Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW 互联网) Eric Lander, team leader for sequencing one-third of the Human Genome (人类基因组) William Shockley, inventor of the solid-state transistor (晶体管) Ray Tomlinson, inventor of the "@" symbol use in email addresses (email) Phillip A. Sharp, founder of Biogen Idec (Biogen) Ken Olsen and Harlan Anderson, founders of Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC 电脑) Helen Greiner and Colin Angle, founders of iRobot Corp. (iRobot 吸尘器) Amar Bose, founder of Bose Corporation (博士音响) Ivan Getting, founder of Aerospace Corp., co-inventor of GPS (GPS) Joseph Jacobson, co-founder of E Ink (电子墨水) Vannevar Bush, science advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, founder of Raytheon, father of the National Science Foundation (雷神) Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman, inventors of RSA cryptography (RSA加密算法) Charles Draper, inventor of the first inertial guidance system (惯性导航系统) Herbert Kalmus, Daniel Comstock, cofounders of Technicolor (彩色电影) John Dorrance, inventor of Campbell Soup (罐头汤) David Baltimore, Nobel laureate (反转录病毒) Alfred P. Sloan, CEO of General Motors (通用汽车总裁) William Hewlett, cofounder of Hewlett Packard (惠普) Robert Swanson, cofounder of Genentech (Genentech)
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