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I am thinking of the attempts of applying physiology methods in treating coronavirus. I am not a medical practitioner but a decent of a medical family with both parents endeavour their whole life in medical study and practice. My father was major in Chinese medical doctor spending four years leaning west medical theory and three years leaning Chinese medical theory altogether seven years in a prestige Chinese medical university just prior to the Cultural Revolution social campaign. My mother is major in Pedestrian spending four years leaning west medical in a university just opposite of my dad’s university. Growning up in this family, I was surrounded by their medical professional dialogues at home. I heard quite a lot medical terminology from their conversation. That life experience enriched my medical awareness and enables me to think the devastating pandemic virus explosion in the world. While everyone is crying out for the masks, I am observing and try to work out a solution with my very limited medical knowledge. Last night I was a bit of in hyper. Triggered by a conversation on the treatment of the virus, I proposed a whole physiological way of remedy or treatment. That is so-called Far Infrared Treatment, FIT in short. The idea is to short the virus life span by heat it up and send it to the heaven. By using negative air ionisation appliance, clean the air and take the virus away. I also know a substance that can produce itself, and this might be another alternative. Virus lives much less time than human being. It parasites within human body. Just to think about its living is conditional and make a way to take the condition away, then it passes away. I am not a specialist but just someone who is inquisitive. I believe my nonprofessional status actually helps me to think things out of the box. My mind is very active and it so hard for me to get focused on one single thing. That is why it is too hard for me to be a scholar who spends years and years digging into the field and then harvest. Sparkles of my mind always shines up my life. I enjoy new ideas and mindful challenges. I assume this is a much better way than the passive protective way of wearing masks. Virus does not transmit via the air but via the spill of saliva while people talk and breath between short distance. So the key is to keep distance and talk less. Mask wearing is distractive and misleading in a sense when it turns to delay the time in effective protection and working out solution. Of course for many Chinese the national medical drink is always an option. This is my brain storm from last night written down in Chinese and now I put it into English for a wider spread of my genius mind, haha, to the lovely world. Being alive is wonderful. | |||
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