Wikidata:Property proposal/number of persons depicted

number of persons depicted


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Creative work

   Not done
Descriptionpersons depicted in an image, such as a painting. Can be used to check completeness of values in "depicts" (P180)
Data typeQuantity
Domainitems for works such as paintings, photographs
Example 1Mona Lisa (Q12418) → 1
Example 2The Balcony (Q775407) → 4
Example 3The Last Supper (Q128910) → 13
Example 4The Bull (Q2917717) → 1
Example 5Portrait of a Woman with a Squirrel (Q17335769) → 1
Example 6The Last Supper (Q128910) → 8 based on heuristic (P887) TensorFlow (Q21447895) (fictitious sample)
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Robot and gadget jobs
  • Could be used for complex constraint on P180 (sample query)
  • Could be added by bot for manual review
See alsodepicts (P180), relative position within image (P2677) (most samples above are also property samples for these)


Based on Wikidata users' constructive input, above an improved proposal. It uses quantity datatype instead of item datatype. Apparently this is preferred. Attempts to count values of P180 directly in a reliable way weren't successful or couldn't be provided by SPARQL specialists and discussion participants. Obviously, neither was it possible to use that to check completeness of P180 itself. A sample query as a proof for the opposite would still be welcome. Values of P180 are probably more complicated to interpret than initially thought.
--- Jura 10:02, 27 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]


  Not done No consensus.--Micru (talk) 23:05, 8 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]