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<!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE]><![endif]--> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title>JavaScript & TypeScript documentation for VS 2017 </title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta name="title" content="JavaScript & TypeScript documentation for VS 2017 "> <meta name="generator" content="docfx"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/docfx.vendor.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/docfx.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css"> <meta property="docfx:navrel" content="toc.html"> <meta property="docfx:tocrel" content="toc.html"> </head> <body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#affix" data-offset="120"> <div id="wrapper"> <header> <nav id="autocollapse" class="navbar navbar-inverse ng-scope" role="navigation"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar"> <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html"> <img id="logo" class="svg" src="logo.svg" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar"> <form class="navbar-form navbar-right" role="search" id="search"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search-query" placeholder="Search" autocomplete="off"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </nav> <div class="subnav navbar navbar-default"> <div class="container hide-when-search" id="breadcrumb"> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li></li> </ul> </div> </div> </header> <div role="main" class="container body-content hide-when-search"> <div class="article row grid"> <div class="col-md-10"> <article class="content wrap" id="_content" data-uid=""> <h1 id="javascript--typescript-documentation-for-vs-2017">JavaScript & TypeScript documentation for VS 2017</h1> <p>This repository contains documentation for using the JavaScript and TypeScript languages in VS 2017.</p> <p>The content is authored using FxDoc, which can be found at <a href=""></a>. See an overview at <a href=""></a>.</p> <h2 id="getting-started">Getting started</h2> <p>Use the below steps to get started quickly:</p> <ol> <li>Download the latest DocFx release from <a href=""></a></li> <li>Unzip the release, and place the directory containing the <code>docfx.exe</code> binary on your PATH</li> <li>Edit the YAML and Markdown files in the repository</li> <li>When done, from the root dir run <code>docfx .\docfx.json --serve</code>. This will build the site and start a simple web server</li> <li>Open <a href=""></a> in your browser to view</li> <li>Once happy with your changes, open a pull request to merge them into <code>master</code> (including the built output under <code>./docs</code>)</li> <li>Once merged, the site content in the <code>./docs</code> folder is served via GitHub pages on <a href=""></a></li> </ol> <h2 id="authoring-guidelines">Authoring guidelines</h2> <ul> <li>Navigation does not render well if items are added to the top-level toc.yml file. All content for the site should be authored under the <code>./articles</code> directory.</li> <li>Outline the entire content structure in the <code>./articles/toc.yml</code> file, following the pattern already in place. Having all navigation in one YAML file as nested items provides for a collapsable navigation tree on the left, rather than navigating to a new section when an item is selected.</li> <li>Place all screen-shots and other images under the <code>./images</code> folder, and reference the file via relative paths (e.g. <code>../../images/foo.png</code>)</li> <li>Using high-res screen clippings can result in rendering overly large images if using basic Markdown for them. This can be solved by using img tags directly in Markdown and specifying the desired width or height (e.g. <code><img src="../../images/sample.png" width="375px"/></code>).</li> </ul> <h2 id="more-info">More info</h2> <p>Below is a list of useful links to reference when authoring content:</p> <ul> <li>General MarkDown guidance: <a href=""></a></li> <li>The DocFx flavor of Markdown: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Markdown guidance for Visual Studio docs: <a href=""></a></li> <li>The tone to use in Visual Studio docs: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Guidance for contributing to Visual Studio docs: <a href=""></a></li> </ul> <h2 id="misc">Misc</h2> <ul> <li>In the docfx.json file, the output has been changed from the default <code>_site</code> directory to <code>docs</code>. This is to allow for simple viewing via GitHub pages. See <a href="">Publishing your GitHub pages site from a docs folder</a> for more info.</li> </ul> </article> </div> <div class="hidden-sm col-md-2" role="complementary"> <div class="sideaffix"> <div class="contribution"> <ul class="nav"> <li> <a href="" class="contribution-link">Improve this Doc</a> </li> </ul> </div> <nav class="bs-docs-sidebar hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm affix" id="affix"> <!-- <p><a class="back-to-top" href="#top">Back to top</a><p> --> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="grad-bottom"></div> <div class="footer"> <div class="container"> <span class="pull-right"> <a href="#top">Back to top</a> </span> <span>Generated by <strong>DocFX</strong></span> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="styles/docfx.vendor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="styles/docfx.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="styles/main.js"></script> </body> </html>