This is a weekly recording of the sermons preached in the main service at Akigawa Baptist Church in Tokyo, Japan. The sermons are in Japanese. We hope they are an encouragement to you in your Christian walk! 秋川バプテスト教会の日曜礼拝のメッセージのポッドキャストです。皆様のクリスチャンとしての歩みに励ましになるようにお祈りします!どうぞお聞きください。
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Sunrise LA Sunday Sermons. Sermons that can transform your life. 帶俾你卓越人生既講道。
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In today's passage, we find the story of a man named "Son of Abba" This man is doomed to a horrible fate that is inescapable. And yet one day, he finds himself standing next to the only person who is capable of rescuing him... by taking his place.
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否定から恵へ:ペテロの物語 (From Denial to Grace: The Story of Peter)
33:27私たちはペテロをよく知り、なじみ深く思います。そして、今朝の箇所で彼が何をしようとしているのかも知っています。彼がそれをしなかったらいいのになと、思いますよね。しかし、この物語の終わりには、ペテロがイエスから恵みを受けたというこの素晴らしい考えに私たちは慰められます。私たちと同じように。 We know Peter. We love Peter. And we also all know what he's going to do in our passage this morning. We wish he hadn't done it. But at the end of this story, we're comforted with this amazing thought, tha…
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In today's passage, Jesus is accused by the Jewish leaders, and then questioned by the governor of Jerusalem as to whether he is a king who has come to attack the Roman Empire. Jesus has come to overthrow a certain kingdom, but that kingdom was not Rome. So what kingdom is it, and how will Jesus overthrow it?…
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ヨハネの物語の舞台はゲッセマネの園から二人の大祭司の家に移ります。アンナスとカヤパはイエスを処刑にするために有罪にする理由を見つけようとします。しかし、どんなに頑張っても、この二人の大祭司の計画は失敗に終わります。しかし、この場面にはもう一人の大祭司がいます: 偉大な大祭司であるイエスです。イエスを人類のためにご自分をいけにえとして捧げようとする計画は誰も止めることはできません。
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The scene in today's passage is the Garden of Gethsemane. In this garden, we can see the power and authority of Jesus even in the face of betrayal. At the same time, we can also see Jesus submitting himself to the will of the Father in order to fulfill the mission of redemption. Through this, we are reminded that we can trust God’s plan even when i…
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Before we walk away from the upper room and begin to look at the cross in John 18, it would be good for us to take some time to reflect on Jesus' final teachings to His disciples. If we could take four things from all the things we've learned from Jesus in the upper room, what would they be?
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Just before Jesus begins His journey to the cross, He takes time to pray to His Father. He finishes His prayer by asking His Father to pray for those who believe in the message of the disciples. He prays specifically for us! The question is, what does Jesus pray for?
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今日の聖書箇所で、イエスは弟子たちのために二つのことを祈りました。それは守られることと聖別されることです。 では、それは私たちにどのような意味があるのでしょうか?
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Today we get to see more of our salvation from Jesus' perspective. We get to see how God the Father brings us to His Son to reveal the truth of who He is, and how we simply respond by receiving and trusting in the truths Jesus reveals.
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Before Jesus heads to Gethsemane to be betrayed and crucified, Jesus stops and prays to ask His Father for help. Not only for His steps to the cross but also for His disciples in His absence, and also for those who follow. Today we look at the first part of Jesus' prayer.
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In Jesus' conversation with the disciples, He reminds them that they will see Him again after the cross. And that seeing Him will bring them great joy. This Christmas season, it's good for us to remember the joy of seeing Jesus by looking back at those who saw Jesus at His birth.
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In today's passage, Jesus reminds the disciples that they will have to go through a time of sorrow. But He also reminds them that even out of the sorrow, He will give us joy that overwhelms the sorrow itself.
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In John 16, Jesus tells His disciples something unexpected: that His leaving them is for their benefit. How could that be? What could be better than the physical presence of Jesus?
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Did you know Jesus taught on hatred? We know already that we should not hate people. But what do we do if people hate us? Jesus tells us why in today's passage, and also how to respond to it.
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Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit." What does fruit actually look like when I'm connected to Jesus? Today we look at the second part of Jesus' answer to that question.
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Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit." So here's a question. What does fruit actually look like when I'm connected to Jesus?
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In John 15, Jesus uses the image of a grape vine to illustrate the importance of being connected to Him. Here's the question: how do we know if we are truly connected to Jesus?
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God created us so that we could display His glory. But how do we do that? Is it just when we praise Him or tell others about Him? Today, we're going to discover that every part of our lives is interwoven with the purpose of glorifying God.
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Today we will look at the humble love of Jesus Christ on display as he gives an example for Christians to humbly serve one another. A love that is not like the world’s selfish love, but a humble serving love. And what should our response be to Christ’s example? Will we be like Judas and reject the love of Jesus? Or will we follow his example and sh…
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Today as we look in the book of Hosea we will see a beautiful picture of God's faithful love despite our unfaithfulness.
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As we finish John 14, we're going to look at yet another gift that Jesus gives us through His Spirit in us: the gift of peace. What is it about Jesus' peace that makes it different? Why is it such a wonderful gift?
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In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles' testimonies.
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In our passage for today, Jesus helps us to see how important and wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit lives within us. He does that by showing us the special connection to Jesus and to God the Father that the Holy Spirit gives us.
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In our passage for today, Jesus tells us about one of the most wonderful blessings He could have given to us to help us as we follow Him. Not just hope for our future, but another Helper who walks with us each day.
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In our passage, Jesus helps us to see the deep connection between Himself and God the Father. And through that, He helps us to see our deep connection to Him through the work He does through us.
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