Disconnect a Financial Connections account
Use the Disconnect API to unlink customer bank accounts.
Disconnect a user’s Financial Connections Account if you no longer need data access or if your user writes into you requesting disconnection. Alternatively, your users can disconnect their accounts themselves.
Although you can’t refresh data on a disconnected account, you can access previously refreshed account data. Disconnecting an account only removes your ability to refresh data; it doesn’t cause any associated PaymentMethods to become unusable.
To regain access to new account data, your user needs to re-authenticate their account through the authentication flow.
Disconnect a Financial Connections account 
To disconnect an account, use the disconnect API:
This request returns the account with an updated status
to reflect the successful disconnection.
{ "id": "fca_zbyrdjTrwcYZJZc6WBs6GPid", "object": "financial_connections.account", "account_holder": { "customer": "cus_NfjonN9919dELB", "type": "customer" }, "institution_name": "PNC Bank", "status": "disconnected", // ... }
After account disconnection, Stripe emits a financial_