYE: BitDefender Online Scanner 8 Double Decode Heap Overflow eEye Advisories (Nov 20)
- [ GLSA 200711-29 ] Samba: Execution of arbitrary code Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 20)
- [ GLSA 200711-30 ] PCRE: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 20)
- [ GLSA 200711-31 ] Net-SNMP: Denial of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 20)
- [ GLSA 200711-32 ] Feynmf: Insecure temporary file creation Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 20)
- Several persistent XSS and CSRF on Wireless-G ADSL Gateway with SpeedBooster (WAG54GS) Adrian P (Nov 20)
- [ MDKSA-2007:229 ] - Updated phpMyAdmin packages fix multiple vulnerabilities security (Nov 20)
- [Aria-Security.Net] VU Case Manager "Username/Password" SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 21)
- Aria-Security.Net: VU Mailer (Mass Mail) "Password" SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 21)
- rPSA-2007-0243-1 flac rPath Update Announcements (Nov 21)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Warning: Hackers hijacking unused IP Addresses inside Trusted domains [POC] Paul Schmehl (Nov 21)
- [ MDKSA-2007:230 ] - Updated tetex packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 21)
- rPSA-2007-0245-1 kernel rPath Update Announcements (Nov 21)
- rPSA-2007-0245-2 kernel rPath Update Announcements (Nov 21)
- E-vanced Solutions Multiple Vulnerabilites Joseph . giron13 (Nov 21)
- GWextranet Multiple Vulnerabilites Joseph . giron13 (Nov 21)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1408-1] New kdegraphics packages fix arbitrary code execution Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 21)
- TalkBack 2.2.7 Multiple Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities bugtraq (Nov 21)
- Ucms <= 1.8 Backdoor Remote Command Execution Exploit bugtraq (Nov 21)
- SkyPortal vRC6 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities bugtraq (Nov 21)
- [ MDKSA-2007:224-1 ] - Updated samba packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 22)
- Wheatblog (wB) Remote File inclusion .. security (Nov 22)
- Aria-Security.net: NetAuctionHelp SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 22)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Aria-Security.net: NetAuctionHelp SQL Injection support (Nov 24)
- Re: Re: Aria-Security.net: NetAuctionHelp SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 24)
- [ECHO_ADV_85$2007] alstrasoft E-Friends <= 4.98 (seid) Multiple Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities erdc (Nov 22)
- Remote Shell Command Execution in "KB-Bestellsystem" (amensa-soft.de) zero-x (Nov 22)
- GetBlog local File inclusion .. security (Nov 22)
- [Argeniss] Data0: Next generation malware for stealing databases (Paper) Cesar (Nov 22)
- MyBlog (MyCMS) Remote PHP Code execution / PHP Code injection .. security (Nov 22)
- Message not available
- Re: MyBlog (MyCMS) Remote PHP Code execution / PHP Code injection .. BlackHawk (Nov 23)
- Message not available
- Re: Simple Machines Forum multiple sql injection flaws with exploit code. root (Nov 22)
- VigileCMS <= 1.8 Stealth Remote Command Execution Exploit bugtraq (Nov 22)
- MySpace Scripts - Poll Creator JavaScript Injection Vulnerability DoZ (Nov 22)
- Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability j00ru . vx (Nov 22)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability gg_vuln (Nov 22)
- Re: Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability emacs25 (Nov 23)
- Re: Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability j00ru . vx (Nov 23)
- Re: Re: Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability gynvael (Nov 23)
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability sdfkjsomcoismwevoiweo (Nov 23)
- Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability emacs25 (Nov 23)
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gadu-Gadu Local/Remote Buffer Overflow vulnerability gynvael (Nov 23)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1409-1] New samba packages fix several vulnerabilities Steve Kemp (Nov 22)
- Using CSRF to Attack Mobile Phones avivra (Nov 22)
- [ MDKSA-2007:231 ] - Updated cacti packages fix SQL injection vulnerability security (Nov 22)
- Aria-Security.net: Irola My-Time v3.5 SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 23)
- [0day Remote Command Execution] VigileCMS <= 1.8 Stealth wegotyourbox (Nov 23)
- Mp3 ToolBox 1.0 beta 5 Remote File İnclude Vulnerability cybermilitan (Nov 23)
- [ MDKSA-2007:224-2 ] - Updated samba packages fix vulnerabilities security (Nov 23)
- Bitcomet Resource Browser v1.1 XSS jplopezy (Nov 24)
- Aria-Security.net: CoolShot E-Lite POS 1.0 no-reply (Nov 24)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Aria-Security.net: CoolShot E-Lite POS 1.0 coolshot (Nov 30)
- PBLang <= 4.99.17.q Remote File Rewriting / Remote Command Execution kingoftheworld92 (Nov 24)
- [ISecAuditors Security Advisories] Cygwin buffer overflow due incorrect filename length check ISecAuditors Security Advisories (Nov 24)
- vBTube v1.1 - Beta ( Vbulletin Tube) Xss Vulnerable cybermilitan (Nov 24)
- Amber Script 1.0 (show_content.php id) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability cybermilitan (Nov 24)
- NetAuctionHelp Classified Ads v1.0 SQL Injection no-reply (Nov 24)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1410-1] New ruby1.8 packages fix insecure SSL certificate validation Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 26)
- Aria-Security.Net: Gouae DWD Realty SQL Injection noreply (Nov 26)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1411-1] New libopenssl-ruby packages fix insecure SSL certificate validation Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 26)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1409-2] New samba packages fix several vulnerabilities Steve Kemp (Nov 26)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1412-1] New ruby1.9 packages fix insecure SSL certificate validation Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 26)
- HPSBST02291 SSRT071498 rev.1 - Storage Management Appliance (SMA), Microsoft Patch Applicability MS07-061 and MS07-062 security-alert (Nov 26)
- PHP 5.2.4 mail.force_extra_parameters unsecure cxib (Nov 26)
- GWExtranet Script Injections & Privilege Escalation Vulnerability DoZ (Nov 26)
- two bytehoard 2.1 bugs Ernesto Alvarez (Nov 26)
- Skype DoS mail (Nov 26)
- PHPSlideShow (toonchapter8.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability sys-project (Nov 26)
- [ GLSA 200711-33 ] nss_ldap: Information disclosure Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 26)
- Calendar Proverbs <=1.1 (caladmin.php) Remote SQL Injection sys-project (Nov 26)
- Citrix NetScaler Web Management Cookie Weakness nnposter (Nov 26)
- FMDeluxe (index.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability sys-project (Nov 26)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1413-1] New mysql packages fix multiple vulnerabilities Noah Meyerhans (Nov 26)
- [ GLSA 200711-34 ] CSTeX: Multiple vulnerabilities Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 26)
- 2007-06 Sentinel Protection Server Directory Traversal VulnerabilityResearch (Nov 26)
- SimpleGallery v0.1.3 (index.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability sys-project (Nov 26)
- DeluxeBB E-Mail Address Change Security Bypass bugtraq (Nov 26)
- Tilde CMS <= v. 4.x "aarstal" parameter of "yeardetail" SQL Injection kingoftheworld92 (Nov 26)
- PHP-Nuke NSN Script Depository module <= 1.0.3 Remote Source / DB Credentials Disclosure kingoftheworld92 (Nov 26)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: PHP-Nuke NSN Script Depository module <= 1.0.3 Remote Source / DB Credentials Disclosure kingoftheworld92 (Nov 26)
- Directory Traversal in SafeNet Sentinel Protection Server and Keys Server Elliot Kendall (Nov 26)
- JLMForo System (modificarPerfil.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability sys-project (Nov 26)
- ZDI-07-069: CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Message Engine Insecure Method Exposure Vulnerability zdi-disclosures (Nov 26)
- FIGIS (FILogin.do) Bypass SQL Injection Vulnerability sys-project (Nov 26)
- CONFidence 2008 CfP andrzej . targosz (Nov 26)
- [USN-545-1] link-grammar vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 27)
- Creating Backdoors in Cisco IOS using Tcl IRM Research (Nov 27)
- Re: [Full-disclosure] Creating Backdoors in Cisco IOS using Tcl Nicolas FISCHBACH (Nov 27)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Creating Backdoors in Cisco IOS using Tcl michael (Nov 27)
- [USN-546-1] Firefox vulnerabilities Kees Cook (Nov 27)
- OWASP Israel Conference 2007, Dec 3rd 2007 Ofer Shezaf (Nov 27)
- [USN-547-1] PCRE vulnerabilities Kees Cook (Nov 27)
- [security bulletin] HPSBUX02251 SSRT071449 rev.3 - HP-UX Running BIND, Remote DNS Cache Poisoning security-alert (Nov 27)
- Ruby/Gnome2 0.16.0 Format String Vulnerability chris . rohlf (Nov 27)
- Announce: RFIDIOt release RFIDIOt-0.1r, November 2007 Adam Laurie (Nov 27)
- National Computer and Information Security Conferences ACIS 2008 - COLOMBIA Jeimy Cano (Nov 27)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1414-1] New wireshark packages fix several vulnerabilities Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 27)
- Eurologon CMS Multiple SQL Injection kingoftheworld92 (Nov 27)
- Eurologon CMS Db credentials disclosure / files download kingoftheworld92 (Nov 27)
- PHPkit 1.6.1 (include.php?path=) Remote File Inclusion sys-project (Nov 27)
- Liferay Enterprise Portal multiple XSS morin . josh (Nov 27)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1416-1] New tk8.3 packages fix arbitrary code execution Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 27)
- PHPSlideShow XSS Update morin . josh (Nov 27)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1415-1] New tk8.4 packages fix arbitrary code execution Moritz Muehlenhoff (Nov 27)
- Win2K3 Priv Escalation justin (Nov 27)
- RE: Win2K3 Priv Escalation Matt Ausmus (Nov 28)
- Re: Win2K3 Priv Escalation Jan Münther (Nov 28)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Win2K3 Priv Escalation Justin@ESC (Nov 28)
- RE: Win2K3 Priv Escalation Thor (Hammer of God) (Nov 28)
- CORE-2007-0821: Lotus Notes buffer overflow in the Lotus WorkSheet file processor Core Security Technologies Advisories (Nov 27)
- Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Rajesh Sethumadhavan (Nov 28)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability 3APA3A (Nov 29)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Valdis . Kletnieks (Nov 29)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Steve Shockley (Nov 29)
- Re[2]: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Matthew Leeds (Nov 30)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Vincent Archer (Nov 30)
- Re[2]: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability 3APA3A (Nov 30)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability Valdis . Kletnieks (Nov 29)
- Re: Microsoft FTP Client Multiple Bufferoverflow Vulnerability 3APA3A (Nov 29)
- Secunia Research: Symantec Backup Exec Job Engine Denial of Service Secunia Research (Nov 28)
- Gekko <=0.8.2 (temp directory) Path Disclosure sys-project (Nov 28)
- Re: Gekko <=0.8.2 (temp directory) Path Disclosure J. Carlos Nieto (Nov 28)
- SYM07-029 Symantec BEWS Multiple DoS in Job Engine Secure (Nov 28)
- [ MDKSA-2007:232 ] - Updated kernel packages fix multiple vulnerabilities and bugs security (Nov 28)
- Some Data of POC2007 poc2007 (Nov 28)
- [ MDKSA-2007:233 ] - Updated cpio package fixes buffer overflow and directory traversal vulnerabilities security (Nov 28)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- [ MDKSA-2007:233 ] - Updated cpio package fixes buffer overflow and directory traversal vulnerabilities security (Nov 28)
- rPSA-2007-0252-1 cups poppler tetex tetex-afm tetex-dvips tetex-fonts tetex-latex tetex-xdvi rPath Update Announcements (Nov 28)
- [USN-548-1] Pidgin vulnerability Kees Cook (Nov 28)
- [security bulletin] HPSBMA02283 SSRT071319 rev.1 - HP OpenView Network Node Manager (OV NNM), Remote Cross Site Scripting (XSS) security-alert (Nov 29)
- [security bulletin] HPSBUX02292 SSRT071499 rev.1 - HP-UX Running Apache, Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code security-alert (Nov 29)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1409-3] New samba packages fix several vulnerabilities Steve Kemp (Nov 29)
- Digital Armaments November-December Hacking Challenge: Diffuse Client Application (10.000$ extra) info (Nov 29)
- APC Management Vulnerability garys (Nov 29)
- FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-07:09.random FreeBSD Security Advisories (Nov 29)
- IRM025: TIBCO Rendezvous RVD Daemon Remote Memory Leak DoS IRM Research (Nov 29)
- FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-07:10.gtar FreeBSD Security Advisories (Nov 29)
- ERRATA: [ GLSA 200711-20 ] Pioneers: Multiple Denials of Service Pierre-Yves Rofes (Nov 29)
- AST-2007-025 - SQL Injection issue in res_config_pgsql Asterisk Security Team (Nov 29)
- AST-2007-026 - SQL Injection issue in cdr_pgsql Asterisk Security Team (Nov 29)
- [USN-549-1] PHP vulnerabilities Kees Cook (Nov 29)
- [ MDKSA-2007:224-3 ] - Updated samba packages fix regressions security (Nov 30)
- SCARE metrics and tool release Pete Herzog (Nov 30)
- DOS in Realplayer 11 ActiveX on Win Vista and Win XP SP2 thesinoda (Nov 30)
- PR07-14: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) / HTML injection on F5 FirePass 4100 SSL VPN 'my.activation.php3' server-side script research (Nov 30)
- PR07-37: XSS on Apache HTTP Server 413 error pages via malformed HTTP method research (Nov 30)
- PR07-15: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) / HTML injection on F5 FirePass 4100 SSL VPN 'my.logon.php3' server-side script research (Nov 30)
- rPSA-2007-0254-1 idle python rPath Update Announcements (Nov 30)
- 27Mhz based wireless security insecurities - Aka - "We know what you typed last summer" Max Moser (Nov 30)
- Re: 27Mhz based wireless security insecurities - Aka - "We know what you typed last summer" Jacob Appelbaum (Nov 30)
- QEMU code_gen_buffer overflow POC TeLeMan (Nov 30)