KPackageKit 0.1

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-kapps at
Mon Sep 29 02:41:06 CEST 2008

Name: KPackageKit
Version: 0.1
Type: KDE System Tool
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 KPackageKit is the KDE interface for PackageKit.

It's intended to be ONLY a PackageKit interface,
this means if there is some cool feature like
improving the performance of a yum database it is
PackageKit related and distro specific stuff that
should be discussed there.

Well if you don't already know PackageKit take a
look at our website. If you use Fedora >9 it's the
default package manager (from the UI point of
So now you can use PackageKit from a KDE app :D

This is the first release, after 6~7 months of
working we bring you a very stable and nice
application. We had four beta versions, and to the
last one the library was completely rewritten to
have a better design and to fix the remaining
The user interface (KPackageKit) also fixed lots
of bugs, and now is able to do almost every thing
gnome packagekit can. The small part left will be
soon available through a 0.2 release.
We hope you enjoy KPackageKit, and please report
bugs, make wished gives us feedback so we can
improve this application.

It features:
 - Search (Get details, files, depends, required
 - Install
 - Remove
 - Check for Updates
 - Install Updates (new!)
 - Automatically refreshes your cache
 - Automatically install updates (new!)
 - Popup to show the available updates
 - It's possible to enable the Origin of packages.
 - Icon tray to show all the running transactions

There are still some known bugs, the main one is
the update ui that needs to be resized for the
function that resize the columns to work. (hard
bug to die)


KPackageKit itself can do nothing without
PackageKit and libpackagekit-qt, this last one is
being developed together with the ui.

I'm the main developer of KPackageKit ui and
Adrien Bustany is the main developer of
libpackagekit-qt (or QPackageKit).
Sometimes he helps me with the ui and sometimes i
help him with the lib...



Well now that you decide to install it. Be careful
:D no warranty is given..

PackageKit 0.3 (ATTENTION HERE!!)
- The package provided here does NOT contain
PackageKit itself, so please first make it work on
YOUR distro.
Qt >4.4 (Won't compile with older versions)
KdeLibs of Kde4
Policykit-Gnome there is a Kde one but i don't
know it's status.

If something is missing please say :)

To compile it is very easy but you MUST
follow this steps:
- extract the tar.bz2 (of course)
--- libpackagekit-qt
- $ cd QPackageKit2 # here is the libpackagekit-qt
- $ cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
- $ make
- $ su
- # make install
- # exit
- $ cd ..
- $ cd KPackageKit # here is KPackageKit dir
- $ cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
- $ make
- $ su
- # make install

Enjoy :)

- some fixes to work with backends that do not
support getDepends and getRequires yet.
- check if the user is not auth

- fixed auth issue with polkit
- added suport for automaticaly check for Updates

- working with the brand new packagekit 
- install updates and update system (if you select
all selectables updates)
- automatically refresh cache
- the lib is now documented!(uhh hard work :P )
- thanks to Steven M. Parrish for a misspelling
- Automatically install updates
- Lots of bug fixes
- Enable Repositories (Origins) now possible
- QPackageKit2 complete rewrite
- Icon tray fully working

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