Change the Shell to Bash
chsh -s /bin/bash && exec bash
Now install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then 1Password and the GitHub CLI
/opt/homebrew/bin/brew install --cask 1password && /opt/homebrew/bin/brew install gh
Now configure 1Password
open -a 1Password
Login to GitHub
/opt/homebrew/bin/gh auth login
Then clone this repo
/opt/homebrew/bin/gh repo clone brod-ie/dotfiles ~/github/dotfiles
And symlink config files
cd ~ && rm -rf .bash_profile && \
ln -s ~/github/dotfiles/bash/.bash_profile . && \
ln -s ~/github/dotfiles/bash/.hushlogin . && \
ln -s ~/github/dotfiles/bash/.nvmrc . && \
ln -s ~/github/dotfiles/bash/Brewfile . && \
bash -l
Now linked, install making use of bundle
brew uninstall --force ruby && brew uninstall --force node && brew update && brew bundle && mkdir ~/.nvm && nvm install
Sync the ~/Downloads folder to iCloud
sudo rm -rf ~/Downloads && \
sudo ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Downloads ~/Downloads
Set our defaults
duti -s json all && duti -s svg all
Turn on Settings Sync in Visual Studio Code
And finally, configure macOS (list of macOS programmatically configurable options)
dotfiles && ./macos/ && sudo shutdown -r now