2月22日 星期五 中农上留园的悲喜事
早上坐在牛车上登留园,首页上是这篇来自中国的消息,小心脏差点没掉出来。 6park.com监守自盗的相信世界上哪里都有,但是在中国,监守自盗后还拍视频在网上和最高法院死磕的,还真的是第一次见到。难道是现在精神病人都有机会到最高法院当法官了?还是“中央政法委、中央纪委国家监委、最高人民检察院、公安部”演了一场戏? 不管是哪个可能都是中国法制的黑暗的一天。 6park.com晚上在家五味七品小吃店留园首页挂着来自美国的消息: “喜讯!川普与司法部门讨论 将撤销孟晚舟刑事诉讼。” 没注意五味七品都喷出来了。 6park.comOMG, 这些天西方各国政府和无数有识人士都在说“司法独立”呵!心想一定是Fake News! 诚实的俺只好去看消息出处。 看来美国和中国都在下一盘很大的棋,俺农民看不懂,还是接着吃俺的麻辣烫吧。 6park.com 6park.com 6park.com------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6park.comhttps://www.apnews.com/77101e7743a84c44b37fdb4f16b0abc7 6park.comThe Latest: Trump raises prospect of dropping Huawei charges 6park.comWASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S.-China trade talks in Washington (all times local): 6park.com4:20 p.m. 6park.comPresident Donald Trump says the possibility of dropping criminal charges against Huawei would be discussed with U.S. attorneys and with Attorney General Bill Barr in coming weeks. 6park.comThe Justice Department last month unsealed charges against the Chinese company, its chief financial officer — who had been arrested in Canada and several of its subsidiaries, alleging not only violation of trade sanctions but also the theft of trade secrets. 6park.comTrump is trying to work out a trade deal with China and was asked about Huawei before an Oval Office meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. He says a decision is pending, but “right now, it’s not something being discussed.” 6park.comHuawei, the biggest global maker of switching gear for phone and internet companies, denies accusations that it facilitates Chinese spying. 6park.com___ 6park.com3:20 p.m. 6park.comPresident Donald Trump says he will consider delaying a March 2 deadline to reach a trade deal with Beijing before he would escalate his tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports. 6park.comTrump told reporters that he would “certainly consider” an extension if trade talks are going well. He said that talks between China and the United States in Washington will be extended through this weekend to give the countries more time to reach a breakthrough in their trade dispute. The two economic powers are engaged in a standoff that has worried financial markets and likely weakened the global economy. 6park.comA Chinese team led by Vice Premier Liu He has been meeting with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other American officials. 6park.comThe U.S. has imposed 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese imports and 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion worth; the tariffs on the $200 billion are scheduled to rise to 25 percent if there’s no deal.评分完成:已经给 白糖糖 加上 200 银元!