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Appendix A: A Template Project Structure


Around [chapter_04_service_layer], we moved from just having everything in one folder to a more structured tree, and we thought it might be of interest to outline the moving parts.

[chapter_04_service_layer] 中,我们从将所有内容都放在一个文件夹中转向了更结构化的目录树。我们认为概述这些组成部分可能会让你感兴趣。


The code for this appendix is in the appendix_project_structure branch on GitHub:

本附录的代码位于 GitHub 上的 appendix_project_structure 分支 见此处

git clone
cd code
git checkout appendix_project_structure

The basic folder structure looks like this:


Example 1. Project tree
├── Dockerfile  (1)
├── Makefile  (2)
├── docker-compose.yml  (1)
├── license.txt
├── mypy.ini
├── requirements.txt
├── src  (3)
│   ├── allocation
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── adapters
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── domain
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├── entrypoints
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── service_layer
│   │       ├──
│   │       └──
│   └──  (3)
└── tests  (4)
    ├──  (4)
    ├── e2e
    │   └──
    ├── integration
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── pytest.ini  (4)
    └── unit
  1. Our docker-compose.yml and our Dockerfile are the main bits of configuration for the containers that run our app, and they can also run the tests (for CI). A more complex project might have several Dockerfiles, although we’ve found that minimizing the number of images is usually a good idea.[1] 我们的 docker-compose.ymlDockerfile 是运行我们应用程序的容器的主要配置文件,它们也可以用于运行测试(用于持续集成,CI)。 一个更复杂的项目可能会有多个 Dockerfile,但我们发现,尽量减少镜像的数量通常是个好主意。脚注:分离生产与测试的镜像有时是个好主意, 但我们倾向于认为,进一步尝试为不同类型的应用程序代码(例如,Web API 和发布/订阅客户端)分离不同镜像通常会得不偿失; 这种做法在复杂性和较长的重建/CI 时间方面的成本太高。视情况而定(YMMV:Your Mileage May Vary)。

  2. A Makefile provides the entrypoint for all the typical commands a developer (or a CI server) might want to run during their normal workflow: make build, make test, and so on.[2] This is optional. You could just use docker-compose and pytest directly, but if nothing else, it’s nice to have all the "common commands" in a list somewhere, and unlike documentation, a Makefile is code so it has less tendency to become out of date. 一个 Makefile 提供了所有典型命令的入口点,供开发者(或 CI 服务器)在日常工作流程中运行,比如 make buildmake test 等等。 脚注:[一个纯 Python 的替代方案是 Invoke,如果你团队中的每个人都熟悉 Python(或至少比熟悉 Bash 更熟悉 Python),值得一试!] 这是可选的。你其实可以直接使用 docker-composepytest,但至少来说,把所有“常用命令”汇总在一个列表中是非常不错的。 与文档不同,Makefile 是代码,因此不太容易过时。

  3. All the source code for our app, including the domain model, the Flask app, and infrastructure code, lives in a Python package inside src,[3] which we install using pip install -e and the file. This makes imports easy. Currently, the structure within this module is totally flat, but for a more complex project, you’d expect to grow a folder hierarchy that includes domain_model/, infrastructure/, services/, and api/. 我们应用程序的所有源代码,包括领域模型、 Flask 应用程序和基础设施代码,都放在 src 文件夹内的一个 Python 包中。脚注: 关于 src 文件夹的更多信息,请参考 Hynek Schlawack 的文章 "Testing and Packaging"。 我们使用 pip install 文件来安装它,这使得导入变得简单。目前,这个模块内的结构是完全扁平的,但对于更复杂的项目, 你可能需要发展出一个包含 domain_model/infrastructure/services/api/ 的文件夹层次结构。

  4. Tests live in their own folder. Subfolders distinguish different test types and allow you to run them separately. We can keep shared fixtures ( in the main tests folder and nest more specific ones if we wish. This is also the place to keep pytest.ini. 测试代码存放在它们自己的文件夹中。子文件夹用于区分不同类型的测试,并允许单独运行它们。我们可以将共享的测试 夹具(放在主测试文件夹中,如果需要,还可以嵌套更具体的测试夹具。同时,这也是存放 pytest.ini 的地方。

The pytest docs are really good on test layout and importability. pytest 文档 在测试布局和可导入性方面非常出色。

Let’s look at a few of these files and concepts in more detail. 让我们更详细地看一下其中的一些文件和概念。

Env Vars, 12-Factor, and Config, Inside and Outside Containers


The basic problem we’re trying to solve here is that we need different config settings for the following: 我们在这里试图解决的基本问题是,对于以下情况,我们需要不同的配置设置:

  • Running code or tests directly from your own dev machine, perhaps talking to mapped ports from Docker containers 直接从你自己的开发机器运行代码或测试,可能需要与从 Docker 容器映射的端口进行通信。

  • Running on the containers themselves, with "real" ports and hostnames 在容器本身上运行,使用“真实”的端口和主机名。

  • Different container environments (dev, staging, prod, and so on) 不同的容器环境(开发、测试、生产等)。

Configuration through environment variables as suggested by the 12-factor manifesto will solve this problem, but concretely, how do we implement it in our code and our containers?

通过环境变量进行配置(正如 12-factor 宣言 所建议的)可以解决这一问题, 但具体来说,我们如何在代码和容器中实现它呢?

Whenever our application code needs access to some config, it’s going to get it from a file called Here are a couple of examples from our app:

每当我们的应用程序代码需要访问某些配置时,它将从一个名为 的文件中获取。以下是我们应用程序中的一些示例:

Example 2. Sample config functions (src/allocation/示例配置函数)
import os

def get_postgres_uri():  #(1)
    host = os.environ.get("DB_HOST", "localhost")  #(2)
    port = 54321 if host == "localhost" else 5432
    password = os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD", "abc123")
    user, db_name = "allocation", "allocation"
    return f"postgresql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db_name}"

def get_api_url():
    host = os.environ.get("API_HOST", "localhost")
    port = 5005 if host == "localhost" else 80
    return f"http://{host}:{port}"
  1. We use functions for getting the current config, rather than constants available at import time, because that allows client code to modify os.environ if it needs to. 我们使用函数来获取当前配置,而不是在导入时直接使用常量,因为这样可以让客户端代码在需要时修改 os.environ

  2. also defines some default settings, designed to work when running the code from the developer’s local machine.[4] 还定义了一些默认设置,这些设置旨在支持从开发者的本地机器运行代码时使用。脚注: 这为我们提供了一个尽可能“开箱即用”的本地开发环境。但你可能更倾向于在缺失环境变量时直接失败,特别是如果任何默认值在生产环境中可能不够安全的话。

An elegant Python package called environ-config is worth looking at if you get tired of hand-rolling your own environment-based config functions.

如果你厌倦了手动编写基于环境的配置函数,可以看看一个优雅的 Python 包:[environ-config]。

Don’t let this config module become a dumping ground that is full of things only vaguely related to config and that is then imported all over the place. Keep things immutable and modify them only via environment variables. If you decide to use a bootstrap script, you can make it the only place (other than tests) that config is imported to. 不要让这个配置模块变成一个四处堆满仅与配置稍有关系的东西的垃圾场,并且被到处导入。请保持配置的不可变性,仅通过环境变量对其进行修改。 如果你决定使用一个 引导脚本,可以让它成为唯一(除了测试之外)导入配置的地方。

Docker-Compose and Containers Config

Docker-Compose 和容器配置

We use a lightweight Docker container orchestration tool called docker-compose. It’s main configuration is via a YAML file (sigh):[5]

我们使用了一种轻量级的 Docker 容器编排工具,称为 docker-compose。它的主要配置是通过一个 YAML 文件完成的(唉):脚注: Harry 对 YAML 有些厌倦了。它无处不在,但他总是记不住它的语法或正确的缩进方式。

Example 3. docker-compose config file (docker-compose.yml)(docker-compose 配置文件)
version: "3"

  app:  #(1)
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - postgres
    environment:  #(3)
      - DB_HOST=postgres  (4)
      - DB_PASSWORD=abc123
      - API_HOST=app
    volumes:  #(6)
      - ./src:/src
      - ./tests:/tests
      - "5005:80"  (7)

    image: postgres:9.6  #(2)
      - POSTGRES_USER=allocation
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=abc123
      - "54321:5432"
  1. In the docker-compose file, we define the different services (containers) that we need for our app. Usually one main image contains all our code, and we can use it to run our API, our tests, or any other service that needs access to the domain model. 在 docker-compose 文件中,我们定义了应用程序所需的不同 服务(容器)。通常,一个主要镜像包含我们所有的代码, 我们可以用它来运行 API、测试或任何其他需要访问领域模型的服务。

  2. You’ll probably have other infrastructure services, including a database. In production you might not use containers for this; you might have a cloud provider instead, but docker-compose gives us a way of producing a similar service for dev or CI. 你可能还会有其他基础设施服务,包括数据库。在生产环境中,你可能不会使用容器来运行这些服务,而是可能依赖云供应商, 但 docker-compose 为我们提供了一种方式,可以在开发或持续集成(CI)环境中生成类似的服务。

  3. The environment stanza lets you set the environment variables for your containers, the hostnames and ports as seen from inside the Docker cluster. If you have enough containers that information starts to be duplicated in these sections, you can use environment_file instead. We usually call ours container.env. environment 部分允许你为容器设置环境变量,以及在 Docker 集群内部看到的主机名和端口。如果你的容器数量足够多, 导致这些信息在这些部分中开始被重复使用,那么可以改用 environment_file。我们通常将其命名为 container.env

  4. Inside a cluster, docker-compose sets up networking such that containers are available to each other via hostnames named after their service name. 在集群内部,docker-compose 设置了网络,使得容器可以通过以其服务名称命名的主机名彼此访问。

  5. Pro tip: if you’re mounting volumes to share source folders between your local dev machine and the container, the PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable tells Python to not write .pyc files, and that will save you from having millions of root-owned files sprinkled all over your local filesystem, being all annoying to delete and causing weird Python compiler errors besides. 专业提示:如果你正在挂载卷以在本地开发机器与容器之间共享源文件夹,可以设置 PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 环境变量, 告诉 Python 不要生成 .pyc 文件。这将帮助你避免在本地文件系统中散布大量由 root 拥有的文件,这些文件不仅令人烦恼难以删除, 还可能导致奇怪的 Python 编译错误。

  6. Mounting our source and test code as volumes means we don’t need to rebuild our containers every time we make a code change. 将我们的源代码和测试代码挂载为 volumes 意味着每次更改代码时,我们不需要重新构建容器。

  7. The ports section allows us to expose the ports from inside the containers to the outside world[6]—these correspond to the default ports we set in ports 部分允许我们将容器内部的端口暴露给外部世界。脚注: 在 CI 服务器上,你可能无法可靠地暴露任意端口,但这仅是为了本地开发的便利。你可以找到方法使这些端口映射成为可选的 (例如,使用 docker-compose.override.yml)。这些端口与我们在 中设置的默认端口相对应。

Inside Docker, other containers are available through hostnames named after their service name. Outside Docker, they are available on localhost, at the port defined in the ports section. 在 Docker 内部,可以通过以服务名称命名的主机名访问其他容器。在 Docker 外部,可以通过 localhost 访问它们,端口由 ports 部分定义。

Installing Your Source as a Package


All our application code (everything except tests, really) lives inside an src folder:

我们所有的应用程序代码(实际上除了测试以外的所有内容)都放在一个 src 文件夹中:

Example 4. The src folder(src 文件夹)
├── src
│   ├── allocation  #(1)
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   └──  (2)
  1. Subfolders define top-level module names. You can have multiple if you like. 子文件夹定义了顶级模块名称。如果你需要,可以有多个。

  2. And is the file you need to make it pip-installable, shown next. 而 是让其支持通过 pip 安装所需的文件,如下所示。

Example 5. pip-installable modules in three lines (src/用三行代码实现可通过 pip 安装的模块)
from setuptools import setup

    name="allocation", version="0.1", packages=["allocation"],

That’s all you need. packages= specifies the names of subfolders that you want to install as top-level modules. The name entry is just cosmetic, but it’s required. For a package that’s never actually going to hit PyPI, it’ll do fine.[7]

这就是你所需的一切。packages= 指定你希望安装为顶级模块的子文件夹名称。name 条目只是一个装饰性选项,但它是必需的。 对于一个永远不会真正发布到 PyPI 的包来说,这样已经足够了。脚注: 有关更多 技巧,请参阅 Hynek 的这篇文章: 关于打包的文章


Dockerfiles are going to be very project-specific, but here are a few key stages you’ll expect to see:

Dockerfile 将会非常依赖具体项目,但以下是你可能会看到的一些关键阶段:

Example 6. Our Dockerfile (Dockerfile)(我们的 Dockerfile)
FROM python:3.9-slim-buster

# RUN apt install gcc libpq (no longer needed bc we use psycopg2-binary)

COPY requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt

RUN mkdir -p /src
COPY src/ /src/
RUN pip install -e /src
COPY tests/ /tests/

CMD flask run --host= --port=80
  1. Installing system-level dependencies 安装系统级依赖项

  2. Installing our Python dependencies (you may want to split out your dev from prod dependencies; we haven’t here, for simplicity) 安装我们的 Python 依赖项(你可能希望将开发依赖和生产依赖分开;为了简单起见,我们在这里没有这样做)

  3. Copying and installing our source 复制并安装我们的源代码

  4. Optionally configuring a default startup command (you’ll probably override this a lot from the command line) 可选地配置一个默认的启动命令(你可能会经常从命令行覆盖它)。

One thing to note is that we install things in the order of how frequently they are likely to change. This allows us to maximize Docker build cache reuse. I can’t tell you how much pain and frustration underlies this lesson. For this and many more Python Dockerfile improvement tips, check out "Production-Ready Docker Packaging". 需要注意的一点是,我们按照更改频率的顺序安装内容。这样可以最大化 Docker 构建缓存的重用。我无法形容这个教训背后蕴含了多少痛苦和挫折。 有关这一点以及更多关于改进 Python Dockerfile 的技巧,请查看: "生产就绪的 Docker 打包"



Our tests are kept alongside everything else, as shown here:


Example 7. Tests folder tree(测试文件夹结构树)
└── tests
    ├── e2e
    │   └──
    ├── integration
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── pytest.ini
    └── unit

Nothing particularly clever here, just some separation of different test types that you’re likely to want to run separately, and some files for common fixtures, config, and so on.


There’s no src folder or in the test folders because we usually haven’t needed to make tests pip-installable, but if you have difficulties with import paths, you might find it helps.

测试文件夹中没有 src 文件夹或,因为我们通常不需要让测试代码支持通过 pip 安装。 但如果你在导入路径方面遇到困难,这可能会有所帮助。



These are our basic building blocks:


  • Source code in an src folder, pip-installable using 源代码存放在 src 文件夹中,可通过 进行 pip 安装。

  • Some Docker config for spinning up a local cluster that mirrors production as far as possible 一些 Docker 配置,用于启动尽可能接近生产环境的本地集群。

  • Configuration via environment variables, centralized in a Python file called, with defaults allowing things to run outside containers 通过环境变量进行配置,集中在一个名为 的 Python 文件中,并带有默认值,允许在容器 外部 运行代码。

  • A Makefile for useful command-line, um, commands 一个用于便捷命令行操作的 Makefile

We doubt that anyone will end up with exactly the same solutions we did, but we hope you find some inspiration here.

我们怀疑是否会有人最终采用与我们 完全 相同的解决方案,但我们希望你能从中获得一些灵感。

1. Splitting out images for production and testing is sometimes a good idea, but we’ve tended to find that going further and trying to split out different images for different types of application code (e.g., Web API versus pub/sub client) usually ends up being more trouble than it’s worth; the cost in terms of complexity and longer rebuild/CI times is too high. YMMV.
2. A pure-Python alternative to Makefiles is Invoke, worth checking out if everyone on your team knows Python (or at least knows it better than Bash!).
3. "Testing and Packaging" by Hynek Schlawack provides more information on src folders.
4. This gives us a local development setup that "just works" (as much as possible). You may prefer to fail hard on missing environment variables instead, particularly if any of the defaults would be insecure in production.
5. Harry is a bit YAML-weary. It’s everywhere, and yet he can never remember the syntax or how it’s supposed to indent.
6. On a CI server, you may not be able to expose arbitrary ports reliably, but it’s only a convenience for local dev. You can find ways of making these port mappings optional (e.g., with docker-compose.override.yml).
7. For more tips, see this article on packaging by Hynek.