ufrb-kde 0.1.0
Mike Bing
mbingREMOVE at THISplanet.nl
Sat Jan 26 20:32:11 CET 2008
Name: ufrb-kde
Version: 0.1.0
Type: KDE Service Menu
License: GPL
More Info:
This should work on any KDE based distro with
UFRaw and ImageMagick installed. Available for
download from kde-apps.org or from the DPE
website. I seem to be too stupid to make it into a
noarch rpm so I would be greatly appreciative of
someone who can ;)
Contains 2 color profiles, a ufraw ID file, a
*.Desktop servicemenu and a bash script.
What it does: right-click any number of raw files
(even multiple from different cameras) and choose
your processing option from 4 formats and 3 levels
of sharpening, plus 1 high-iso mode.
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