Daily checkout seeds
Available here . If you are only interested in the devel branch (also known as the HEAD or trunk) you can download a daily checkout of the devel trees from the daily checkout seeds. Once you downloaded the appropiate file, you can unpack it and issue a cvs update, thus saving time on the initial project checkout.
Anonymous CVS Access
install fedora-packager then you can run fedora-cvs -a <module>
to check out code.
How To Get CVS Access
Visit the Fedora Account System and create an account.
Once your membership in the appropriate group is approved, it takes up to an hour (average 30 minutes) for your account to become active on the CVS server.
Before you contribute any packages to Fedora Package Collection make sure you join the Fedora-Extras-Commits Mailing List:
How to Use CVS Access
For fedora packagers the simplest way to use cvs is to install fedora-packager then you can simply run
fedora-cvs <module>
First, make sure you're using ssh:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
The CVSROOT to use depends on which project(s) you are involved in. For Fedora packages it is:
:ext:[email protected]:/cvs/pkgs
while for Fedora documentation it is:
:ext:[email protected]:/cvs/docs
The most important rule to checking in packages is this:
For packages/modules that you don't own, follow the policies detailed in the README.cvs file if it exists. In the absence of any other policy, you should get permission from the module's owner before committing any changes into CVS. You can view the list of package owners through bugzilla
For packages/modules that you own, you may wish to place a README.cvs file in the main directory explaining the commit policies for that module.