10 February 2022, Volume 61, Issue 5, pp. 1106-1274;
Feat. pp: DH1–B374
64 articles
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This feature issue, offered in conjunction with JOSA A, addresses current research topics in Digital Holography and 3D Imaging. For details, see the section beginning on p. DH1.
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- Diffraction and Gratings (1)
- Fiber Optics, Fiber Sensors, and Optical Communications (4)
- Fourier Optics and Optical Processing (1)
- Imaging Systems, Image Processing, and Displays (2)
- Instrumentation and Measurements (3)
- Integrated Optics (2)
- Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics (2)
- Medical Optics, Microscopy, and Biotechnology (1)
- Optical Design and Fabrication (1)
- Optical Devices, Sensors, and Detectors (1)
- Physical Optics (2)
- Terahertz and X-ray Optics (1)