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so far
送交者: 祖母绿[★品衔R6★] 于 2020-01-12 4:18 已读 526 次  


so farFrom Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishso far(also thus far formal) until now So far we have not had to borrow any money. They’re delighted with the replies they’ve received from the public thus far.→ farExamples from the Corpusso far• I think he's done a great job so far.• Selman has sold off two-thirds of his herd so far.• There haven't been any problems so far.• However, the military were not having much success so far.• Our final rehearsal before Farnham, however, delivered the cruellest blow so far.• Because he was so far ahead in his first year, he spent his time on other things.• We've raised twelve thousand dollars so far, and we expect to reach our goal by the end of next week.• And so far 
Conservative strategy has been anything but effective.• There were times that Iverson was so far down the court that Mutombo didn't make it to halfcourt.• The treatment so far had been innocuous: quininepills and injections of alum water.• On the other hand, the technology plainly is not ready; so far, the tests have been embarrassing.• This is the hottest day we've had so far this summer.

贴主:祖母绿于2020_01_12 4:20:07编辑
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