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送交者: 玉面小飞狐[♂品衔R2☆♂] 于 2015-10-09 9:08 已读 2241 次 1 赞  



You’ll need to be quick if you want a OnePlus 2, invite-free, on October 12

nePlus is anything but shy, and its brand-new flagship phone is anything but secret. The bargain flagship phone is finally official, and it’s built to impress. Here’s everything you need to know about the OnePlus 2, including how to buy one, and secure an invite.

Updated on 10-09-2015 by Andy Boxall: Added news of an upcoming open sale, no-invite-needed, for the OnePlus 2.

OnePlus 2 ‘open sale’ on October 12, for just one hour

OnePlus 2 open inviteOnePlus kept its infamous invitation system for the OnePlus 2, and found itself with more than 1 million requests for one after just 72-hours of opening the store. Production delays followed the huge demand, and OnePlus promised to make it up to disgruntled fans. On October 12, it’ll hold an open sale, where the OnePlus 2 can be purchased without an invitation. However, the offer is only open for a single hour, so you’ll need to be both quick and lucky to secure a phone on the day.

The schedule looks like this: North American OnePlus fans should visit the online store between 12pm and 1pm PDT on October 12, European fans between the same time but in CEST, and Asian fans in HKT. Add the phone to your cart, pay up, and look for your estimated shipping time. OnePlus warns this could be longer than usual with the extra sales. You’ll only be able to buy up to two phones at the time in one order, but multiple orders are permitted.

Visit OnePlus’s own online store here to try your luck.

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