[Kde-announce-apps] Wireless Assistant 0.5.6

Pawel Nawrocki pnawrocki at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 18:26:50 CET 2006

Name: Wireless Assistant
Version: 0.5.6
Type: Networking Tool
Depend: KDE 3.3.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Wireless Assistant (wlassistant) is a small
application that allows you to connect to wireless

- Managed Networks Support
- WEP Encryption Support
- Not Broadcasted ("hidden") ESSIDs Support
- Per Network (AP) Configuration Profiles
- Automatic (DHCP, both dhcpcd and dhclient) and
manual configuration options.
- Connection status monitoring.

- wireless-tools 27 or newer (with iwlib)
- dhcpcd or dhclient
- sudo

* Example sudo config: If you want to e.g. allow
all users from some group to use wlassistant, add
the following line to your /etc/sudoers:
    %{group_name} ALL=NOPASSWD:

 *** RELEASE 0.5.6
* NEW: Added an option to wait before getting scan
results - fixes a problem when some networks were
not visible after initial scan.
* NEW: Added option to automatically connect to
best network at startup.
* NEW: Added customizable per-network commands
before/after connection/disconnection.
* NEW: Added Arabic translation (by Mohammed
* NEW: Added Norwegian Bokmål translation (by
Alexander Nicolaysen S?rnes)
* NEW: Added Swedish translation (by Daniel
* FIX: Updated Spanish translation (by Enrique
Matías Sánchez)
* FIX: Revised and completed Portugese (Brazil)
translation (by BRUNO GONÇALVES)
* FIX: Removed the '-q' option from dhclient
execution (problem reported by marshallbanana)
* FIX: Made automatic reconnection option more
visible (modified patch by Henry Kay)
* FIX: Fix bug 1447119 - ignore hostap's wifi0
interface (reported and patched by Andreas Nolda)
* FIX: Wait a little bit before checking if
connection was successful (a working connection
was sometimes not detected)
* FIX: Fixed detection of a running DHCP client
(patch by James Ots)
* FIX: Fixed gateway detection for SUSE10  (patch
by James Ots)
* FIX: Added .info files path for SUSE10
* FIX: Skip channel setting if not supported
(fixes bug 1349228)

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