My name is Rasmus Andersson. I’m a Swedish he/him living in San Francisco, California. Software is the medium through which I express myself.
You can call me a Designer if you want.
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In my spare time I enjoy tinkering with software engineering projects, like building compilers and designing programming languages that no one will ever use, ha ha. Making typefaces and tinkering with electronics is fun, too.
List of projects →
I’m an avid motoring enthusiast and try to spend time driving the various amazing race tracks around the SF bay area. Laguna Seca is a favorite.
Photography used to be a big part of my life, but has lately taken a back seat as a past time hobby. My photography has been published by The New York Times, The BBC, Forbes, The Economist, Wired Magazine, The Guardian, among others.
Twitter @rsms GitHub /rsms Figma @rsms /rsms Instagram @rasmusfabbe Flickr /rsms Facebook @rsms Email
This website is very simple, built primarily in HTML and Markdown. Preprocessed by Jekyll. It's hosted by Github and distributed globally by Cloudflare.
Colors on this website makes use of the wide P3 color space to produce rich, deep amazing color
when viewed in a web browser that supports the
color(display-p3 R G B)
CSS function,
like for example Safari, in combination with a wide-gamut display.
There are so many great programming languages. It would be hard to pick a favorite. Really, the craft of programming is 99% "the fuzzy parts"—concepts, data structures, best practices, people, culture and many other aspects that are agnostic to a particular programming language.
For making things that need to reach a wide audience, something that spits out JavaScript or WebAssembly is a good idea, running on the web platform. The web may be carrying the weight an ocean of legacy, but it is without comparison the most well-distributed platform.
Go is one of those languages where it took me years to see and truly understand its brilliance. I've probably programmed real programs in 20 or so programming languages by now, not to mention the countless languages I've created as hobby projects or studied and at the end of the day I think Go is the closes to what I'd consider a "good" programming languages to be.