Installing Skype on Fedora
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Skype is a cross-platform proprietary chat (text and video) application.
It also provides voice calls and desktop sharing. It uses a proprietary Internet telephony (VoIP) network called the Skype protocol.
Please note: the latest versions of Skype work only on 64 bit architectures.
It is possible to install Skype on Fedora using these package methods.
Using the RPM by Skype
Using a Flatpak hosted by Flathub.
Installing Skype using the Skype RPM repository
To install Skype using the Skype RPM repository:
Add a Skype repository file on your machine
$ sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-skype.repo
Add Skype stable and unstable repositories by adding following text in the text editor
[microsoft-skype] name=Microsoft Skype baseurl= gpgkey=file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/skype/SKYPE-GPG-KEY enabled=1 [microsoft-skype-unstable] name=Microsoft Skype Unstable baseurl= gpgkey=file:///usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/skype/SKYPE-GPG-KEY enabled=0
You can copy the text and paste it in the text editor using CTRL+SHIFT+v. Hit CTRL + x to exit the text editor. Hit Y to save the file.
Import Microsoft’s GPG keys for Skype
$ sudo dnf install distribution-gpg-keys $ sudo rpm --import /usr/share/distribution-gpg-keys/skype/SKYPE-GPG-KEY
Install Skype
$ sudo dnf install skypeforlinux
Installing Skype using Flatpak
To install Skype using Flatpak:
Install Flatpak using dnf:
$ sudo dnf install -y flatpak
Install Skype using Flatpak:
$ flatpak install -y --from
To run Skype:
You should find a menu shortcut in your DE.
To run it from the command line:
$ flatpak run
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