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📦 Packages Discussions
Conversations related to GitHub Packages. GitHub Packages is a platform for hosting and managing packages, including containers and other dependencies. GitHub Packages combines your source code and packages in one place to provide integrated permissions management and billing, so you can centralize your software development on GitHub.
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📦 Packages FAQ
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Packing up March [April Check-in]
📣 ANNOUNCEMENTAnnouncements from the GitHub Community team Community Check-InUpdates & News from GitHub Community Managers
You must be logged in to vote 📦 avatarify/miniconda setup
ProfileShowcase your work on GitHub with a personalized profile, bio, contributions and pinned repositories GeneralGeneral topics and discussions that don't fit into other categories, but are related to GitHub -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Restore NuGet package created in another repo
ActionsBuild, test, and automate your deployment pipeline with world-class CI/CD PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Please help me me<Your question or feedback about the GitHub Code Search and Code View products>zaroon
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Show & Tell -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 React audio recorder bug-there seems to be an issue with your mic.
BugGitHub or a GitHub feature is not working as intended PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Alphabetical sort of packages (for an organization)
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 registry certificate broken
BugGitHub or a GitHub feature is not working as intended PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Maven release:prepare fails to find dependency despite dependency having been successfully retrieved during maven clean install
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository QuestionAsk and answer questions about GitHub features and usage -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Generic packages support??
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Allow selecting which container image tag is displayed on a package page
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Packages disappeared!
BugGitHub or a GitHub feature is not working as intended PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Linking to respective github repository from dependency graph
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Maven classifiers with dashes gets split in classifer & extension.
BugGitHub or a GitHub feature is not working as intended PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Error: "The specified source 'github' is invalid. Provide a valid source." when publishing nuget package to github
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository QuestionAsk and answer questions about GitHub features and usage -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 Unable to publish JAR ot Github Package Registry due to 404
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 How do you actually enable github packages?
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 GITHUB_TOKEN for Github NPM registry doesn't work inside Docker Build
ActionsBuild, test, and automate your deployment pipeline with world-class CI/CD PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements -
You must be logged in to vote 📦 ghcr package list and order
PackagesHost your dependencies, libraries, and production-ready code, right from your repository Product FeedbackShare your thoughts and suggestions on GitHub features and improvements