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JMeter v5.5

  • Ensure that JMeter is installed and its available in the PATH
  • To Run the Jmeter test case run the following command.
jmeter -n -t ms-sb-272-j8.jmx -l ms-sb-272-j8-2023-06-20-13-27-20.jtl -e -o jmoutput-2023-06-20-13-27-20

Here's a description of the options used:

  • -n: This specifies JMeter is to run in non-GUI mode
  • -t: The name of the JMX file that contains the Test Plan
  • -l: The name of the file to which the test log is written
  • -e: Generate an HTML report at end of the test and save it to the specified directory (-o option).
  • -o: Path to the directory where the HTML report will be generated.

Execute the Test case

When you run the command (shell script) "run" you will get the following output

JMeter RUN

JMeter Output

JMeter RUN