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The Lua gRPC binding.


gRPC-Lua depends on

See doc/conan-graph.html

All these libraries can be installed by conan C/C++ package manager.


Quick Build

  1. Install conan.
  2. Add conan repositories
    • conan remote add remote_bintray_conan-community
    • conan remote add remote_bintray_bincrafters
    • conan remote add remote_bintray_inexorgame
    • conan remote add remote_bintray_conan
    • conan remote add remote_bintray_jinq0123
  3. conan create . user/channel --build missing
    • The result grpc_lua.dll/ is in ~/.conan/data/grpc-lua/0.1/user/channel/package/...

VS solution

See premake/ to use premake5 to generate VS solution.


Tutorial shows some codes in the route_guide example.

Define the service

See examples/route_guide/route_guide.proto.

// Interface exported by the server.
service RouteGuide {
  // A simple RPC.
  rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {}

  // A server-to-client streaming RPC.
  rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {}

  // A client-to-server streaming RPC.
  rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {}

  // A Bidirectional streaming RPC.
  rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {}

Import proto file

For both client and server codes:

local grpc = require("grpc_lua.grpc_lua")

No need to generate codes.


See examples/route_guide/route_guide_client.lua.

Create a stub

    local c_channel ="localhost:50051")
    local stub = grcp.service_stub(c_channel, "routeguide.RouteGuide")

Call service method

  • Sync call

    • Simple RPC: sync_get_feature()

       local feature = stub.sync_request("GetFeature", point(409146138, -746188906))
    • Server-side streaming RPC: sync_list_features()

       local sync_reader = stub:sync_request_read("ListFeatures", rect)
       while true do
       	local feature = sync_reader.read_one()
       	if not feature then break end
       	print("Found feature: "..inspect(feature))
       end  -- while
    • Client-side streaming RPC: sync_record_route()

       local sync_writer = stub.sync_request_write("RecordRoute")
       for i = 1, 10 do
       	local feature = db.get_rand_feature()
       	local loc = assert(feature.location)
       	if not sync_writer.write(loc) then
       	end  -- if
       end  -- for
       -- Recv status and reponse.
       local summary, error_str, status_code = sync_writer.close()
       if summary then
    • Bidirectional streaming RPC: sync_route_chat()

       local sync_rdwr = stub.sync_request_rdwr("RouteChat")
       for _, note in ipairs(notes) do
       -- read remaining
       while true do
       	local server_note = sync_rdwr.read_one()
       	if not server_note then break end
       	print("Got message: "..inspect(server_note))
       end  -- while
  • Async call

    • Simple RPC: get_feature_async()

       stub.async_request("GetFeature", point(409146138, -746188906),
       		print("Get feature: "..inspect(resp))
       		stub.shutdown()  -- to return
       	end)  -- run async requests until stub.shutdown()
      • Ignore response

         stub.async_request("GetFeature", point())  -- ignore response
      • Set error callback

        stub.set_error_cb(function(error_str, status_code) ... end) before async_request()

    • Run the stub

      • Async calls need run()  -- run async requests until stub.shutdown()
      • stub.shutdown() ends
    • Server-side streaming RPC: list_features_async()

       stub.async_request_read("ListFeatures", rect,
       		assert("table" == type(f))
       		print(string.format("Got feature %s at %f,%f",,
       			f.location.latitude/kCoordFactor, f.location.longitude/kCoordFactor))
       	function(error_str, status_code)
       		assert("number" == type(status_code))
       		stub.shutdown()  -- To break Run().
       	end)  -- until stub.shutdown()
    • Client-side streaming RPC: record_route_async()

       local async_writer = stub.async_request_write("RecordRoute")
       for i = 1, 10 do
       	local f = db.get_rand_feature()
       	local loc = f.location
       	if not async_writer:write(loc) do break end  -- Broken stream.
       end  -- for
       -- Recv reponse and status.
       	function(resp, error_str, status_code)
       		if resp then
       		end  -- if
       		stub.shutdown()  -- to break run()
       	end)  -- until stutdown()
    • Bidirectional streaming RPC: route_chat_async()

       local rdwr = stub.async_request_rdwr("RouteChat",
       	function(error_str, status_code)
       		stub.shutdown()  -- to break run()
       for _, note in ipairs(notes) do
       rdwr.close_writing()  -- Optional.
       	assert("table" == type(server_note))
       	print("Got message: "..inspect(server_note))
      -- until shutdown()


See examples/route_guide/route_guide_server.lua.

Start server

    local svr = grpc.server()
    -- Service implementation is a table.
    local service = require("route_guide_service")
    svr:register_service("routeguide.RouteGuide", service)

Implement service

Service is a table with the service functions defined in the proto file. The function name must be the same as in the proto file. The function parameters are different for different RPC method types.

  1. Simple RPC: GetFeature()

    --- Simple RPC method.
    -- @tab request
    -- @tparam Replier replier
    function M.GetFeature(request, replier)
    	assert("table" == type(request))
    	assert("table" == type(replier))
    	local name = get_feature_name(request)
    	local response = { name = name, location = request }
    end  -- GetFeature()

    replier can be copied and reply() later.

  2. Server-side streaming RPC: ListFeatures()

    --- Server-to-client streaming method.
    -- @table rectangle
    -- @tparam Writer writer
    function M.ListFeatures(rectangle, writer)
    	assert("table" == type(rectangle))
    	assert("table" == type(writer))
    	for _, f in ipairs(db.features) do
    		local l = f.location
    		if l... then
    			if not writer.write(f) then
    				print("Failed to write.")
    			end  -- if not writer.write()
    		end  -- if l
    	end  -- for _, f
    end  -- ListFeatures()
  3. Client-side streaming RPC: RecordRoute()

    • Should return a reader table:

       --- Client-to-server streaming method.
       -- @tab replier `Replier` object
       -- @treturn table server reader object
       function M.RecordRoute(replier)
       	assert("table" == type(replier))
       	return require("server_reader.RecordRouteReader"):new(replier, db)
       end  -- RecordRoute()
    • the reader table should optionally have these methods

      • function Reader:on_msg(msg)
      • function Reader:on_error(error_str, status_code)
      • function Reader:on_end()
  4. Bidirectional streaming RPC: RouteChat()

    • Should return a reader table.

       --- Bi-directional streaming method.
       -- @table writer `Writer` object
       -- @treturn table server reader object
       function M.RouteChat(writer)
       	assert("table" == type(writer))
       	return require("server_reader.RouteChatReader"):new(writer, db)
       end  -- RouteChat()
    • The reader table should optionally have methods as client-side streaming reader.

Example codes

How to run examples

  1. Install dependencies into ~/.conan/data using conan install

    1. Rename examples/conan_install.bat.example to conan_install.bat
    2. Run it.
  2. Copy required exe and dll.

    1. Rename examples/copy_from_conan.bat.example to copy_from_conan.bat
    2. Change variables in copy_from_conan.bat
      • conandata, conan data dir, default ~/.conan/data
      • package names, conan package names for dependencies
        • lua_cpp_package
        • luapbintf_package
        • grpc_lua_package
    3. Run it, which will copy exe and dlls from ~/.conan/data
      • lua-cpp.exe
      • lua-cpp.dll
      • luapbintf.dll
      • grpc_lua.dll
  3. Start lua script

    • helloworld
      • lua-cpp.exe greeter_server.lua
      • lua-cpp.exe greeter_client.lua
    • route_guide
      • lua-cpp.exe route_guide_server.lua
      • lua-cpp.exe route_guide_client.lua

API doc

See doc/ldoc/html/index.html

TODO: Integrate into Unity

Note: If you are using grpc only as client, grpc-tolua is another option.

I think it is easy to integrate grpc-lua into Unity, but I have no time to do this. Work is:

  • Use C version of Lua
  • Support Lua5.1 and LuaJIT
  • Build for iOS and Android

Unity uses Lua library compiled as C. If use lua.exe and lua.lib compiled as C, C++ objects on stack must be destructed correctly on error. See LuaIntf error handling.

Building with Lua51 or LuaJIT library should succeed. LuaPbIntf, which is used to encode and decode protobuf messages, need to be recompiled with Lua51 or LuaJIT.