Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
Package your Node.js project into an executable
Backend system based on node.js + Mongodb. 基于 node.js + Mongodb 构建的后台系统
❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux
A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
WebSocket emulation - Javascript client
😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
reverse proxy, online proxy, 反向代理,免翻墙访问Youtube/twitter/Google, 支持github和telegram web登录(请注意不要通过不信任的代理进行登录)。支持DuckDuckGo AI Chat(可免费访问chatGPT3.5和Claude3)
Deprecated. See
Converts XML to JSON using node-expat
Share a cookie-based express-session middleware with
it is an example of implementing websocket(ws) on both server and client side
chenmocoder / node-wxpay
Forked from yangfuhe/node-wxpay微信支付APIv3 for nodejs