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Document C/2025/00615

Minutes of the sitting of 15 January 2024

OJ C, C/2025/615, 30.1.2025, ELI: (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)


European flag

Official Journal
of the European Union


C series


15 January 2024




Resumption of the session 4


Opening of the sitting 4


Commemoration of Jacques Delors 4


Statements by the President 4


Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting 5


Composition of Parliament 5


Composition of Parliament's political bodies 5


Request for the waiver of immunity 6


Composition of committees and delegations 6


Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 71) 6


Proposal for a Union act 7


Order of business 7


Resumption of the sitting 9


Ozone depleting substances ***I – Fluorinated gases regulation ***I (joint debate – Gas emissions) 10


Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) ***I – Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) ***I (joint debate – Markets in financial instruments regulations 10


The need for an EU and international response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and for continued support to the Yemeni peace process (debate) 11


Resumption of the sitting 11


Revision of the European Labour Authority mandate (debate) 12


The role of social award criteria in public procurement in strengthening social rights, good working conditions and inclusive labour markets (debate) 12


One-minute speeches on matters of political importance 13


Agenda of the next sitting 13


Approval of the minutes of the sitting 13


Closure of the sitting 13


Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions 14


Questions for oral answer (submission) 14


Documents received 14




Monday's agenda – Request by the PPE and Verts/ALE groups 22


Monday's agenda – Request by the ECR Group 22


Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left Group 22


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the ID Group 23


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE groups 23


Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left and Renew groups 23


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, The Left groups 23


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the Verts/ALE Group 23




Monday's agenda – Request by the PPE and Verts/ALE groups 24


Monday's agenda – Request by the ECR Group 25


Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left Group 26


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE groups 27


Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left and Renew groups 28


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, The Left groups 29


Wednesday's agenda – Request by the Verts/ALE Group 30

Minutes of the sitting of 15 January 2024



1.   Resumption of the session

The session adjourned on Thursday 14 December 2023 was resumed.

2.   Opening of the sitting

The sitting opened at 17.03.

3.   Commemoration of Jacques Delors

Statement by the President: Commemoration of Jacques Delors (2024/2507(RSP))

Parliament paid tribute to the life and legacy of the former Commission President Jacques Delors, who had died on 27 December 2023.

The President made a statement.

Parliament observed a minute's silence.

The following spoke: Siegfried Mureșan, on behalf of the PPE Group, Iratxe García Pérez, on behalf of the S&D Group, Malik Azmani, on behalf of the Renew Group, Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Nicola Procaccini, on behalf of the ECR Group, Eric Minardi, on behalf of the ID Group, and Leila Chaibi, on behalf of The Left Group.

4.   Statements by the President

The President made a statement in which she informed the House that, on 13 January 2024, in Vilnius, she had received the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, which had been awarded to the European Parliament by the Lithuanian Parliament.

She then referred to the state of affairs in Belarus. She had agreed to join the campaign led by the leader of the opposition, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, to support political prisoners, and called on Members to follow her example.

She reiterated Parliament's unwavering support for the family of Jina Mahsa Amini — the posthumous winner of the 2023 Sakharov Prize — and for the ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ movement, and called for the immediate and unconditional release of the Amini family's lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, who had recently been arrested in Iran shortly after receiving the Sakharov Prize on the Amini family's behalf.

Lastly, the President referred to the attack carried out at Charles University in Prague on 21 December 2023, which had claimed many victims, and offered Parliament's condolences to their families.

The following spoke: Ana Miranda.

5.   Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting

The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

The following spoke: Dolors Montserrat.

6.   Composition of Parliament

Nicola Beer had informed the President that she had been appointed Vice-President of the European Investment Bank.

Stéphane Séjourné had been appointed to the French Government with effect from 12 January 2024.

Parliament noted that, in accordance with Article 7(1) of the Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, the offices concerned were incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament.

In accordance with the second subparagraph of Rule 3(2) and with Rule 4(1), (4) and (6), Parliament declared that the two seats had fallen vacant as of 1 January 2024 and 12 January 2024 and that it was informing the Member States concerned thereof.

The competent Spanish authorities had notified the President of the election of Esther Sanz Selva to the European Parliament to replace Sira Rego with effect from 21 December 2023.

The competent German authorities had notified the President of the election of Michael Kauch to the European Parliament to replace Nicola Beer with effect from 1 January 2024.

The competent Polish authorities had notified the President of the election of Krzysztof Brejza to the European Parliament to replace Radosław Sikorski with effect from 3 January 2024.

Parliament took due note of their election.

Under Rule 3(2), until such time as their credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on any dispute, and provided that they had previously made a written declaration stating that they did not hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Esther Sanz Selva, Michael Kauch and Krzysztof Brejza would take their seats in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.

7.   Composition of Parliament's political bodies

Following the end of Nicola Beer's term of office and the vacancy as of 1 January 2024 of the post of Vice-President of the European Parliament, the President said that Parliament would proceed with the election of a new vice-president to replace Nicola Beer. The election would take place on Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 12.00.

The deadline for submitting nominations was set at 19.00 that day, 15 January 2024.

8.   Request for the waiver of immunity

The competent Hungarian authorities had sent the President a request for Anna Júlia Donáth's immunity to be waived in connection with criminal proceedings in Hungary.

Pursuant to Rule 9(1), the request had been referred to the committee responsible, in this case the JURI Committee.

9.   Composition of committees and delegations

The PPE, Renew, Verts/ALE and The Left groups had notified the President of the following decisions changing the composition of the committees and delegations:

AFET Committee: Krzysztof Brejza

DEVE Committee: François Thiollet

CONT Committee: François Thiollet to replace Viola von Cramon-Taubadel

ITRE Committee: Michael Kauch, Patricia Caro Maya

PETI Committee: Esther Sanz Selva

SEDE Subcommittee: Krzysztof Brejza

SANT Subcommittee: François Thiollet

Delegation for relations with Israel: Michael Kauch

Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America: Esther Sanz Selva

Delegation to the EU-United Kingdom Parliamentary Assembly: Danuta Maria Hübner, Patricia Caro Maya

Delegation to the OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly: François Thiollet to replace David Cormand

Delegation to the Africa-EU Parliamentary Assembly: François Thiollet to replace François Alfonsi

Delegation to the Pacific-EU Parliamentary Assembly: François Alfonsi to replace David Cormand

The decisions took effect as of that day.

10.   Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 71)

The committees responsible had decided to enter into interinstitutional negotiations pursuant to Rule 71 on the basis of the following reports:

ECON Committee: Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 (COM(2023)0240 — C9-0150/2023 — 2023/0138(COD)) — Rapporteurs: Esther de Lange, Margarida Marques (A9-0439/2023)

EMPL Committee: Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities (COM(2023)0512 — C9-0328/2023 — 2023/0311(COD)) — Rapporteur: Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (A9-0003/2024)

In accordance with Rule 71(2), requests for the decisions to be put to the vote could be submitted until midnight the following day, 16 January 2024.

Negotiations could start at any time after the expiry of that deadline if no request for a vote on the decision to enter into negotiations had been made.

11.   Proposal for a Union act

The President informed the House that she had declared admissible the following proposal for a Union Act pursuant to Rule 47(2):

Proposal for a Union act tabled by Jorge Buxadé Villalba, Mazaly Aguilar, Hermann Tertsch, Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, on the need to amend Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (B9-0487/2023)

committee responsible: ENVI Committee

committee for opinion: AGRI, IMCO committees

12.   Order of business

The final draft agenda for the plenary sittings of January 2024 (PE 758.283/PDOJ) had been made available to Members in accordance with Rule 157(3).

The President announced that she had received a request for urgent procedure (Rule 163) from the Council on the following legislative file:

Targets for fixing fishing opportunities ***I [COM(2023)0771 — C9-0442/2023 — 2023/0449(COD)]

The vote on this request would be held on Tuesday 16 January 2024.

If approved, the vote would take place on Thursday 18 January 2024.

Amendments to the final draft agenda proposed in accordance with Rule 158(1)

With the agreement of the political groups:


‘Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for thiacloprid’ would be added directly to voting time.

Parliament approved the proposal.

Other proposals for amendments:


Request from the PPE Group to include, as the third item on the agenda, a statement by the Commission on ‘The need for an EU and international response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea’.

Request from The Left Group to include the same statement on the agenda with the following title: ‘EU and Member States' involvement in the Red Sea coalition, the US-led attack on Yemen and the risk of regional escalation’.

Request from the Verts/ALE Group to include the same statement on the agenda with the following title: ‘The need for an EU and international response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and for continued support to the Yemeni peace process’.

The sitting would therefore be extended until 23.00.

The following spoke: Michael Gahler, on behalf of the PPE Group, who moved the request and agreed to the Verts/ALE Group's request.

Parliament approved the PPE Group's request as amended by the Verts/ALE Group by roll-call vote (322 in favour, 11 against, 7 abstentions).

Request from the ECR Group to include, as the fourth item on the agenda, statements by the Council and the Commission on ‘Ensuring that justice is fully upheld for the crimes of political terrorism that remain unpunished, so that the memory of the victims can finally become a moment of collective remembrance’.

The following spoke: Vincenzo Sofo, on behalf of the ECR Group, who moved the request.

Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (131 in favour, 199 against, 8 abstentions).


Request from the ECR Group to include, as the eighth item on the afternoon's agenda, statements by the Council and the Commission on ‘Recent attacks on Christian villages in Nigeria’.

The following spoke: Bert-Jan Ruissen, on behalf of the ECR Group, who moved the request, and Michael Gahler to propose that the debate be held over until a later part-session. Bert-Jan Ruissen agreed.


Request from The Left Group to include, as the second item on the afternoon's agenda, a statement by the Commission on ‘Norway's recent decision to advance seabed mining in the Arctic’. The sitting would therefore be extended until 23.00. The debate would be wound up with motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Silvia Modig, on behalf of The Left Group, who moved the request, and Hildegard Bentele to propose that the debate be held over until a later part-session.

Silvia Modig proposed that the debate be held during the current part-session and agreed to the motions for resolutions being held over until a later part-session.

Parliament approved the request by the The Left Group as amended by means of a roll-call vote (206 in favour, 125 against, 4 abstentions).

Request from the ID Group to include, as the second item on the afternoon's agenda, a statement by the Commission on ‘Rural unrest and farmers' protests in the aftermath of the Green Deal’.

Request from the Verts/ALE Group to include on the agenda statements by the Council and the Commission on ‘Improving the socio-economic situation of farmers and rural areas, ensuring fair incomes as well as a just transition’.

Request from the PPE Group to include on the agenda those statements, with the title: ‘Improving the socio-economic situation of farmers and rural areas, ensuring fair incomes’.

The following spoke: Jean-Paul Garraud, on behalf of the ID Group, who moved the request.

The President noted that there was no consensus and put the ID Group's request to the vote.

Parliament rejected the request.

The President then announced the following compromise title proposed by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE Groups: ‘Improving the socio-economic situation of farmers and rural areas, ensuring fair incomes, food security as well as a just transition’.

Parliament approved the request by roll-call vote (327 in favour, 1 against, 9 abstentions).

Request from The Left and Renew groups for the debate on the statements by the Council and the Commission on ‘Rule of law and media freedom in Greece’ (item 88 on the final draft agenda) to be wound up with motions for resolutions which would be put to the vote at the next part-session.

The following spoke: Sophia in 't Veld, who moved the request and Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, against.

Parliament approved the request by roll-call vote (200 in favour, 119 against, 8 abstentions).

Request from the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE and The Left groups to include, as the fifth item on the afternoon's agenda, a statement by the Commission on the ‘Situation in Serbia following elections’.

Request from the Verts/ALE Group for the debate to be wound up with motions for resolutions which would be put to the vote at the next part-session.

The following spoke: Andreas Schieder, on behalf of the S&D Group, who moved the request, and Vladimír Bilčik, to propose that the motions for resolution be held over to a later part-session.

Parliament approved the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE and The Left groups' request for a debate by roll-call vote (270 in favour, 37 against, 19 abstentions).

Parliament approved the Verts/ALE Group's request by roll-call vote (185 in favour, 105 against, 36 abstentions).

The order of business was thus established.

(The sitting was suspended for a few moments.)



13.   Resumption of the sitting

The sitting resumed at 17.59.

14.   Ozone depleting substances ***I – Fluorinated gases regulation ***I(joint debate – Gas emissions)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on substances that deplete the ozone layer and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 [COM(2022)0151 — C9-0143/2022 — 2022/0100(COD)] — Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Jessica Polfjärd (A9-0050/2023)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases, amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 [COM(2022)0150 — C9-0142/2022 — 2022/0099(COD)] — Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Bas Eickhout (A9-0048/2023)

An initial debate had taken place on 29 March 2023 (minutes of 29.3.2023, item 12).

An initial vote had been held on 30 March 2023 and the matter had been referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations under Rule 59(4) (minutes of 30.3.2023, item 5.7 and minutes of 30.3.2023, item 5.6).

Peter Liese (deputising for the rapporteur) and Bas Eickhout introduced their reports.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Ivan Štefanec (rapporteur for the opinion of the ITRE Committee), Stelios Kympouropoulos, on behalf of the PPE Group, Günther Sidl, on behalf of the S&D Group, Ondřej Knotek, on behalf of the Renew Group, Pär Holmgren, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Johan Nissinen, on behalf of the ECR Group, Danilo Oscar Lancini, on behalf of the ID Group, Anja Hazekamp, on behalf of The Left Group, Hildegard Bentele, Patrizia Toia, Eugen Jurzyca, Aurélia Beigneux, Nikolaj Villumsen, Maria Spyraki, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Ljudmila Novak, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri and Christian Doleschal.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Clare Daly and Mick Wallace.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit, Peter Liese and Bas Eickhout.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 16.1.2024, item 6.3 and minutes of 16.1.2024, item 6.4.

15.   Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) ***I – Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) ***I(joint debate – Markets in financial instruments regulations

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments [COM(2021)0726 — C9-0438/2021 — 2021/0384(COD)] — Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A9-0039/2023)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as regards enhancing market data transparency, removing obstacles to the emergence of a consolidated tape, optimising the trading obligations and prohibiting receiving payments for forwarding client orders [COM(2021)0727 — C9-0440/2021 — 2021/0385(COD)] — Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A9-0040/2023)

Danuta Maria Hübner introduced the reports.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Christian Doleschal, on behalf of the PPE Group, and Eero Heinäluoma, on behalf of the S&D Group.



The following spoke: Moritz Körner, on behalf of the Renew Group, Karima Delli, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Eugen Jurzyca, on behalf of the ECR Group, José Gusmão, on behalf of The Left Group, Enikő Győri, non-attached Member, Jonás Fernández and Claude Gruffat.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Clare Daly and Mick Wallace.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit and Danuta Maria Hübner.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 16.1.2024, item 6.5 and minutes of 16.1.2024, item 6.6.

16.   The need for an EU and international response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and for continued support to the Yemeni peace process (debate)

Commission statement: The need for an EU and international response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and for continued support to the Yemeni peace process (2024/2519(RSP))

Nicolas Schmit (Member of the Commission) made the statement.

The following spoke: Radan Kanev, on behalf of the PPE Group, Pedro Marques, on behalf of the S&D Group, Hannah Neumann, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Marc Botenga, on behalf of The Left Group.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Mick Wallace, Clare Daly and Özlem Demirel.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit.

The debate closed.

(The sitting was suspended at 19.52.)

17.   Resumption of the sitting

The sitting resumed at 20.02.

18.   Revision of the European Labour Authority mandate (debate)

Commission statement: Revision of the European Labour Authority mandate (2023/2866(RSP))

Nicolas Schmit (Member of the Commission) made the statement.

The following spoke: Dennis Radtke, on behalf of the PPE Group, Agnes Jongerius, on behalf of the S&D Group, Dragoș Pîslaru, on behalf of the Renew Group, Mounir Satouri, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Özlem Demirel, on behalf of The Left Group, Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, non-attached Member, Jeroen Lenaers, Ilan De Basso, Ádám Kósa, Cindy Franssen, Gabriele Bischoff and Lukas Mandl.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Clare Daly and Mick Wallace.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit.

Motions for resolutions tabled under Rule 132(2) to wind up the debate: minutes of 18.1.2024, item I in the list of documents serving as a basis for the debates and decisions of Parliament.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 18.1.2024, item 7.16.

19.   The role of social award criteria in public procurement in strengthening social rights, good working conditions and inclusive labour markets (debate)

Question for oral answer O-000058/2023 by Dragoș Pîslaru, on behalf of the EMPL Committee, to the Commission: The role of social award criteria in public procurement in strengthening social rights, good working conditions and inclusive labour markets (2023/2940(RSP)) (B9-0003/2024)

Dragoș Pîslaru moved the question.

Nicolas Schmit (Member of the Commission) answered the question.

The following spoke: Dennis Radtke, on behalf of the PPE Group, Agnes Jongerius, on behalf of the S&D Group, Kim Van Sparrentak, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Nikolaj Villumsen, on behalf of The Left Group.



The following spoke: Ádám Kósa, non-attached Member, Radan Kanev, Milan Brglez, Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Marc Tarabella, Daniela Rondinelli, Alex Agius Saliba and Estrella Durá Ferrandis.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Mick Wallace and Clare Daly.

The following spoke: Nicolas Schmit.

The debate closed.

20.   One-minute speeches on matters of political importance

In accordance with Rule 172, the following Members who wished to draw Parliament's attention to matters of political importance spoke for one minute:

Dennis Radtke, Christophe Clergeau, Georgios Kyrtsos, Piernicola Pedicini, Bert-Jan Ruissen, Gilles Lebreton, Kateřina Konečná, Martin Sonneborn, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Agnes Jongerius, Michael Kauch, Grace O'Sullivan, Johan Nissinen, Isabella Tovaglieri, Nikolaj Villumsen, Michaela Šojdrová, Delara Burkhardt, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Malte Gallée, Michiel Hoogeveen, Marie Dauchy, Milan Brglez, Vlad-Marius Botoș, Nicolae Ștefănuță, Patricia Chagnon, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis and Victor Negrescu.

21.   Agenda of the next sitting

The next sitting would be held the following day, 16 January 2024, starting at 9.00. The agenda was available on Parliament's website.

22.   Approval of the minutes of the sitting

In accordance with Rule 202(3), the minutes of the sitting would be put to the House for approval at the beginning of the afternoon of the next sitting.

23.   Closure of the sitting

The sitting closed at 22.05.

Alessandro Chiocchetti


Othmar Karas


15 January 2024

1.   Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions

The Commission communications on the action taken on the positions and resolutions adopted by Parliament during the June, July, September and October I 2023 part-sessions were available on Parliament's website.

2.   Questions for oral answer (submission)

The following questions for oral answer with debate had been placed on the agenda (Rule 136):

O-000054/2023 by Anja Hazekamp, Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, Stelios Kouloglou, on behalf of The Left Group, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, Malte Gallée, Martin Buschmann, Sylwia Spurek, Róża Thun und Hohenstein, Pascal Durand, Francisco Guerreiro, David Cormand, to the Commission: Recent EU-Audits identifying that Uruguayan and Argentinian meat from horses with unreliable sworn declarations and unknown drug history is entering the EU (2024/2514(RSP)) (B9-0004/2024)

O-000058/2023 by Dragoș Pîslaru, on behalf of the EMPL Committee, to the Commission: The role of social award criteria in public procurement in strengthening social rights, good working conditions and inclusive labour markets (2023/2940(RSP)) (B9-0003/2024)

3.   Documents received

The following documents had been received:


from other institutions

Proposal for a Council directive on Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) (COM(2023)0532 — C9-0341/2023 — 2023/0321(CNS))

referred to responsible: ECON opinion: BUDG, JURI

Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1232 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC for the purpose of combating online child sexual abuse (COM(2023)0777 — C9-0437/2023 — 2023/0452(COD))

The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 145(1).

referred to responsible: LIBE opinion: IMCO, CULT, FEMM

Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) 2016/1139, (EU) 2018/973 and (EU) 2019/472 as regards the targets for fixing fishing opportunities (COM(2023)0771 — C9-0442/2023 — 2023/0449(COD))

The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 145(1).

referred to responsible: PECH

Council Decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on supplementary rules in relation to the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund, for the period 2021 to 2027 (12122/2023 — C9-0461/2023 — 2023/0229(NLE))

referred to responsible: LIBE opinion: AFET, BUDG

Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Liechtenstein on supplementary rules in relation to the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund, for the period 2021 to 2027 (13936/2023 — C9-0462/2023 — 2023/0334(NLE))

referred to responsible: LIBE opinion: AFET, BUDG


from committees

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the Stabilisation and Association process (codification) (COM(2022)0503 — C9-0323/2022 — 2022/0304(COD)) — JURI Committee — Rapporteur: Magdalena Adamowicz (A9-0001/2024)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2017/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on mercury as regards dental amalgam and other mercury-added products subject to manufacturing, import and export restrictions (COM(2023)0395 — C9-0309/2023 — 2023/0272(COD)) — ENVI Committee — Rapporteur: Marlene Mortler (A9-0002/2024)

***I Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision (EU) 2017/1324 as regards the continuation of the Union's participation in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) under Horizon Europe (COM(2023)0359 — C9-0213/2023 — 2023/0207(COD)) — ITRE Committee — Rapporteur: Paolo Borchia (A9-0378/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery circulating on public roads and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 (COM(2023)0178 — C9-0120/2023 — 2023/0090(COD)) — IMCO Committee — Rapporteur: Tom Vandenkendelaere (A9-0382/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (COM(2023)0402 — C9-0246/2023 — 2023/0237(COD)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Johan Van Overtveldt (A9-0386/2023)

* Report on the proposal for a Council directive on laying down rules on a debt-equity bias reduction allowance and on limiting the deductibility of interest for corporate income tax purposes (COM(2022)0216 — C9-0197/2022 — 2022/0154(CNS)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Luděk Niedermayer (A9-0387/2023)

Report on cultural diversity and the conditions for authors in the European music streaming market (2023/2054(INI)) — CULT Committee — Rapporteur: Ibán García Del Blanco (A9-0388/2023)

Report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy — annual report 2023 (2023/2117(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: David McAllister (A9-0389/2023)

Report on the implementation of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme 2021-2027 — citizens' engagement and participation (2023/2004(INI)) — CULT Committee — Rapporteur: Łukasz Kohut (A9-0392/2023)

Report with recommendations to the Commission on promotion of the freedom of scientific research in the EU (2023/2184(INL)) — ITRE Committee — Rapporteur: Christian Ehler (A9-0393/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2009/102/EC and (EU) 2017/1132 as regards further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company law (COM(2023)0177 — C9-0121/2023 — 2023/0089(COD)) — JURI Committee — Rapporteur: Emil Radev (A9-0394/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive (EU) 2015/413 facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences (COM(2023)0126 — C9-0034/2023 — 2023/0052(COD)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Kosma Złotowski (A9-0396/2023)

Report on virtual worlds — opportunities, risks and policy implications for the single market (2022/2198(INI)) — IMCO Committee — Rapporteur: Pablo Arias Echeverría (A9-0397/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 575/2013 and (EU) 2017/1131 as regards measures to mitigate excessive exposures to third-country central counterparties and improve the efficiency of Union clearing markets (COM(2022)0697 — C9-0412/2022 — 2022/0403(COD)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A9-0398/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2009/65/EU, 2013/36/EU and (EU) 2019/2034 as regards the treatment of concentration risk towards central counterparties and the counterparty risk on centrally cleared derivative transactions (COM(2022)0698 — C9-0411/2022 — 2022/0404(COD)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A9-0399/2023)

Report on the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) (2023/2001(INI)) — INTA Committee — Rapporteur: Javier Moreno Sánchez (A9-0400/2023)

Report on the security and defence implications of China's influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union (2023/2072(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Klemen Grošelj (A9-0401/2023)

Report on European historical consciousness (2023/2112(INI)) — CULT Committee — Rapporteur: Sabine Verheyen (A9-0402/2023)

Report on implementation of the common security and defence policy — annual report 2023 (2023/2119(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Sven Mikser (A9-0403/2023)

Report on a European Parliament recommendation to the Council, Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the role of preventive diplomacy in tackling frozen conflicts around the world — missed opportunity or change for the future? (2023/2050(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Željana Zovko (A9-0404/2023)

Report on the role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU's foreign and security policy (2023/2105(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Jordi Solé (A9-0405/2023)

Report on the implementation of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation in fisheries and aquaculture — Regulation (EU) No 1379/2013 (2023/2049(INI)) — PECH Committee — Rapporteur: Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (A9-0406/2023)

Report on the EU strategy on Central Asia (2023/2106(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Karsten Lucke (A9-0407/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information (API) for enhancing and facilitating external border controls, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/817 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1726, and repealing Council Directive 2004/82/EC (COM(2022)0729 — C9-0428/2022 — 2022/0424(COD)) — LIBE Committee — Rapporteur: Jan-Christoph Oetjen (A9-0409/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/818 (COM(2022)0731 — C9-0427/2022 — 2022/0425(COD)) — LIBE Committee — Rapporteur: Assita Kanko (A9-0411/2023)

Report on the European Central Bank — annual report 2023 (2023/2064(INI)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Johan Van Overtveldt (A9-0412/2023)

Report on the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 (2023/2002(INI)) — CULT Committee — Rapporteur: Milan Zver (A9-0413/2023)

Report on the annual report on the activities of the European Ombudsman in 2022 (2023/2120(INI)) — PETI Committee — Rapporteur: Peter Jahr (A9-0414/2023)

Report on current and future challenges regarding cross-border cooperation with neighbouring countries (2023/2076(INI)) — REGI Committee — Rapporteur: Daniel Buda (A9-0415/2023)

Report on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods (2023/2081(INI)) — ENVI Committee — Rapporteur: Tilly Metz (A9-0416/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transparency and integrity of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) rating activities (COM(2023)0314 — C9-0203/2023 — 2023/0177(COD)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Aurore Lalucq (A9-0417/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/21/EC on compliance with flag State requirements (COM(2023)0272 — C9-0188/2023 — 2023/0172(COD)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Vera Tax (A9-0418/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control (COM(2023)0271 — C9-0191/2023 — 2023/0165(COD)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Vera Tax (A9-0419/2023)

Report on the implementation of territorial development (CPR, Title III, Chapter II) and its application in the European Territorial Agenda 2030 (2023/2048(INI)) — REGI Committee — Rapporteur: Marcos Ros Sempere (A9-0420/2023)

Report on shaping the EU's position on the UN binding instrument on business and human rights, in particular on access to remedy and the protection of victims (2023/2108(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Heidi Hautala (A9-0421/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/18/EC establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector (COM(2023)0270 — C9-0189/2023 — 2023/0164(COD)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Caroline Nagtegaal (A9-0422/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Maritime Safety Agency and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 (COM(2023)0269 — C9-0190/2023 — 2023/0163(COD)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar (A9-0423/2023)

Report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter — annual report 2023 (2023/2118(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Nacho Sánchez Amor (A9-0424/2023)

Report on the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027 (2023/2003(INI)) — CULT Committee — Rapporteur: Massimiliano Smeriglio (A9-0425/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents (COM(2023)0209 — C9-0136/2023 — 2023/0109(COD)) — ITRE Committee — Rapporteur: Lina Gálvez Muñoz (A9-0426/2023)

Report on competition policy — annual report 2023 (2023/2077(INI)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (A9-0427/2023)

*** Recommendation on the draft Council Decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and its Member States, of the Accession Protocol to the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Indonesia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (12975/2014 — C9-0314/2023 — 2014/0220(NLE)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Andrzej Halicki (A9-0428/2023)

Report on the implementation of the Treaty provisions on national parliaments (2023/2084(INI)) — AFCO Committee — Rapporteur: Paulo Rangel (A9-0429/2023)

Report on the gender aspects of the rising cost of living and the impact of the energy crisis (2023/2115(INI)) — FEMM Committee — Rapporteur: Alice Kuhnke (A9-0430/2023)

Report on Banking Union — annual report 2023 (2023/2078(INI)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteur: Ivars Ijabs (A9-0431/2023)

Report on geothermal energy (2023/2111(INI)) — ITRE Committee — Rapporteur: Zdzisław Krasnodębski (A9-0432/2023)

Report on the impact of illegal fishing on food security — the role of the European Union (2023/2027(INI)) — PECH Committee — Rapporteur: Nuno Melo (A9-0433/2023)

Report on the protection of the European Union's financial interests — combating fraud — annual report 2022 (2023/2045(INI)) — CONT Committee — Rapporteur: Maria Grapini (A9-0434/2023)

Report on a European Parliament recommendation to the Council, Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy concerning EU-India relations (2023/2128(INI)) — AFET Committee — Rapporteur: Alviina Alametsä (A9-0435/2023)

Report on the implementation of Treaty provisions on EU citizenship (2023/2085(INI)) — AFCO Committee — Rapporteur: Maite Pagazaurtundúa (A9-0436/2023)

Report on the EU Action Plan: protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries (2023/2124(INI)) — PECH Committee — Rapporteur: Niclas Herbst (A9-0437/2023)

Report on electric aviation — a solution for short and mid-range flights (2023/2060(INI)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Erik Bergkvist (A9-0438/2023)

***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council the effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 (COM(2023)0240 — C9-0150/2023 — 2023/0138(COD)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteurs: Esther de Lange, Margarida Marques (A9-0439/2023)

* Report on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States (COM(2023)0242 — C9-0171/2023 — 2023/0136(NLE)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteurs: Esther de Lange, Margarida Marques (A9-0440/2023)

Report on EU development cooperation in support of access to energy in developing countries (2023/2073(INI)) — DEVE Committee — Rapporteur: Caroline Roose (A9-0441/2023)

Report on policy implications of the development of virtual worlds — civil, company, commercial and intellectual property law issues (2023/2062(INI)) — JURI Committee — Rapporteurs: Axel Voss, Ibán García Del Blanco (A9-0442/2023)

Report on building a comprehensive European port strategy (2023/2059(INI)) — TRAN Committee — Rapporteur: Tom Berendsen (A9-0443/2023)

* Report on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1467/97 on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure (COM(2023)0241 — C9-0172/2023 — 2023/0137(CNS)) — ECON Committee — Rapporteurs: Esther de Lange, Margarida Marques (A9-0444/2023)

Report on the transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget (2023/2122(INI)) — CONT Committee — Rapporteur: Markus Pieper (A9-0446/2023)

15 January 2024


Adamowicz Magdalena, Ademov Asim, Adinolfi Isabella, Adinolfi Matteo, Agius Saliba Alex, Aguilar Mazaly, Aguilera Clara, Alametsä Alviina, Albuquerque João, Alexandrov Yordanov Alexander, Alfonsi François, Alieva-Veli Atidzhe, Al-Sahlani Abir, Anderson Christine, Andresen Rasmus, Andrews Barry, Androuët Mathilde, Angel Marc, Annemans Gerolf, Ansip Andrus, Ara-Kovács Attila, Arena Maria, Arias Echeverría Pablo, Arvanitis Konstantinos, Asimakopoulou Anna-Michelle, Auken Margrete, Auštrevičius Petras, Avram Carmen, Azmani Malik, Ballarín Cereza Laura, Balt Marek Paweł, Bartolo Pietro, Băsescu Traian, Basso Alessandra, Bay Nicolas, Beck Gunnar, Beghin Tiziana, Beigneux Aurélia, Belka Marek, Bellamy François-Xavier, Benifei Brando, Benjumea Benjumea Isabel, Beňová Monika, Bentele Hildegard, Berendsen Tom, Berger Stefan, Berlato Sergio, Bernhuber Alexander, Biedroń Robert, Bilbao Barandica Izaskun, Bilčík Vladimír, Bilde Dominique, Bischoff Gabriele, Biteau Benoît, Björk Malin, Blaško Hynek, Blinkevičiūtė Vilija, Bocskor Andrea, Boeselager Damian, Bogovič Franc, Borchia Paolo, Borzan Biljana, Botenga Marc, Botoș Vlad-Marius, Bourgeois Geert, Boyer Gilles, Braunsberger-Reinhold Karolin, Brejza Krzysztof, Bresso Mercedes, Brglez Milan, Bricmont Saskia, Bruna Annika, Brunet Sylvie, Buchheit Markus, Buda Daniel, Bullmann Udo, Burkhardt Delara, Bușoi Cristian-Silviu, Buxadé Villalba Jorge, Buzek Jerzy, Campomenosi Marco, Cañas Jordi, Canfin Pascal, Carême Damien, Carvalhais Isabel, Casa David, Caspary Daniel, Castaldo Fabio Massimo, del Castillo Vera Pilar, Cavazzini Anna, Ceccardi Susanna, Cerdas Sara, Chabaud Catherine, Chagnon Patricia, Chahim Mohammed, Chaibi Leila, Charanzová Dita, Chastel Olivier, Chinnici Caterina, Cimoszewicz Włodzimierz, Ciocca Angelo, Cioloș Dacian, Ciuhodaru Tudor, Clergeau Christophe, Clune Deirdre, Coelho Carlos, Colin-Oesterlé Nathalie, Collado Jiménez Ana, Comín i Oliveres Antoni, Conte Rosanna, Cormand David, Corrao Ignazio, Cozzolino Andrea, Crețu Corina, Cseh Katalin, Cuffe Ciarán, Cutajar Josianne, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dalunde Jakop G., Daly Clare, D'Amato Rosa, Danti Nicola, Danzì Maria Angela, Da Re Gianantonio, Dauchy Marie, David Ivan, De Blasis Elisabetta, De Basso Ilan, De Castro Paolo, Decerle Jérémy, Delbos-Corfield Gwendoline, Deli Andor, Delli Karima, De Man Filip, Demirel Özlem, Dlabajová Martina, Doleschal Christian, Donáth Anna Júlia, Donato Francesca, Dorfmann Herbert, Duda Jarosław, Düpont Lena, Durá Ferrandis Estrella, Durand Pascal, Ďuriš Nicholsonová Lucia, Dzhambazki Angel, Ecke Matthias, Ehler Christian, Eickhout Bas, Engerer Cyrus, Ernst Cornelia, Eroglu Engin, Estaràs Ferragut Rosa, Falcă Gheorghe, Farreng Laurence, Ferber Markus, Fernandes José Manuel, Fernández Jonás, Ferrandino Giuseppe, Ferrara Laura, Fest Nicolaus, Fidanza Carlo, Fiocchi Pietro, Fitzgerald Frances, Flanagan Luke Ming, Flego Valter, Fotyga Anna, Fourlas Loucas, Fragkos Emmanouil, Frankowski Tomasz, Franssen Cindy, Franz Romeo, Freund Daniel, Fritzon Heléne, Fuglsang Niels, Furore Mario, Gahler Michael, Gál Kinga, Gallée Malte, Gamon Claudia, Gancia Gianna, García Del Blanco Ibán, García-Margallo y Marfil José Manuel, García Muñoz Isabel, Gardiazabal Rubial Eider, Garraud Jean-Paul, Gazzini Matteo, Geese Alexandra, Gemma Chiara, Georgiou Giorgos, Georgoulis Alexis, Geuking Helmut, Gheorghe Vlad, Ghidoni Paola, Giarrusso Dino, Gieseke Jens, Glavak Sunčana, Glück Andreas, González Mónica Silvana, González Casares Nicolás, Gozi Sandro, Grant Valentino, Grapini Maria, Gregorová Markéta, Griset Catherine, Groothuis Bart, Grošelj Klemen, Grudler Christophe, Gruffat Claude, Gualmini Elisabetta, Guerreiro Francisco, Guetta Bernard, Guillaume Sylvie, Gusmão José, Győri Enikő, Gyürk András, Haga Anja, Hahn Svenja, Haider Roman, Hajšel Robert, Hakkarainen Teuvo, Halicki Andrzej, Häusling Martin, Hautala Heidi, Hava Mircea-Gheorghe, Hayer Valérie, Hazekamp Anja, Heide Hannes, Heinäluoma Eero, Herbst Niclas, Herzberger-Fofana Pierrette, Hidvéghi Balázs, Hlaváček Martin, Hohlmeier Monika, Hojsík Martin, Holmgren Pär, Hölvényi György, Homs Ginel Alicia, Hoogeveen Michiel, Hortefeux Brice, Hübner Danuta Maria, Huitema Jan, Ijabs Ivars, Ilčić Ladislav, Incir Evin, in 't Veld Sophia, Jahr Peter, Jaki Patryk, Jamet France, Jerković Romana, Jongerius Agnes, Joron Virginie, Juknevičienė Rasa, Jurgiel Krzysztof, Jurzyca Eugen, Juvin Hervé, Kaili Eva, Kaljurand Marina, Kalniete Sandra, Kammerevert Petra, Kanev Radan, Karas Othmar, Karleskind Pierre, Karlsbro Karin, Karski Karol, Katainen Elsi, Kauch Michael, Kefalogiannis Manolis, Kelleher Billy, Keller Fabienne, Keller Ska, Kelly Seán, Kemp Martine, Kempa Beata, Kizilyürek Niyazi, Kloc Izabela-Helena, Knotek Ondřej, Kohut Łukasz, Kokalari Arba, Kokkalis Petros, Kolaja Marcel, Kolakušić Mislav, Konečná Kateřina, Konstantinou Athanasios, Kopacz Ewa, Kopcińska Joanna, Körner Moritz, Kósa Ádám, Köster Dietmar, Kouloglou Stelios, Kountoura Elena, Kovařík Ondřej, Kovatchev Andrey, Krasnodębski Zdzisław, Kruk Elżbieta, Kubilius Andrius, Kuhnke Alice, Kuhs Joachim, Kumpula-Natri Miapetra, Kympouropoulos Stelios, Kyrtsos Georgios, Kyuchyuk Ilhan, Lacapelle Jean-Lin, Lagodinsky Sergey, Lalucq Aurore, Lancini Danilo Oscar, Lange Bernd, Langensiepen Katrin, Laureti Camilla, Lebreton Gilles, Leitão-Marques Maria-Manuel, Lenaers Jeroen, Lewandowski Janusz, Lexmann Miriam, Liberadzki Bogusław, Liese Peter, Limmer Sylvia, Lins Norbert, Lizzi Elena, Løkkegaard Morten, López Javi, López Aguilar Juan Fernando, López Gil Leopoldo, López-Istúriz White Antonio, Lucke Karsten, Łukacijewska Elżbieta Katarzyna, Lundgren Peter, Lutgen Benoît, McAllister David, MacManus Chris, Madison Jaak, Maestre Martín De Almagro Cristina, Seibutytė Aušra, Manders Antonius, Mandl Lukas, Mariani Thierry, Markey Colm, Marquardt Erik, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matias Marisa, Matić Predrag Fred, Mato Gabriel, Matthieu Sara, Maurel Emmanuel, Maxová Radka, Mayer Georg, Mazurek Beata, Mažylis Liudas, Mebarek Nora, Meimarakis Vangelis, Melbārde Dace, Melchior Karen, Mesure Marina, Metsola Roberta, Meuthen Jörg, Michels Martina, Mihál Jozef, Mihaylova Iskra, Mikser Sven, Milazzo Giuseppe, Millán Mon Francisco José, Miller Leszek, Minardi Eric, Miranda Ana, Mituța Alin, Modig Silvia, Molnár Csaba, Monteiro de Aguiar Cláudia, Montserrat Dolors, Morano Nadine, Moreno Sánchez Javier, Moretti Alessandra, Mortler Marlene, Motreanu Dan-Ștefan, Możdżanowska Andżelika Anna, Müller Ulrike, Mureșan Siegfried, Mussolini Alessandra, Nagtegaal Caroline, Negrescu Victor, Neumann Hannah, Nica Dan, Niebler Angelika, Niedermayer Luděk, Nienaß Niklas, Niinistö Ville, Nikolaou-Alavanos Lefteris, Nissinen Johan, Novak Ljudmila, Ochojska Janina, Oetjen Jan-Christoph, Ohlsson Carina, Olbrycht Jan, Olekas Juozas, Olivier Philippe, Orville Max, O'Sullivan Grace, Paet Urmas, Pagazaurtundúa Maite, Pahl Witold, Panza Alessandro, Papadakis Demetris, Papadakis Kostas, Papadimoulis Dimitrios, Papandreou Nikos, Pedicini Piernicola, Pekkarinen Mauri, Peksa Mikuláš, Pelletier Anne-Sophie, Peppucci Francesca, Pereira Sandra, Peter-Hansen Kira Marie, Petersen Morten, Picula Tonino, Pieper Markus, Pietikäinen Sirpa, Pignedoli Sabrina, Pimenta Lopes João, Pineda Manu, Pirbakas Maxette, Pirchner Wolfram, Pîslaru Dragoș, Polčák Stanislav, Polfjärd Jessica, Pollák Peter, Ponsatí Obiols Clara, Poptcheva Eva Maria, Poręba Tomasz Piotr, Pospíšil Jiří, Poulsen Erik, Puigdemont i Casamajó Carles, Radačovský Miroslav, Radev Emil, Radtke Dennis, Rafaela Samira, Rafalska Elżbieta, Regner Evelyn, Reil Guido, Repasi René, Ressler Karlo, Reuten Thijs, Rinaldi Antonio Maria, Rinzema Catharina, Ripa Manuela, Riquet Dominique, Rodríguez-Piñero Inma, Rodríguez Palop Eugenia, Rodríguez Ramos María Soraya, Romanowski Rafał, Rónai Sándor, Rondinelli Daniela, Rookmaker Dorien, Roos Robert, Roose Caroline, Ropė Bronis, Rossi Maria Veronica, Roth Neveďalová Katarína, Rudner Thomas, Ruissen Bert-Jan, Ruiz Devesa Domènec, Rzońca Bogdan, Sailliet Laurence, Salini Massimiliano, Sánchez Amor Nacho, Sander Anne, Sant Alfred, Santos Isabel, Sardone Silvia, Sarvamaa Petri, Saryusz-Wolski Jacek, Satouri Mounir, Schaldemose Christel, Schaller-Baross Ernő, Schieder Andreas, Scholz Helmut, Schuster Joachim, Schwab Andreas, Seekatz Ralf, Semedo Monica, Semsrott Nico, Sidl Günther, Silva Pereira Pedro, Simon Sven, Sinčić Ivan Vilibor, Sippel Birgit, Skyttedal Sara, Slabakov Andrey, Smeriglio Massimiliano, Sofo Vincenzo, Šojdrová Michaela, Sokol Tomislav, Solé Jordi, Solís Pérez Susana, Sonneborn Martin, Spurek Sylwia, Spyraki Maria, Stancanelli Raffaele, Stavrou Eleni, Štefanec Ivan, Ștefănuță Nicolae, Strik Tineke, Tarabella Marc, Tarczyński Dominik, Tardino Annalisa, Tax Vera, Terheș Cristian, Terras Riho, Tertsch Hermann, Thiollet François, Thun und Hohenstein Róża, Tinagli Irene, Tobé Tomas, Tobiszowski Grzegorz, Toia Patrizia, Tomac Eugen, Tomc Romana, Toom Jana, Torvalds Nils, Tošenovský Evžen, Tóth Edina, Toussaint Marie, Tovaglieri Isabella, Tudorache Dragoș, Uhrík Milan, Ujhelyi István, Vana Monika, Van Brempt Kathleen, Vandendriessche Tom, Vandenkendelaere Tom, Van Overtveldt Johan, Van Sparrentak Kim, Variati Achille, Vedrenne Marie-Pierre, Verheyen Sabine, Verhofstadt Guy, Vilimsky Harald, Villanueva Ruiz Idoia, Villumsen Nikolaj, Vincze Loránt, Virkkunen Henna, Vistisen Anders, Vitanov Petar, von Cramon-Taubadel Viola, Vondra Alexandr, Voss Axel, Vozemberg-Vrionidi Elissavet, Vrecionová Veronika, Vuolo Lucia, Vázquez Lázara Adrián, Waitz Thomas, Wallace Mick, Walsh Maria, Walsmann Marion, Warborn Jörgen, Waszczykowski Witold Jan, Weimers Charlie, Weiss Pernille, Wieland Rainer, Wiener Sarah, Wiesner Emma, Wiezik Michal, Winkler Iuliu, Wiseler-Lima Isabel, Wiśniewska Jadwiga, Wölken Tiemo, Zagorakis Theodoros, Zahradil Jan, Zalewska Anna, Zambelli Stefania, Zarzalejos Javier, Zdechovský Tomáš, Zīle Roberts, Zimniok Bernhard, Złotowski Kosma, Zoido Álvarez Juan Ignacio, Zorrinho Carlos, Zovko Željana, Zullo Marco, Zver Milan, Ždanoka Tatjana


Berg Lars Patrick, Bergkvist Erik, Bonfrisco Anna, Collard Gilbert, Comi Lara, Dobrev Klára, de Graaff Marcel, Hahn Henrike, Jalkh Jean-François, Patriciello Aldo, Rougé André, Ruohonen-Lerner Pirkko, Schneider Christine, Schreijer-Pierik Annie, Tudose Mihai, Wolters Lara, Yoncheva Elena

15 January 2024


Abbreviations and symbols









roll-call vote


electronic vote


secret ballot


split vote


separate vote




compromise amendment


corresponding part


deleting amendment


identical amendments



1.   Monday's agenda – Request by the PPE and Verts/ALE groups


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the PPE and Verts/ALE groups


PPE, Verts/ALE



322, 11, 7

2.   Monday's agenda – Request by the ECR Group


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the ECR Group





131, 199, 8

3.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left Group


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by The Left Group


The Left



206, 125, 4

4.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the ID Group


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the ID Group






5.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE groups


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE groups


PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE



327, 1, 9

6.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left and Renew groups


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by The Left and Renew groups


The Left, Renew



200, 119, 8

7.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, The Left groups


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE and The Left groups


S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, The Left



270, 37, 19

8.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the Verts/ALE Group


Am No




In favour, against, abstentions

Request by the Verts/ALE Group





185, 105, 36

15 January 2024

1.   Monday's agenda – Request by the PPE and Verts/ALE groups

In favour: 322

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Hoogeveen, Ilčić, Jaki, Jurgiel, Jurzyca, Krasnodębski, Kruk, Mazurek, Procaccini, Romanowski, Rookmaker, Roos, Ruissen, Rzońca, Slabakov, Sofo, Tarczyński, Van Overtveldt, Zahradil, Złotowski

ID : Anderson, Androuët, Annemans, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Da Re, Dauchy, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Kuhs, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Cozzolino, Danzì, Deli, Gál, Giarrusso, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Meuthen, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tarabella, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Chinnici, Coelho, Dorfmann, Ehler, Falcă, Ferber, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Lewandowski, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Niedermayer, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pollák, Pospíšil, Sailliet, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima, Zovko, Zver

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Cañas, Canfin, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gamon, Gozi, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hlaváček, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Karlsbro, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Knotek, Körner, Kovařík, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pagazaurtundúa, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Rinzema, Riquet, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Torvalds, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Benifei, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Grapini, Gualmini, Guillaume, Heide, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Nica, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Smeriglio, Tax, Toia, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Björk, Chaibi, Ernst, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Modig, Pelletier, Scholz

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Pedicini, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz, Wiener

Against: 11

NI : Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas

S&D : Ciuhodaru

The Left : Arvanitis, Daly, Georgiou, Kountoura, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Pineda, Wallace

Abstention: 7

ID : Mariani

S&D : Hajšel

The Left : Botenga, Demirel, Konečná, Sanz Selva

Verts/ALE : Miranda

2.   Monday's agenda – Request by the ECR Group

In favour: 131

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Hoogeveen, Ilčić, Jaki, Jurgiel, Jurzyca, Krasnodębski, Kruk, Mazurek, Procaccini, Romanowski, Rookmaker, Roos, Ruissen, Rzońca, Slabakov, Sofo, Tarczyński, Zahradil, Złotowski

ID : Androuët, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Da Re, Dauchy, Fest, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Kuhs, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Deli, Gál, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Meuthen, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Dorfmann, Ehler, Falcă, Ferber, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pollák, Pospíšil, Sailliet, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima, Zovko

Renew : Cañas, Pagazaurtundúa, Poptcheva

S&D : Ciuhodaru

Against: 199

NI : Cozzolino, Danzì, Giarrusso, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Tarabella

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Canfin, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gamon, Gozi, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hlaváček, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Karlsbro, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Knotek, Körner, Kovařík, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Poulsen, Rinzema, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Torvalds, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Benifei, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Grapini, Gualmini, Guillaume, Heide, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Nica, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Sippel, Smeriglio, Tax, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Arvanitis, Björk, Botenga, Chaibi, Daly, Demirel, Ernst, Georgiou, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Kountoura, Michels, Modig, Papadimoulis, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Pineda, Sanz Selva, Scholz, Wallace

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Pedicini, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz, Wiener

Abstention: 8

ID : Anderson

PPE : Coelho

S&D : Cimoszewicz, Hajšel, Kohut, Variati

The Left : Konečná, Pelletier

3.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left Group

In favour: 206

ECR : Rookmaker

NI : Beňová, Cozzolino, Danzì, Giarrusso, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Roth Neveďalová, Tarabella

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Eroglu, Flego, Gamon, Gozi, Groothuis, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Karlsbro, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Körner, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pagazaurtundúa, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Rinzema, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Torvalds, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Benifei, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Grapini, Gualmini, Guillaume, Hajšel, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Nica, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rudner, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Smeriglio, Tax, Toia, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Arvanitis, Björk, Botenga, Chaibi, Daly, Demirel, Ernst, Georgiou, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Kountoura, Michels, Modig, Papadimoulis, Pelletier, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Pineda, Sanz Selva, Scholz, Wallace

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Pedicini, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz, Wiener

Against: 125

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Hoogeveen, Ilčić, Jaki, Jurgiel, Jurzyca, Krasnodębski, Kruk, Mazurek, Romanowski, Roos, Ruissen, Rzońca, Slabakov, Sofo, Tarczyński, Zahradil, Złotowski

ID : Androuët, Annemans, Beigneux, Bilde, Conte, Da Re, Dauchy, Fest, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Kuhs, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Bocskor, Deli, Gál, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Meuthen, Schaller-Baross, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Coelho, Dorfmann, Ehler, Falcă, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Lewandowski, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mureșan, Niebler, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima

Renew : Cañas, Hlaváček, Knotek, Kovařík

Abstention: 4

PPE : Niedermayer, Pospíšil

Renew : Auštrevičius

The Left : Konečná

4.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the PPE, S&D, Renew and Verts/ALE groups

In favour: 327

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Hoogeveen, Ilčić, Jaki, Krasnodębski, Kruk, Mazurek, Procaccini, Romanowski, Roos, Ruissen, Rzońca, Slabakov, Sofo, Tarczyński, Zahradil

ID : Anderson, Androuët, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Conte, Da Re, Dauchy, Garraud, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Lacapelle, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Cozzolino, Danzì, Deli, Gál, Giarrusso, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Meuthen, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tarabella, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Buzek, Chinnici, Coelho, Dorfmann, Ehler, Falcă, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Lewandowski, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Niebler, Novak, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pospíšil, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima, Zovko

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Cañas, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gamon, Gozi, Groothuis, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hlaváček, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Knotek, Körner, Kovařík, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pagazaurtundúa, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Rinzema, Riquet, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Torvalds, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Benifei, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Grapini, Gualmini, Guillaume, Hajšel, Heide, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Nica, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rudner, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Smeriglio, Tax, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Björk, Botenga, Chaibi, Daly, Demirel, Ernst, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Konečná, Kountoura, Michels, Modig, Papadimoulis, Pelletier, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Scholz, Wallace

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Pedicini, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz, Wiener

Against: 1

The Left : Georgiou

Abstention: 9

ECR : Jurzyca, Rookmaker

ID : Fest, Kuhs

PPE : Niedermayer

The Left : Arvanitis, Hazekamp, Pineda, Sanz Selva

5.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by The Left and Renew groups

In favour: 200

ECR : Romanowski

NI : Danzì, Giarrusso, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Tarabella

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Cañas, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gheorghe, Gozi, Groothuis, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Körner, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Benifei, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Grapini, Gualmini, Guillaume, Heide, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rudner, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Sippel, Smeriglio, Tax, Toia, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Arvanitis, Björk, Botenga, Chaibi, Daly, Demirel, Ernst, Georgiou, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Konečná, Kountoura, Michels, Modig, Papadimoulis, Pelletier, Pineda, Sanz Selva, Scholz, Wallace

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Reintke, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz

Against: 119

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Hoogeveen, Ilčić, Jurgiel, Jurzyca, Procaccini, Rookmaker, Roos, Slabakov, Sofo, Zahradil

ID : Androuët, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Conte, Da Re, Dauchy, Fest, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Deli, Gál, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Meuthen, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Buzek, Dorfmann, Ehler, Falcă, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Niebler, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pospíšil, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima, Zovko

Renew : Hlaváček, Knotek, Kovařík

Abstention: 8

ECR : Krasnodębski, Mazurek, Ruissen, Rzońca, Tarczyński, Złotowski

ID : Annemans

S&D : Hajšel

6.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, The Left groups

In favour: 270

ECR : Ilčić, Krasnodębski, Mazurek, Romanowski, Rookmaker, Rzońca, Slabakov, Tarczyński, Złotowski

NI : Danzì, Giarrusso, Pignedoli, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Tarabella

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Băsescu, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Buzek, Chinnici, Coelho, Dorfmann, Düpont, Falcă, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kanev, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Niebler, Niedermayer, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pospíšil, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima, Zovko

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Cañas, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gheorghe, Gozi, Groothuis, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Körner, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Riquet, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Gualmini, Guillaume, Heide, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rudner, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Smeriglio, Tax, Toia, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Arvanitis, Björk, Botenga, Chaibi, Daly, Demirel, Ernst, Georgiou, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Kountoura, Michels, Modig, Pelletier, Sanz Selva, Scholz

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz

Against: 37

ECR : Jurgiel, Roos, Ruissen

ID : Androuët, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Conte, Dauchy, Fest, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Rossi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Deli, Gál, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tóth

Renew : Hlaváček, Knotek, Kovařík

Abstention: 19

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Hoogeveen, Jurzyca, Procaccini, Sofo, Zahradil

ID : Annemans

NI : Meuthen, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas

PPE : Vincze

The Left : Konečná, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Wallace

7.   Wednesday's agenda – Request by the Verts/ALE Group

In favour: 185

ECR : Rookmaker

NI : Giarrusso, Ponsatí Obiols, Puigdemont i Casamajó, Tarabella

PPE : Băsescu, Zovko

Renew : Al-Sahlani, Auštrevičius, Azmani, Bilbao Barandica, Botoș, Boyer, Brunet, Cañas, Chabaud, Charanzová, Cioloș, Cseh, Danti, Decerle, Dlabajová, Eroglu, Flego, Gheorghe, Gozi, Groothuis, Grošelj, Grudler, Guetta, Hahn Svenja, Hayer, Hojsík, in 't Veld, Katainen, Kauch, Keller Fabienne, Körner, Kyrtsos, Melchior, Mituța, Müller, Nagtegaal, Oetjen, Orville, Pîslaru, Poptcheva, Poulsen, Riquet, Semedo, Thun und Hohenstein, Tudorache, Vedrenne, Verhofstadt, Wiesner

S&D : Aguilera, Albuquerque, Angel, Ara-Kovács, Arena, Ballarín Cereza, Balt, Bartolo, Belka, Biedroń, Bischoff, Bresso, Brglez, Burkhardt, Cerdas, Chahim, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Clergeau, Cutajar, De Basso, Durand, Ecke, Fernández, Fritzon, García Del Blanco, García Muñoz, García Pérez, Gardiazabal Rubial, González Casares, Gualmini, Guillaume, Heide, Heinäluoma, Jongerius, Kammerevert, Kohut, Köster, Kumpula-Natri, Lalucq, Laureti, Leitão-Marques, Liberadzki, López, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Matić, Miller, Molnár, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Negrescu, Ohlsson, Papandreou, Picula, Regner, Repasi, Reuten, Rodríguez-Piñero, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rudner, Ruiz Devesa, Sánchez Amor, Schieder, Sidl, Silva Pereira, Smeriglio, Tax, Toia, Ujhelyi, Van Brempt, Variati, Wölken, Zorrinho

The Left : Björk, Chaibi, Georgiou, Hazekamp, Kizilyürek, Kokkalis, Modig, Pelletier, Scholz

Verts/ALE : Alametsä, Andresen, Biteau, Boeselager, Bricmont, Carême, Cavazzini, Cormand, Corrao, Cuffe, Dalunde, Delbos-Corfield, Delli, Eickhout, Freund, Gallée, Geese, Gregorová, Gruffat, Guerreiro, Herzberger-Fofana, Holmgren, Keller Ska, Kolaja, Kuhnke, Lagodinsky, Lamberts, Langensiepen, Matthieu, Miranda, Neumann, Nienaß, O'Sullivan, Reintke, Ripa, Roose, Satouri, Solé, Ștefănuță, Strik, Thiollet, Toussaint, Vana, Van Sparrentak, Waitz

Against: 105

ECR : Hoogeveen, Jurgiel

ID : Androuët, Beigneux, Bilde, Bruna, Conte, Dauchy, Fest, Garraud, Ghidoni, Griset, Jamet, Joron, Lacapelle, Lancini, Lebreton, Lizzi, Mariani, Minardi, Rinaldi, Sardone

NI : Beňová, Bocskor, Deli, Gál, Győri, Gyürk, Kósa, Roth Neveďalová, Schaller-Baross, Tóth

PPE : Arias Echeverría, Asimakopoulou, Bellamy, Bentele, Berendsen, Bilčík, Bogovič, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Brejza, Bușoi, Buzek, Coelho, Dorfmann, Düpont, Ehler, Falcă, Fernandes, Franssen, Gahler, Geuking, Gieseke, Halicki, Hava, Herbst, Kalniete, Kemp, Kovatchev, Kubilius, Kympouropoulos, Lenaers, Liese, Lins, McAllister, Manders, Mato, Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Montserrat, Mortler, Mureșan, Niebler, Niedermayer, Novak, Ochojska, Olbrycht, Peppucci, Pirchner, Pospíšil, Sander, Schwab, Seibutytė, Šojdrová, Spyraki, Stavrou, Štefanec, Tobé, Tomc, Vandenkendelaere, Verheyen, Vincze, Virkkunen, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Walsmann, Weber, Weiss, Winkler, Wiseler-Lima

Renew : Hlaváček, Knotek, Kovařík

S&D : Hajšel

The Left : Daly

Abstention: 36

ECR : Berlato, De Blasis, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Fotyga, Ilčić, Jurzyca, Krasnodębski, Mazurek, Procaccini, Romanowski, Roos, Ruissen, Rzońca, Slabakov, Sofo, Tarczyński, Zahradil, Złotowski

ID : Annemans

NI : Danzì, Meuthen, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Papadakis Kostas, Pignedoli

The Left : Arvanitis, Botenga, Demirel, Ernst, Konečná, Kountoura, Michels, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Sanz Selva, Wallace


ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)
