The Solr search provider lets you run Reddit's search on your own Solr server.
To set up your own solr instance:
sudo apt-get -y install solr-tomcat
sudo ln -s /path/to/reddit/solr/schema.xml /usr/share/solr/conf
sudo service tomcat6 start
You should now be able to connect to Solr at
To configure reddit to use Solr for search, set the search provider to solr in your .ini file:
search_provider = solr
Then add the following config lines:
# version of solr service--versions 1.x and 4.x have been tested.
# only the major version number matters here
solr_version = 1
# solr search service hostname or IP
solr_search_host =
# hostname or IP for link upload
solr_doc_host =
# hostname or IP for subreddit search
solr_subreddit_search_host =
# hostname or IP subreddit upload
solr_subreddit_doc_host =
# solr port (assumed same on all hosts)
solr_port = 8080
# solr4 core name (not used with Solr 1.x)
solr_core = collection1
# default batch size
# limit is hard-coded to 1000
# set to 1 for testing
solr_min_batch = 500
# optionally, you may select your solr query parser here
# see documentation for your version of Solr
solr_query_parser =
If you build Solr from source, the default port will be 8983.