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ELI coordinator
Helmut Weichsel
Federal Ministry of Finance, E-Government Department - Federal Government and Administration
For further information, please contact: [email protected]
Status of ELI implementation
Currently Austria has implemented ELI in 4 applications of the Austrian Legal Information System RIS (
URI template structure
Authentic version of the Austrian Federal Law Gazettes –
Full URI:
bgbl = Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt)
I = Part of the Federal Law Gazette (I, II or III)
2018 = Year of publication
30 = Number of publication
20180516 = Date of publication
Authentic version of the Austrian Provincial Law Gazettes –
Full URI:
lgbl = Provincial Law Gazette (Landesgesetzblatt)
ST = abbreviation of the Austrian province (e.g. ST = Styria, WI = Vienna, TI = Tyrol)
2018 = Year of publication
47 = Number of publication
20180518 = Date of publication
Consolidated Austrian federal law –
Full URI:
bgbl = Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt)
1991 = year of original version of legal text
51 = number of original version of the Federal Law Gazette
P13 = Section 13
NOR40205604 = unique technical document number
Consolidated provincial law –
Full URI:
lgbl = Provincial Law Gazette (Landesgesetzblatt)
SA = abbreviation of the Austrian province (e.g. SA = Salzburg, WI = Vienna, TI = Tyrol)
1997 = year of original version of legal text
40 = number of original version of Provincial Law Gazette
P19a = Section 19a
LSB40018204 = unique technical document number
© Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
For any use of the content of this page, please send an email to [email protected]
Last update: 25.10.2023