The subject is a plaque on the front of the New Synagogue, Berlin, stating the interesting history of the building. Nathaniel Samson, October 2005.
The plaque reads:
This synagogue is 100 years old and was set ablaze on 9 November 1938 by the Nazis IN KRISTALLNACHT
During the Second World War 1939-1945 it was destroyed in 1943 by bombing raids
The façade of this house of God shall remain forever a site of remembrance
The Jewish Community of Greater Berlin The Directorate
Full metadetails can be found below.
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A photo taken in October 2005 by Nathaniel Samson. The subject is a plaque on the front of the New Synagogue, Berlin, stating the interesting history of the building, though it would be useful if someone could provide the complete translation from German.
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