webKam 0.2

bartosz wadolowski bwadolowski at o2.pl
Sat Mar 22 18:12:39 CET 2008

Name: webKam
Version: 0.2
Type: KDE Graphic Tool
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/webkam-kde4/
More Info:

 This is simple webcam application. 

As far as I know this works only under linux
because it uses video4linux.

Ubuntu package(build for hardy but maybe works in
gutsy with kde4). Package was created with
checkinstall and it doesn't check for any
dependencies but it needs kde4 installed.

If you created package for other distribution let
me know.

added license_gpl2.txt and license_gpl3.txt files
cmake looks for video4linux
webcam icons added, comes from oxygen icons
webcam.desktop added
icons on buttons added
a lot of code cleaning

bug fix: photo is taken when "Take Photo" is
clicked, not when image file is created.
docs dir with readme.txt, install.txt,
changelog.txt, roadmap.txt files added.

first public release.

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