Konklave 1644

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Coat of arms of the Camerlengo during the sede vacante
Urban VIII who died 29 July 1644
Giovanni Battista Pamphili, elected as Pope Innocent X.

The papal conclave of 1644 was the papal conclave of Cardinals called on the death of Pope Urban VIII. It chose Giovanni Battista Pamphili, who took office as Pope Innocent X.


The reign of Pope Urban VIII had been financially troubling for Rome and for the Church and the ongoing conflict for control of the Church between Spain and France.

Cardinal Jules Mazarin of France had planned to veto Pamphili's nomination on behalf of his country (which, like Spain, retained veto rights) but he arrived too late to do so. Mazarin would later provide support and shelter for members of the Barberini family (the nephews of Innocent X's predecessor, Pope Urban VIII) exiled in France.


Absent cardinals


  • S. Miranda: Papal Conclave, 1644.
  • The Triple Crown: An Account of the Papal Conclaves by Valérie Pirie.

Vorlage:Papal conclaves 1800-2005

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