OnStage 0.3

Anthony Labarre labarre.anthony at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 12:57:32 CEST 2008

Name: OnStage
Version: 0.3
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 OnStage displays upcoming events on Last.fm
related to the currently playing artist in the
context browser. This script is based on and does
essentially the same thing as Concerto, with the
following additional features:

[li]the flag of the country where each event takes
place is shown in the context browser, so you
immediately know how relevant it is to you;[/li]
[li]you can filter events based on the country in
which they take place;[/li]
[li]you can access an events' page on Last.fm
simply by clicking it (well, "almost", see the
"Usage" section in the README file);[/li]
[li]checks Wikipedia to find out whether an artist
is still alive, and displays the information.[/li]

 11/09/2008: version 0.3
    * now uses commands.getoutput(...) instead of
    * more comments in the code
    * bugfixes: (artist names below are
representative examples; it does not
      mean that the bugs I fixed occurred *only*
with those artists)
        - Onstage box now shows up even for
artists whose name contains single 
          quotes and who are not on tour (or not
in user's selected countries)
        - OnStage now detects that Ofra Haza
(typed in Hebrew) is dead (R.I.P.)
        - OnStage box is no longer inserted
multiple times
        - fixed issue with "DJ Lancinhouse & DJ
Jappo" (the box title appeared,
          but nothing below it)
    * simplified configuration handling (user
shouldn't care though, since he
      won't notice it)

08.09.2008: version 0.2

    [li] refactoring[/li]
    [li] added dead artist database[/li]
    [li] more user output:
        [li] tell user if Last.fm has no scheduled
concerts for current artist[/li]
        [li] tell user if Last.fm has scheduled
concerts for current artist, but
          not in the selected countries[/li]
    [li] fixed possible venue location database
corruption in
    [li] added error handling to
    [li] removed ./img/smallflags/geoip.dat, hence
a much smaller package[/li]
    [li] hopefully fixed crashes due to encoding
conversion problems[/li]

05.09.2008: version 0.1 (initial release)

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