mopidy-soundcloud Public
Forked from mopidy/mopidy-soundcloudMopidy extension for playing music from SoundCloud
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 8, 2014 -
tv Public
Project for forwarding streams through a proxy with a web based frontend
pyroutes Public
Forked from pyroutes/pyroutesA really small framework for rapid development of small python web applications
mopidy Public
Forked from mopidy/mopidyMusic server with support for MPD clients and Spotify streaming
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2012 -
nose Public
Forked from nose-devs/nosenose is nicer testing for python
pcd8544 Public
Forked from snigelen/pcd8544pcd8544 (nokia3310 etc lcd) for Arduino and the Maple
C++ UpdatedSep 29, 2011 -
Chrome-Last.fm-Scrobbler Public
Forked from web-scrobbler/web-scrobblerScrobble music videos all around the web!
bounceitbaby Public
A little experiment on creating some simple bounce diagram from log files
bounceroute Public
Recieve logs using pyroutes, make graphs using bounceitbaby, return as image
threading_as_default Public
Threaded view as default in roundcube webmail