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Another popular shot is the back hand. It is usually used by the 2-meter offense player. When the ball is set the hole keeps it in front of them until they reach for it and shooting it behind them while looking away from the goal. This shot is a hard one to make; ther arm and elbow have to be in a perfect position in order for the ball to go towards the net, as the shot is taken "blindly". The center defender is neutralised in this shot, and the goalie is usually too close to the action and has no time to respond.
'''Baulking''' (a kind of pump fake a.k.a. hezie or hesitation shot, often referred to in the UK as; 'dummying') is effective when using an outside water shot. The player gets in the position to shoot but stops halfway through. This puts the defense on edge, causes the defenders to stand lower and lower in the water as their legs fatigue, and partially immobilizes the goalie by wasting his blocking lunge. This can be repeated until the player decides to release the ball. A good baulk takes a great amount of hand/arm and leg strength to palmmaintain a high position in the water and the ball aloft in the shooting stance. The goalkeeper is particularly vulnerable to baulking as he must extend both his arms wide out of the water, which is intended to make him/her appear bigger and more imposing, thus, more difficult to beat, however, this places a massive strain on the legs working in a rapid eggbeater motion and therefore baulking causes the keeper to tire quicker as it is assumed a shot is imminent, therefore, making them easier to beat.
Judging exactly when to shoot can be tricky, as a blocked or a wide shot results in a turnover. This can be very risky in some situations, for example when a team has gained an advantage by swimming a counter attack. A failed shot in such a situation turns the advantage into a severe disadvantage, as the opponents left behind find themselves in numerical superiority and are thus presented with an excellent opportunity to score.