Simple, all-access pricing
Access everything Memberful has to offer for one monthly price. Try it for free for as long as you like. You'll only be charged when you go live and start accepting payments.
Process over $1M in annual revenue? Contact us for volume discounts.
What's included
A powerful suite of tools built for creators who want more control over their memberships.
Fast and powerful checkout
- Apple Pay and Google Pay
- Coupons and discounts
- Custom fields
- 15 language translations
- Global tax collection
- Gift purchases
Subscriptions of any kind
- Free and paid trials
- Free registration
- Group plans
- One-time payments
- Monthly, annual, weekly
- Choose what to pay
Easy member management
- Growth metrics and reporting
- Built-in referral program
- Automated retention discounts
- Cancellation surveys
- Custom transactional emails
- Staff accounts
Support for all types of content
- Podcasts
- Newsletters
- Communities
- Courses
- Downloads
Website and newsletter builder
- Landing page builder
- Custom domains
- Dynamic paywalls
- Custom themes and branding
- Integrated comments
Frequently asked questions
Do I need a Stripe account? What is Stripe?
Yes. Memberful requires a Stripe account. Stripe is a certified Level 1 PCI credit card payment processor. They process your payments and transfer the funds to your bank account. Learn more about payment processing.
How do transaction fees work?
Memberful charges a transaction fee of 4.9% per successful charge. Stripe also charges a credit card processing fee that varies by country. See Stripe pricing for more details.
Can I try it for free?
Yes! Try Memberful for free for as long as you need in test mode. We won't start charging you until you connect to Stripe and turn on live payments.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes. You cancel at any time. The paid plan is billed month-to-month. We don't have any long term contracts.
Is there a limit on how many members I can have?
No, there is no cap on member count.
Is Memberful PCI Compliant and secure?
Yes and yes. We use 256-bit SSL security across the service. We don't store customer credit cards. We also keep high-availability backups of all your important data. Read more about Memberful security.
Always included: Unlimited members, SSL security, and high-availability backups.
Have more questions?
Send us an email and we'll get back to you promptly.