Kubernetes Policy Controller

Admission Controller

The policy-controller admission controller can be used to enforce policy on a Kubernetes cluster based on verifiable supply-chain metadata from cosign.

policy-controller also resolves the image tags to ensure the image being ran is not different from when it was admitted.

See the installation instructions for more information.

This component is still actively under development!

Today, policy-controller can automatically validate signatures and attestations on container images as well as apply policies (using cue or rego ) against attestations. Enforcement is configured on a per-namespace basis, and multiple policies are supported.

We’re actively working on more features here.

Configure policy-controller admission controller for namespaces

The policy-controller admission controller will by default only validate resources in namespaces that have chosen to opt-in. This can be done by adding the label policy.sigstore.dev/include: "true" to the namespace resource.

kubectl label namespace my-secure-namespace policy.sigstore.dev/include=true

You can however customize this behaviour to be opt-out by changing the matchExpressions in the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration

For example changing both of them to this:

    - key: policy.sigstore.dev/exclude
      operator: DoesNotExist

would mean that any namespace that does not have a label policy.sigstore.dev/exclude would be enforced. After making the change as above, you can then exclude namespaces like this:

kubectl label namespace my-excluded-namespace policy.sigstore.dev/exclude=true

Note If you change the behaviour to opt-out, it might cause some grief in system namespaces, so be mindful. Also, consider looking at changing the default behaviour of when an image is not matched below and while rolling things out, consider changing the no-match-policy to warn.

Admission of images

An image is admitted after it has been validated against all ClusterImagePolicy that matched the digest of the image and that there was at least one passing authority in each of the matched ClusterImagePolicy. So each ClusterImagePolicy that matches is AND for admission, and within each ClusterImagePolicy authorities are OR.

Review Configuring Image Pattern for more information.

An example of an allowed admission would be:

  1. If the image matched against policy1 and policy3
  2. A valid signature or attestation was obtained for policy1 with at least one of the policy1 authorities
  3. A valid signature or attestation was obtained for policy3 with at least one of the policy3 authorities
  4. The image is admitted

An example of a denied admission would be:

  1. If the image matched against policy1 and policy2
  2. A valid signature or attestation was obtained for policy1 with at least one of the policy1 authorities
  3. No valid signature or attestation was obtained for policy2 with at least one of the policy2 authorities
  4. The image is not admitted

In addition to that, the policy controller offers a configurable behavior defining whether to allow, deny or warn whenever an image does not match a policy. This behavior can be configured using the config-policy-controller ConfigMap created under the release namespace (by default cosign-system), and by adding an entry with the property no-match-policy and its value warn|allow|deny. By default, any image that does not match a policy is rejected whenever no-match-policy is not configured in the ConfigMap.

Configuring policy-controller ClusterImagePolicy

policy-controller supports validation against multiple ClusterImagePolicy Kubernetes resources.

A policy is enforced when an image pattern for the policy is matched against the image being deployed.

Detailed field descriptions for the ClusterImagePolicy CRD.

Configuring image patterns

The ClusterImagePolicy specifies spec.images which specifies a list of glob matching patterns. These matching patterns will be matched against the image digest of PodSpec resources attempting to be deployed. Note that we use Duck typing here, so when we say PodSpec, we enforce these against higher level resources that result in pods, for example, Deployment, StatefulSet, etc. by default. You can configure these with MatchResource (see more below). Reason for this default is that if we only enforce at the Pod level, the user may be confused when their Deployment is accepted, yet later on the Pods are unable to start due to policies blocking them.

Glob uses golang filepath semantics for matching the images against. Additionally you can specify a more traditional ** to match any number of characters. Furthermore to make it easier to specify images, there are few defaults when an image is matched, namely:

  • If there is no host in the glob pattern index.docker.io is used for the host. This allows users to specify commonly found images from Docker simply as myproject/nginx instead of index.docker.io/myproject/nginx
  • If the image is specified without multiple path elements (so not separated by /), then library is defaulted. For example specifying busybox will result in library/busybox. And combined with above, will result in match being made against index.docker.io/library/busybox.

A sample of a ClusterImagePolicy which matches against all images using glob:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy
  - glob: "**"


When a policy is selected to be evaluated against the matched image, the authorities will be used to validate signatures and attestations. If at least one authority is satisfied and a signature or attestation is validated, the policy is validated.

Configuring key authorities

Authorities can be key specifications, for example:

    - key:
        hashAlgorithm: sha256
        data: |
          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    - key:
          name: secretName
    - key:
        kms: KMSPATH

Each key authority can contain these properties:

  • key.data: specifies the plain text string of the public key
  • key.hashAlgorithm (optional): specifies the signature digest for the key, e.g. sha512, sha256, sha384 or sha224. If no value is provided the hash algorithm is set by default to sha256.
  • key.secretRef.name: specifies the secret location name in the same namespace where policy-controller is installed.
    The first key value will be used in the secret.
  • key.kms: specifies the location for the public key. Supported formats include:
    • azurekms://[VAULT_NAME][VAULT_URI]/[KEY]
    • awskms://[ENDPOINT]/{ARN} where ARN can be either key ARN or alias ARN.
    • gcpkms://projects/[PROJECT]/locations/global/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
    • hashivault://[KEY]

Configuring keyless authorities

Authorities can be keyless specifications. For example:

    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.example.com
          data: Certificate Data
    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.example.com
            name: secretName
    - keyless:
          - issuer: https://accounts.google.com
            subject: [email protected]
          - issuer: https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com
            subjectRegExp: https://github.com/mycompany/*/.github/workflows/*@*

Each keyless authority can contain these properties:

  • keyless.url: specifies the Fulcio url
  • keyless.ca-cert: specifies ca-cert information for the keyless authority
    • secretRef.name: specifies the secret location name in the same namespace where policy-controller is installed.
      The first key value will be used in the secret for the ca-cert.
    • data: specifies the inline certificate data
  • keyless.identities: Identities must contain an array of issuer and the subject matching the certificate used to sign. There are variant fields issuerRegExp and subjectRegExp which support regular expressions.
    • issuer: specifies the issuer certificate was issued by. Regex patterns are supported through the issuerRegExp key.
    • subject: specifies the subject certificate was issued to. Regex patterns are supported through the subjectRegExp key.

Configuring static authorities

Authorities can be static specifications. These are used for example when there are images that may not have any signatures or attestations (sidecar is one example of these). For these you can configure a static authority and you can define an action to take. Currently we support pass and fail, and when a static authority is evaluated, no signatures or attestations are checked, but instead the action specified defines whether the policy is validated or rejected.

You can also use a generic catch-all CIP that matches all images. For example, if you want to allow all unsigned images through, but have certain images that must have signatures/attestations, you can then for those images create other CIP that is more restrictive, and since the CIP are all anded together they will then be required to meet all the CIP requirements.

A sample authority that allows all images from a particular registry could be defined like so:

    - glob: "gcr.io/vaikas/**"
    - static:
        action: pass

Configuring remote signature location

If signatures are located in a different repository, it can be specified along with the key or keyless definition. When no source is specified for the key, the expectation is that the signature is colocated with the image.

Note: By default, credentials used for the remote source repository are the ones provided in the PodSpec providing resource under imagePullSecrets.

To define a source, under the corresponding authorities node, source can be specified.

A sample of source specification for key and keyless:

    - key:
        data: |
          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
        - oci: registry.example.com/project/signature-location
    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.example.com
        - oci: registry.example.com/project/signature-location

Configure SignaturePullSecrets

If the signatures/attestations are in a different repo or they use different imagePullSecrets, you can configure source to point to a secret which must live in the namespace where the pods are getting deployed.

    - key:
        data: |
          -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
          -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
        - oci: registry.example.com/project/signature-location
    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.example.com
        - oci: registry.example.com/project/signature-location
          - name: mysecret

Note: The secret has to be in the format type: dockerconfigjson.

Configuring Certificate Transparency Log

CTLog specifies the URL to a certificate transparency log that holds signature and public key information.

When ctlog key is not specified, the public rekor instance will be used.

    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.example.com
        url: https://rekor.example.com

Configuring Timestamp Authorities

You can verify images against a Timestamp Authority Service looking for RFC-3161 timestamp tokens in your image.

Timestamp authorities specifies the reference to a TrustRoot CR where a timestamp service has been defined.

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TrustRoot
  name: my-tsa-keys
    certificateAuthorities: []
    - subject:
        organization: example.dev
        commonName: example-tsa
      uri: https://tsa.example.dev
      certChain: |-

You can define a list of trusted timestamp authorities setting its uri, certificate chain in base64 format and its subject.

Whenever you use a ClusterImagePolicy with a rfc3161timestamp, you must also specify a key or keyless block. You can find more information about these fields in here.

    - keyless:
        url: https://fulcio.sigstore.dev
          - issuer: 'https://issuer/'
            subject: '[email protected]'
        trustRootRef: my-tsa-keys

Configuring verification against different Sigstore instances.

By default policy-controller trusts Public Good Instance of Sigstore. You can add (or replace) this by specifying a different Trust Root. For example, to use your custom installation of Sigstore (Fulcio/Rekor), you would first create a Trust Root CR and then refer to it in your keyless section. For example, if your TrustRoot CR pointing to your custom Sigstore installation is my-sigstore, you would refer to it in the CIP trustRootRef. This example shows both custom Fulcio, and Rekor pointing to your custom Sigstore.

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-keyless-with-trustroot-remote-with-attestations
  - glob: "**demo**"
  - name: attestation
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      trustRootRef: my-sigstore
      - issuerRegExp: .*kubernetes.default.*
        subjectRegExp: .*kubernetes.io/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/default
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
      trustRootRef: my-sigstore
    - name: custom-match-predicate
      predicateType: custom
        type: cue
        data: |
          predicateType: "cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1"
          predicate: Data: "foobar e2e test"

Configuring policy that validates attestations

Just like with cosign CLI you can verify attestations (using verify-attestation), you can configure policies to validate that a particular attestation was signed by a trusted authority as well as that the attestation passes the policy you define. You do this by using attestations array within an authorities section. For example, to configure that a custom predicate has to exist and is attested by the specified issuer and subject, and the actual Data section of the predicate matches the string foobar e2e test:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-keyless-with-attestations
  - glob: registry.local:5000/policy-controller/demo*
  - name: verify custom attestation
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      - issuerRegExp: .*kubernetes.default.*
        subjectRegExp: .*kubernetes.io/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/default
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
    - name: custom-match-predicate
      predicateType: https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1
        type: cue
        data: |
          predicateType: "https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1"
          predicate: "foobar e2e test"

policy is optional and if left out, only the existence of the attestation is verified. We also support rego in policy evaluations, and a rego alternative for the above would look like this:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-keyless-with-attestations
  - glob: registry.local:5000/policy-controller/demo*
  - name: verify custom attestation
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      - issuerRegExp: .*kubernetes.default.*
        subjectRegExp: .*kubernetes.io/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/default
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
    - name: custom-match-predicate
      predicateType: https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1
        type: rego
        data: |
          package sigstore
          default isCompliant = false
          isCompliant {
            input.predicateType == "https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1"
            input.predicate == "foobar e2e test"

Configuring policy at the ClusterImagePolicy level.

As discussed earlier, by specifying multiple ClusterImagePolicy creates an AND clause so that each ClusterImagePolicy must be satisfied for an admission, and having multiple authorities creates an OR clause so that any matching authority is considered a success, sometimes you may want more flexibility, for example, if you wanted to specify that at least 2 out of N signatures match, and for those you can create a single ClusterImagePolicy but craft a policy that then gets applied after a ClusterImagePolicy has been validated and at least one of the authorities matches.

You can also utilize the CIP level policy to fetch additional information about the specific Kubernetes resource being created that will then be available for the CIP level policy, for example:

  • Apply policies against ObjectMetadata (things like labels, annotations for example)
  • Spec which has details about the resource being created. For example Pod.Spec, which has details like which serviceAccount the Pod is being run as and so forth.
  • OCI Image Configuration which contains root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime.

Here is a slightly more complex policy that shows how one could craft more complex policies at the CIP level that then validates that the more specific authority policies are as expected. It requires there to be two attestations custom and vuln and also two signatures, one signed with a key and one with keyless signature.

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-requires-two-signatures-two-attestations
  - glob: registry.local:5000/policy-controller/demo*
  - name: keylessatt
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      - issuerRegExp: .*kubernetes.default.*
        subjectRegExp: .*kubernetes.io/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/default
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
    - predicateType: https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1
      name: customkeyless
        type: cue
        data: |
          import "time"
          before: time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2049-10-09T17:10:27Z")
          predicateType: "https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1"
          predicate: {
            foo: "foobar e2e test"
            Timestamp: <before
    - predicateType: https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/vuln/v1
      name: vulnkeyless
        type: cue
        data: |
          import "time"
          before: time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2022-04-15T17:10:27Z")
          after: time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2022-03-09T17:10:27Z")
          predicateType: "https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/vuln/v1"
          predicate: {
            invocation: {
              uri: "invocation.example.com/cosign-testing"
            scanner: {
              uri: "fakescanner.example.com/cosign-testing"
            metadata: {
              scanStartedOn: <before
              scanStartedOn: >after
              scanFinishedOn: <before
              scanFinishedOn: >after
  - name: keyatt
      data: |
        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
    - name: custom-match-predicate
      predicateType: https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1
        type: cue
        data: |
          predicateType: "https://cosign.sigstore.dev/attestation/v1"
          predicate: "foobar key e2e test"
  - name: keylesssignature
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
  - name: keysignature
      data: |
        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc
    type: cue
    data: |
      package sigstore
      import "struct"
      import "list"
      authorityMatches: {
        keyatt: {
          attestations: struct.MaxFields(1) & struct.MinFields(1)
        keysignature: {
          signatures: list.MaxItems(1) & list.MinItems(1)
        if (len(authorityMatches.keylessatt.attestations) < 2) {
          keylessattMinAttestations: 2
          keylessattMinAttestations: "Error"
        keylesssignature: {
          signatures: list.MaxItems(1) & list.MinItems(1)

Including OCI Image Configuration for CIP level policies

In order to include the OCI Image Configuration, you have to explicitly configure the CIP.Spec.Policy to have fetchConfigFile set to true. For example, to configure a check that the container image is being run as a user 65532 on linux/amd64 arch, you would configure your CIP like this:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-config-file
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    fetchConfigFile: true
    type: "cue"
    data: |
      config: "linux/amd64": config: User: "65532"

Including ObjectMeta for CIP level policies

In order to include the ObjectMeta, you have to explicitly configure the CIP.Spec.Policy to have includeObjectMeta set to true. For example, to configure a check that the resource contains a label foo=bar, you would configure your CIP like this:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-objectmeta
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    includeObjectMeta: true
    type: "cue"
    data: |
      metadata: "labels": "foo": "bar"

Including TypeMeta for CIP level policies

In order to include the TypeMeta, you have to explicitly configure the CIP.Spec.Policy to have includeTypeMeta set to true. For example, to configure a check that the resource is a Pod, you would configure your CIP like this:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-typemeta
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    includeTypeMeta: true
    type: "cue"
    data: |
        kind: "Pod"

Including Spec for CIP level policies

In order to include the objects Spec, you have to explicitly configure the CIP.Spec.Policy to have includeSpec set to true. For example, to configure a check that the pod runs as serviceAccount default, you would configure your CIP like this:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-spec
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    includeSpec: true
    type: "cue"
    data: |
      spec: "serviceAccount": "default"

NOTE For Spec, you may want to use MatchResource to restrict which resources you want to apply the CIP to since the Spec will be different between say a Deployment and a Pod.

Using ConfigMapRef to specify policies

Including longer cue/rego policies inlined into CIP can be a bit unwieldy, so you can decouple defining the policy from using it, and therefore making reuse easier. For this there’s a configMapRef field in the policy (same field exists whether you define this at the attestation level, or at the CIP level). For this you would create a ConfigMap and you would add the policy as a key in that ConfigMap and then in the Policy.configMapRef specify the ConfigMap name and key where the policy comes in from. This is very similar to how we specify SecretRef for including PublicKeys for example.

Create the file containing your policy

cat <<EOF > /tmp/mypolicy.cue
config: "linux/amd64": config: User: "65532"
config: "linux/arm/v7": config: User: "65532"

Create a ConfigMap from the policy:

kubectl create -n cosign-system configmap policy-config --from-file=policy=/tmp/mypolicy.cue

Use the ConfigMap from your policy

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-config-file
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    fetchConfigFile: true
    type: "cue"
      name: policy-config
      key: policy

Using Remote (URL + SHA256) to specify policies

Another way to reference policies without embedding them into the CIP is by providing a URL where to fetch the policy from. In order to ensure that the policy has not been tampered with, you must also provide a SHA256 checksum which will then be computed against the retrieved policy to make sure it is what you expect it to be. Note that the URLs must be HTTPS. Here’s an example of how to specify that a CIP policy should be fetched from the URL.

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-url
  - glob: "ghcr.io/sigstore/timestamp-server**"
  - static:
      action: pass
    fetchConfigFile: true
    type: "cue"
      url: "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hectorj2f/af0d32d4be4bf2710cff76c397a14751/raw/d4dd87fffdf9624a21e62b8719e3ce8d61334ab9/policy-controller-test-fail-cue"
      sha256sum: 291534e501184200a3933969277403acf50582fbe73509571a5b73017e49a957

NOTE: URLs are not automatically refreshed. They are fetched whenever a CIP changes (to simulate this you can update a label for example), or whatever the reconcile frequency is (by default 10 hours, but configurable).

Controlling warn vs. enforce behaviour

When creating a ClusterImagePolicy by default when a policy fails to meet the requirements, it will not be admitted. However, sometimes folks want to allow these through, but warn the user about the fact that this operation did not meet the criteria. For this you can use a mode configuration option for a specific policy. When set to warn, it will not block the admission, but instead will allow it through and emit a warning.

For example:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy-keyless-warn
  mode: warn
  - glob: registry.local:5000/policy-controller/demo*
  - keyless:
      url: http://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      url: http://rekor.rekor-system.svc

By specifying the spec.mode as warn, even if an image is found to be not compliant, it will be allowed through, but a warning is issued to the caller informing them that this is not a compliant image.

Policies matching specific resource types and labels

The ClusterImagePolicy supports a new field that defines which type of core resources a policy will enforce against the defined authorities for a given glob pattern.

The following is an example of a ClusterImagePolicy that defines a list of resource types to enforce a policy for pods and cronjobs:

apiVersion: cosigned.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-policy
  - resource: jobs
    group: batch
    version: v1
  - resource: pods
    version: v1
  - glob: *
  - keyless:
      url: https://fulcio.mattmoor.dev/
      - issuer: https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/myco-prod/locations/*/clusters/*
        subject: https://k8s.io/namespaces/*/serviceaccounts/*

      url: https://rekor.mattmoor.dev

Besides the selection of specific types, the resources could also be selected using labels to filter them from other resources of the same type. In the next example, a ClusterImagePolicy enforce this policy on cronjobs with the label prod=x-cluster1:

apiVersion: cosigned.sigstore.dev/v1beta1
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: image-cronjob-policy
      - resource: cronjobs
        group: batch
        version: v1
            prod: x-cluster1
  - glob: *
  - keyless:
      url: https://fulcio.mattmoor.dev/
      - issuer: https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/myco-prod/locations/*/clusters/*
        subject: https://k8s.io/namespaces/*/serviceaccounts/*

      url: https://rekor.mattmoor.dev

This feature only supports the selection of the following resource types: pods, statefulsets, daemonsets, cronjobs, jobs, deployments and replicasets.

Support for multiple or custom Sigstore instances

By default policy-controller trusts the Public Good Instance of Sigstore and can be used to validate against it. Sometimes however, if you are using a private instance of Sigstore, you need to configure policy-controller to verify against the Trusted Roots for that instance. This can also be used to implement running in an airgapped by configuring the TUF roots that get installed Out Of Band (OOB), or lastly if you want to just provide the necessary keys and certificates necessary for verification. Using TrustRoots is also necessary if you are using TimeStamp Authority for verification.

TrustRoots can be specified as TUF Roots, serialized TUF repository (for air-gap scenarios), as well as serialized keys/certificates (if there’s not TUF root, and can also be used for air-gap scenarios) for bring your own keys/certs.

You can learn more about TUF and why/ how Sigstore uses it.

Detailed field descriptions for the TrustRoot CRD.

Configuring TrustRoot for custom TUF Root

You configure a TrustRoot to point to a custom TUF root by providing an initial root.json as well as the mirror where to fetch updates. An example of this would be:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TrustRoot
  name: my-remote
    mirror: TUF_MIRROR
    root: |-

where TUF_MIRROR is the URL to the TUF mirror, and ROOT_JSON is the base64 encoded root.json file from the TUF. Policy-controller will keep TUF up-to-date automatically. This is the recommended way to ensure keys/certs are rotated automatically as they are updated by TUF.

Configuring TrustRoot for custom TUF repository

If you have a TUF set up, but are unable to access the mirror (air-gap for example), you can provide the serialized repository. In this mode however, you have to manually rotate the keys/certificates.

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TrustRoot
  name: my-repository-serialized
    root: |-
    mirrorFS: |-

where ROOT_JSON is same as above, the base64 encoded root.json file from the TUF. REPOSITORY is a tarred, gzipped, and base64 encoded remote repository. So you would have to get tar the repository, gzip it and then base64 encode it.

Configuring TrustRoot for ‘bring your own keys’

If you do not have TUF set up, you can still establish trust by bringing the keys and certificates in OOB. Here you have to explicitly configure each key/cert:

apiVersion: policy.sigstore.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TrustRoot
  name: my-sigstore-keys
    - subject:
        organization: fulcio-organization
        commonName: fulcio-common-name
      uri: https://fulcio.fulcio-system.svc
      certChain: |-
    - baseURL: https://ctfe.example.com
      hashAlgorithm: sha-256
      publicKey: |-
    - baseURL: https://rekor.rekor-system.svc
      hashAlgorithm: sha-256
      publicKey: |-
    - subject:
        organization: tsa-organization
        commonName: tsa-common-name
      uri: https://tsa.example.com
      certChain: |-


certificateAuthorities specifies the trust for the signing certificates, which is Fulcio in Sigstore case. FULCIO_CERT_CHAIN is the base64 encoded certificates including the root for Fulcio that matches fulcio-organization and commonName in the certificate for the specified url.


ctLogs specifies the Certificate Transparency Log (CTLog) trust. This is used to validate entries received from certificateAuthorities that certificates created for signing purposes were properly recorded in the Certificate Transparency Log for auditing. baseURL is the base URL to the log conforming to RFC6962, for example, Trillian in the case of Public Good Instance of Sigstore. hashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm used and publicKey is the base64 encoded Public Key of the CTLog.


tLogs specifies the Transparency Log (TLog) trust, which is Rekor in Sigstore case. REKOR_PUBLIC_KEY base64 encoded Public Key of the TLog. baseURL is the base URL for the service providing the TLog, and again the hashAlgorithm is the hash algorithm used.


timestampAuthorities specifies the trust to an RFC3161 Time-Stamp Authority. uri specifies the URL to the Timestamp Service. TSA_CERT_CHAIN is the base64 encoded certificates with Leaf, Intermediates, and Root for the Time-Stamp Authority that matches tsa-organization and commonName.

NOTE the ctLogs and tLogs naming is currently inconsistent between CIP and TrustRoot. We will fix this in a newer API version, but can’t do it without reving the API version due to backwards compatibility. In CIP the ctLog refers to Rekor, which in TrustRoot was correctly named tLog. Whereas in TrustRoot the ctLog correctly refers to the Certificate Transparency Log.