No subject

Thu Sep 4 01:33:20 CEST 2008

[i]cd ~/Development/svn/kgrubeditor
svn up
cd ../../Builds/kgrubeditor
make && sudo make install[/i]

Some packages are of course required. For
[K]ubuntu the following command will install the
minimum required to compile KGRUBEditor:

[i]sudo apt-get install subversion kdelibs5-dev

Currently there are packages for the following
Linux distributions:

Arch Linux

[b]For Arch users:[/b] The package is available
through the AUR community repository.

[b]For openSUSE users:[/b] The package is
available in the KDE4 repositories. The download
link is pointing to a page describing how you'll
be able to subscribe to these repositories.

[b]For Ubuntu users:[/b] The package is available
from the KDE4 PPA repository. The download link is
pointing to a page describing how you'll be able
to subscribe to this repository.


Note: All screenshots are up-to-date.

*FIXED: LaunchPad bug #262269
*FIXED: LaunchPad bug #262035
*FIXED: Improved the Splash Image section.
*FIXED: Show entry icon when clicking "Show
*FIXED: Many other minor fixes.

*ADDED: A brand-new System Settings module.
*FIXED: Some minor fixes over version 0.8.

*ADDED: Created a new SystemSettings module out of
*ADDED: A more user-friendly approach to selecting
the default entry.
*ADDED: A quick entry editor (along with the
full-blown Assistant).
*ADDED: Support for monitoring splash
*ADDED: A smarter way to detect splash images.
*ADDED: Introduced an entry preview widget.
*ADDED: A new Tools page.
*FIXED: A totally remade Entries page.
*FIXED: AutoMagic support is now even better.
*FIXED: The application no longer needs to be run
as root.
*FIXED: Better handling of paths (they are always
converted to GRUB-compatible).
*FIXED: Many other bugs/fixes/corrections.
*REMOVED: A fallback control. Fallback is still
detected but not shown to the user.

A visual changelog for KGRUBEditor 0.8 can be
found here:

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