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Default controls.ini currently makes touchpad 'analog stick' if there is no controller available #11139

i30817 opened this issue Jun 5, 2018 · 12 comments
Input/Controller Input and controller issues


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i30817 commented Jun 5, 2018

What happens?

Pretty much what's on the title. This is a 'problem' for people without controllers because they use the mouse to navigate the menus. Only, natch, some 'directions' of the touchpad serve to exit menus (didn't bother to check which). Which means every time they move the mouse to click on the buttons there is a chance to exit the submenu.

What should happen?

Dunno, maybe filter touchpad from 'analog' device candidates or don't apply them in the menu as mouse pointer controller and analog stick at the same time.

What hardware, operating system, and PPSSPP version? On desktop, GPU matters for graphical issues.

linux x86-64 Wayland ubuntu bionic.

@i30817 i30817 changed the title Default controls.ini currently makes touchpad 'analog stick' Default controls.ini currently makes touchpad 'analog stick' if there is no controller available Jun 5, 2018
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i30817 commented Sep 28, 2018

Bump. This is still happening, dragging the touchpad anywhere into the left side of a submenu is enough to get the submenu closed in ppsspp.

the console says this interesting thing:

loading control pad mappings from gamecontrollerdb.txt: SUCCESS!
Control pad device 0 not supported by SDL game controller database, attempting to create default mapping...
Added default mapping ok
found control pad: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad, loading mapping: SUCCESS, mapping is:
110000000200000007000000b1010000,SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad,x:b3,a:b0,b:b1,y:b2,back:b8,guide:b10,start:b9,dpleft:b15,dpdown:b14,dpright:b16,dpup:b13,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b7,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4
pad 1 has been assigned to control pad: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad

I removed the 'auto assigned' mappings the the touchpad and things started working correctly, but the point such as it is, is that a touchpad should probably not be confused with a controller on first startup.

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i30817 commented Sep 29, 2018

Also something that's quite bad usability happens too:

F1 is the key to open the 'help' (this actually opens the browser and sends you to the site even if the browser is closed). Since this is right next to 'esc' which is used to open the menu and there appears to be no way to unmap this (unnecessary) shortcut, this is quite annoying.

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Hm, I guess that's Qt specific? Windows doesn't do that on F1.

I guess we should remove the touchpad from the gamecontrollerdb?


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i30817 commented Sep 29, 2018

Yeah I doubt it happened before QT. I'm a bit clumsy and it never did before it became default.

edit: if you click on the help menu while windowed in linux you'll see two 'default' shortcuts, one for the official site (F1) and another for 'about ppsspp' (shift+F1).

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i30817 commented Oct 29, 2018

Oh, btw i've seen this happening in other applications too. I don't know if it's a sdl, qt, wx or gnome problem (i'm pretty confused about what fs-uae-launcher uses) but in that application it's pretty explicit - if you have any game config selected the default config for 'amiga joystick' if you don't have a controller yourself is 'Default (SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad)'.

Which sounds super wrong, and sure enough causes problems.

@unknownbrackets unknownbrackets added the Input/Controller Input and controller issues label Dec 2, 2018
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i30817 commented Jul 16, 2019

So, this is still happening. It manifests on a newly downloaded buildbot build ( v1.7.5-403-g128c0ad ). Which is quite old, but its probably the youngest one if i don't want to build, which i don't. The ppa is abandoned.

To reproduce, i just click on 'settings' and move the mouse. Instant exit from 'settings' back into the main.

I probably should wait to see if #12173 (comment) which was just merged changes the issue, but here are the config files anyway:

Up = 1-19,10-19
Down = 1-20,10-20
Left = 1-21,10-21
Right = 1-22,10-22
Circle = 1-52,10-190
Cross = 1-54,10-189
Square = 1-29,10-191
Triangle = 1-47,10-188
Start = 1-62,10-197
Select = 1-66,10-196
L = 1-45,10-194
R = 1-51,10-195
An.Up = 1-37,10-4003
An.Down = 1-39,10-4002
An.Left = 1-38,10-4001
An.Right = 1-40,10-4000
Analog limiter = 1-60
RapidFire = 1-59
Unthrottle = 1-61
SpeedToggle = 1-68
Pause = 1-111
Rewind = 1-67

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HapticFeedback = False
ShowTouchCross = True
ShowTouchCircle = True
ShowTouchSquare = True
ShowTouchTriangle = True
ComboKey0Mapping = 0
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ComboKey4Mapping = 0
ShowTouchPause = False
ShowTouchControls = False
DisableDpadDiagonals = False
GamepadOnlyFocused = False
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TouchButtonOpacity = 65
TouchButtonHideSeconds = 20
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DPadX = -1.000000
DPadY = -1.000000
DPadScale = 1.150000
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StartKeyY = -1.000000
StartKeyScale = 1.150000
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SelectKeyY = -1.000000
SelectKeyScale = 1.150000
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PSPModel = 1
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SCEMISCLevel = 4

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LunaMoo commented Jul 16, 2019

You don't have anything mouse related mapped in your control mapping - 1 = keyboard and 10 = generic gamepad which I assume is your touchpad - so no, the merged PR should not affect you in any way.

If you think touchpad is mapped in a really awful way like direction ends up as circle which causes pressing that direction to leave menus in the UI, you can provide better mapping for said touchpad through gamecontrollerdb.txt(can be edited by for example this tool, it could also be completely removed from that file as [Unknown] proposed above, but that will make it completely unusable for PPSSPP. If it's also detected as mouse it might become usable after some linux user implements mouse control for that OS, but there's not that many contributors from Linux so it might not happen anytime soon.

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i30817 commented Jul 16, 2019

No rush actually, i'm using retroarch version, which doesn't have this problem (not sure if it would exist if the internal UI existed in the libretro version, but it doesn't).

I'm just notifying you so you're aware that this problem still exists and if you spotted something. I'm actually surprised no one else confirmed it. Maybe it's something that only happens in wayland or everyone simply uses gamepads. I find it really weird.

I 'know' it's a mapping from the analog controls, because if i start a game that uses them (in this case the 3rd birthday) i can move the character with the touchpad, which is something i never actually configured ( i use the keyboard for everything ).

Anyway, thanks for linking that tool, it's SDL2 fault then... couldn't this particular situation in PPSSPP be avoided by making sure that the 'controller' is not mapped to the same device as the mouse in the UI and giving priority to the mouse when they conflict? I don't actually mind the analog mapping to the only 'analog' device on the keyboard in games.

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I guess we could search for "TouchPad" in the name of detected mappings and deny them? Sounds like this is actually a mapping not currently in gamecontrollerdb - just being autodetected by SDL2 wrong.

Not sure if there's some flag that comes back that this isn't really a controller.

I don't know that we get a device. See here:

if (!SDL_IsGameController(deviceIndex)) {
cout << "Control pad device " << deviceIndex << " not supported by SDL game controller database, attempting to create default mapping..." << endl;
int cbGUID = 33;
char pszGUID[cbGUID];
SDL_Joystick* joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(deviceIndex);
SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetGUID(joystick), pszGUID, cbGUID);
// create default mapping - this is the PS3 dual shock mapping
std::string mapping = string(pszGUID) + "," + string(SDL_JoystickName(joystick)) + ",x:b3,a:b0,b:b1,y:b2,back:b8,guide:b10,start:b9,dpleft:b15,dpdown:b14,dpright:b16,dpup:b13,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b7,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4";
if (SDL_GameControllerAddMapping(mapping.c_str()) == 1){
cout << "Added default mapping ok" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Failed to add default mapping" << endl;

Please note that SDL_IsGameController returns false for a large number of devices - basically any controller that isn't specifically whitelisted in gamecontrollerdb already.


@hrydgard hrydgard added this to the v1.11.0 milestone Jun 28, 2020
@hrydgard hrydgard modified the milestones: v1.11.0, v1.12.0 Jan 9, 2021
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Is this still happening, should we do something about it?

This is the only instance of this issue I've ever heard about, never even seen it in my email flood.

@hrydgard hrydgard modified the milestones: v1.12.0, Future-Prio Aug 29, 2021
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i30817 commented Aug 29, 2021

I changed portable (the other died) and i'm not using standalone ppsspp anymore, so you can close this if you can't reproduce.

It was really frustrating though. Just imagine trying to navigate the menus and every time you moved the cursor there was a 80% chance of having a submenu closed on the savestate menu.

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hrydgard commented Aug 29, 2021

Yeah I can imagine, but it's gotta be rare. Unlikely to work on this unless it comes up again though, so closing.

@hrydgard hrydgard removed this from the Future-Prio milestone Aug 29, 2021
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