disel-espol / KV-replay
Forked from brianfrankcooper/YCSBForked version of Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark with support for replay of workload traces
snalli / echo
Forked from swapnilh/echoScalable NVM key-value store from University of Washington
shaygalon / memcache-perf
Forked from leverich/mutilateLoad generator for memcached (multi threaded, multi machine)
hymanyx / libco
Forked from tencent-wechat/libcoCoroutine library for C/C++
zhengshuxin / acl
Forked from acl-dev/aclServer framework and network components written by C/C++ for Linux/Mac/FreeBSD/Solaris(x86)/Windows/Android/IOS
tumblr / memkeys
Forked from bmatheny/memkeysa top like tool for inspecting memcache key values in realtime
astrotycoon / libcstl
Forked from activesys/libcstllibcstl是使用标准C编写的一个通用的数据结构和常用的算法库,它模仿SGI STL的接口和实现。
pandax381 / NAT64
Forked from NICMx/JoolA NAT64 implementation for Linux, using the Netfilter API
lancetw / ebook-1
Forked from jyfc/ebookA collection of classic computer science books from Internet
Neirth / FreeNOS
Forked from nieklinnenbank/FreeNOSFree Niek's Operating System (FreeNOS)