This repository contains a collection of Jupyter Notebooks that outline how to run various cuGraph analytics. The notebooks do not address a complete data science problem. The notebooks are simply examples of how to run the graph analytics. Manipulation of the data before or after the graph analytic is not covered here. Extended, more problem focused, notebooks are being created and available
Folder | Notebook | Description |
Centrality | ||
Centrality | Compute and compare multiple (currently 5) centrality scores | |
Katz | Compute the Katz centrality for every vertex | |
Betweenness | Compute both Edge and Vertex Betweenness centrality | |
Degree | Compute Degree Centraility for each vertex | |
Eigenvector | Compute Eigenvector for every vertex | |
Community | ||
Louvain and Leiden | Identify clusters in a graph using both the Louvain and Leiden algorithms | |
ECG | Identify clusters in a graph using the Ensemble Clustering for Graph | |
K-Truss | Extracts the K-Truss cluster | |
Spectral-Clustering | Identify clusters in a graph using Spectral Clustering with both - Balanced Cut - Modularity Modularity |
Subgraph Extraction | Compute a subgraph of the existing graph including only the specified vertices | |
Triangle Counting | Count the number of Triangle in a graph | |
Components | ||
Connected Components | Find weakly and strongly connected components in a graph | |
Core | ||
K-Core | Extracts the K-core cluster | |
Core Number | Computer the Core number for each vertex in a graph | |
Layout | ||
Force-Atlas2 | A large graph visualization achieved with cuGraph. | |
Link Analysis | ||
Pagerank | Compute the PageRank of every vertex in a graph | |
HITS | Compute the HITS' Hub and Authority scores for every vertex in a graph | |
Link Prediction | ||
Jaccard Similarity | Compute vertex similarity score using both: - Jaccard Similarity - Weighted Jaccard |
Overlap Similarity | Compute vertex similarity score using the Overlap Coefficient | |
Sampling | ||
Random Walk | Compute Random Walk for a various number of seeds and path lengths | |
Traversal | ||
BFS | Compute the Breadth First Search path from a starting vertex to every other vertex in a graph | |
SSSP | Single Source Shortest Path - compute the shortest path from a starting vertex to every other vertex | |
Structure | ||
Renumbering Renumbering 2 |
Renumber the vertex IDs in a graph (two sample notebooks) | |
Symmetrize | Symmetrize the edges in a graph |
Visit the main RAPIDS notebooks repo for a listing of all notebooks across all RAPIDS libraries.
Running the example in these notebooks requires:
The latest version of RAPIDS with cuGraph.
- Download via Docker, Conda (See Getting Started)
cuGraph is dependent on the latest version of cuDF. Please install all components of RAPIDS
Python 3.8+
A system with an NVIDIA GPU: Pascal architecture or better
CUDA 11.4+
NVIDIA driver 450.51+
The easiest way to run the notebooks is to get the latest rapidsai/notebooks docker image with matching cuda version and run a container based on the image.
For example, get the latest (as of writing the document) nightly image (a
after the version number indicates that an image is nightly) with cuda 12.0 using
docker pull rapidsai/notebooks:24.04a-cuda12.0-py3.9
And, then run a container based on the image using
docker run --rm -it --pull always --gpus all --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -p 8888:8888 rapidsai/notebooks:24.04a-cuda12.0-py3.9
You are all set. Run and edit cugraph notebooks from a browser at url
If you want to run the container in a remote machine which has access to GPUs, you can use ssh
tunneling to run/edit the notebooks locally as explained above.
Login to your remote machine with ssh tunneling/port forwarding
and then run the container in your remote machine.
docker pull rapidsai/notebooks:24.04a-cuda12.0-py3.9
docker run --rm -it --pull always --gpus all --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -p 8888:8888 rapidsai/notebooks:24.04a-cuda12.0-py3.9
You can run and edit cugraph notebooks at url as if they are running locally.
The following notebooks are not tested as part of the standard cuGraph continuous integration process. There is a plan to start testing these notebooks weekly, but until then there is no guarantee that they will work with the nightly release. The following table list the notebook funtion, where to find the notebook, and the environment used to test the notebook.
If any notebook doesn't run as detailed here, please file an issue in cuGraph
Notebook | Location | Environment | Extra Dependencies | Notes |
Batch Betweenness | N/A | removed due to missing batch algorithm 23.06 | ||
Multiple GPU Louvain | demo | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3558/23.06 |
Multiple GPU Pagerank | demo | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3558/23.06 |
Multiple GPU Property Graph | demo | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3558/23.06 |
Managed Memory Pagerank | demo | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR/23.06 |
Cost Matrix simulating All Points Shortest Path | applications | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3551/23.06 |
Generating Transaction data using RMAT | applications | cugraph conda | None | tested and documented PR #3551/23.06 |
Multiple GPU tutorial with Pagerank | contrib/community/cugraph | cugraph conda | None | fixed notebook-contrib PR #374/23.06 |
Breadth First Search benchmark | cugraph_benchmark | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3561/23.06 |
Louvain benchmark | cugraph_benchmark | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3561/23.06 |
Pagerank benchmark | cugraph_benchmark | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3561/23.06 |
Single Source Shortest Path benchmark | cugraph_benchmark | cugraph conda | None | fixed in PR #3561/23.06 |
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.