Hello all!
This is my first time on any Wikimedia mailing list, so please forgive me if
I'm actually posting on the wrong list or something.
I'm a programmer, and recently I've been using a nice little service, which
is run by a few independent programmers. The trouble is that it's a kind of
service which potential users would like to know that it will be maintained
well for a few years in the future, and these independent programmers can't
guarantee something like that. Then I thought, this project has a spirit
similar to Wikimedia's projects, so maybe Wikimedia would want to adopt it
or sponsor it? I think it will require little maintenance effort.
Do note that this project is not a wiki exactly.
I have not yet said what this project it, cause I'm not even sure I'm on the
right mailing list. Is this a good place to discuss this matter?
(Also, please 'cc' me in any replies, because I don't get mail delivered
from this list.)
Best Wishes,
Ram Rachum.