- Ensure that JMeter is installed and its available in the PATH
- To Run the Jmeter test case run the following command.
jmeter -n -t ms-sb-272-j8.jmx -l ms-sb-272-j8-2023-06-20-13-27-20.jtl -e -o jmoutput-2023-06-20-13-27-20
Here's a description of the options used:
- -n: This specifies JMeter is to run in non-GUI mode
- -t: The name of the JMX file that contains the Test Plan
- -l: The name of the file to which the test log is written
- -e: Generate an HTML report at end of the test and save it to the specified directory (-o option).
- -o: Path to the directory where the HTML report will be generated.
When you run the command (shell script) "run" you will get the following output