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Sen. Rick Scott: Biden vs. Trump on China
送交者: theSpear[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-08-19 18:54 已读 544 次  


What Americans care about in the upcoming election
is no different than what Americans care about every day. Americans
want to feel safe and live in secure communities. Americans want access
to quality education and good-paying jobs to support their families. And
they want the opportunity to live the American dream.

The choice between President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden this November is clear, and nothing elucidates that choice more than their respective records on China.

Remember when in May 2019 Biden downplayed the threat from Communist China?
“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man” said the man the
Democratic Party nominated to handle the most important geopolitical
confrontation of this century. 6park.com

Ironically, China has been eating Biden’s lunch for decades. He went on to say that “they’re not competition for us.”

It’s hard to tell whether the naivete or the implicit appeasement is most troubling.

China, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, is one of
the world’s worst human rights violators. They are stealing American
jobs, technology and intellectual property, they covered up the early
spread of the coronavirus allowing it to spread further and faster, they
are building up their military to compete with us, oppressing the
people of Hong Kong, threatening Taiwan, using slave labor and leading a
genocide against the Uyghurs. 6park.com

General Secretary Xi will stop at nothing in his quest for global
domination, and if we allow it to continue, life as we know it will
change forever. We can’t forget: for Communist China, this is a zero-sum
game. For them to be stronger, America must necessarily be weaker.

slow creep of Communist China’s internal crackdown and global expansion
has been building for decades. And career politicians like Biden let it
happen. For years, Biden defended China, saying that
“a more prosperous China will mean more demand for American-made goods
and services and more jobs back home in the United States of America.”
He championed Communist China’s entry into the World Trade Organization,
where they have refused to live up to their commitments and
consistently taken advantage of the United States.

appeasement and support of Communist China allowed them to not only
steal American jobs but overtake our nation as the world’s largest
manufacturer. The IMF predicts that by 2024, China’s economy will be 56% larger
than the U.S. economy on a purchasing power parity basis. Not only does
Communist China want to destroy our economic success, but they will do
it while stripping human rights, devastating the environment with their
pollution, and silencing anyone that dares to speak out against them. We
saw it this week as Communist China sanctioned 11 U.S. officials for “behaving badly on Hong Kong-related issues.” 6park.com

So what is Biden going to do about it? When outlining his plan for Communist China moving forward, Biden had this to say:
“The way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world ...
That’s when things begin to change. That’s when China’s behavior is
going to change.”

This is what Biden has been trying for decades
and it is a pathetic and naïve approach from someone who wants to be our
president. Communist China is never going to change. How many times do
they have to show us before we believe them?

We have to get
serious about the threat of Communist China and stop “hoping” for
change. We are in the middle of a new Cold War and it’s time to realize
our relationship with China is about more than just trade. This is about
human rights and the impact Communist China’s growing influence around
the world has on our national security. 6park.com

The only thing crazier than refusing to confront this challenge
head-on is electing a man in Biden who’s been refusing to confront this
challenge head-on for decades.

Thankfully, President Trump is
taking real steps to stand up to Communist China. He’s negotiating trade
deals to put American businesses first, holding China accountable for
their lies that led to the spread of the coronavirus, and working to
protect American investors. Under President Trump, the United States
took the unprecedented move to revoke Hong Kong’s preferential
treatment. We are finally standing up for human rights by sanctioning
Chinese officials, businesses and banks that help Communist China
restrict Hong Kong’s autonomy, as well as companies complicit in human
rights violations against the Uyghurs.

There is more we can and
must do to hold Communist China accountable and protect freedom here and
around the world. But we absolutely cannot accept a future where
politicians like Biden care more about making friends than protecting
Americans. We cannot accept a future where we sit back and allow
Communist China to continue abusing human rights, suppressing freedom,
taking advantage of American businesses, and growing their influence
around the world. 6park.com

Americans have a choice this November. And it’s a choice that will
affect the future of our nation and the American dream as we know it.

The best thing for the communist government in China would be for Biden to be elected president. 6park.com

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