Mindshare Committee Quarterly Report Doc
The Mindshare Committee represents the outreach teams in Fedora and provides an umbrella for other non-coding teams. Mindshare has established a Quarterly Report to help round up announcements, information, and updates from these teams. This page holds documentation on our process to gather information, format, and publish the report.
Which teams are part of the report?
All teams on the Mindshare "side" of the Fedora ecosystem are welcome to participate. Teams which have active representatives on the committee are strongly suggested to contribute to the report.
Current list of teams and how to contact them for info:
Ambassadors (Community Outreach Revamp Team/FCAIC)
CommOps (Rep)
Council (Rep)
Design (Rep)
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (Discourse)
Docs (Rep)
Globalization (https://pagure.io/i18n/issues)
Join SIG ([email protected])
Magazine (Discourse)
Marketing (Discourse)
Mentored Projects (Rep)
Mindshare (This is us!)
Podcast (IRC/Element)
Translations ([email protected])
Websites & Apps (Discourse)
What’s the process?
A ticket is opened on the Mindshare pagure to track progress for each report (i.e. "Q1 Mindshare Report - January, February, March 2022") and is triaged with the tag "quarterly-report". The owner of the ticket is the Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator(FCAIC).
The report is written up and edited in a HackMD file. The Mindshare Committee has team space on HackMD to store these and other Mindshare related working documents.
A template has been created in HackMD for ease of reproducibility. To access the template you need to be a part of the Mindshare team space on HackMD. How to find the template:
Click the "…" drop down menu
Click "+ Insert from template"
Choose "Mindshare Quarterly Report"
Click "Use this template".
Once the ticket and template have been set up, additions are welcome to be made through the quarter.
The last month of the quarter, two Mindshare Committee meetings will be used in some capacity to gather information from the Representatives and other members of Mindshare. Any teams that are not represented on Mindshare should be contacted with at least two weeks notice to provide any additions.
Once all the information from the various teams has been gathered, the FCAIC does any final edits and moves the report into the CommBlog wordpress. This should be done the last week of the quarter. Make sure to follow the "Writing a Community Blog post" process outlined on the CommBlog. Request that the CommBlog editors publish the post within a week or two of the last quarter end.
After the report is published to the CommBlog, a link should be added to the corresponding ticket. That ticket can then be closed as complete and a new ticket for the upcoming quarter should be opened immediately. The cycle starts again!
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