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Former CIA Officer Charged with Giving China Classified Info
送交者: theSpear[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-08-18 5:40 已读 460 次  


WASHINGTON  — A former CIA officer and contract linguist for the FBI
has been charged with spying for China, including by disclosing secret
tradecraft and information on sources to intelligence officers who had
co-opted him, according to court documents unsealed Monday. 6park.com

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma was arrested last week after an undercover
operation in which prosecutors say he accepted an envelope with $2,000
in exchange for his past espionage activities. He told a law enforcement
officer who was posing as a Chinese intelligence officer that he wanted
to see the “motherland” succeed, prosecutors said. 6park.com

“The trail of Chinese espionage is long and, sadly, strewn with
former American intelligence officers who betrayed their colleagues,
their country and its liberal democratic values to support an
authoritarian communist regime,” Assistant Attorney John Demers, the
Justice Department’s top national security official, said in a
statement. 6park.com

An FBI affidavit accuses Ma, who worked for the CIA from 1982 to
1989, of revealing government secrets to at five Chinese intelligence
officers in a Hong Kong hotel room over a three-day period in March
2001. Those secrets included information about CIA sources,
international operations, staffing practices and operational tradecraft. 6park.com

Prosecutors say Ma’s meeting with the Chinese officers also included a
fellow CIA employee who was not identified in court documents and who
is not being charged because, officials say, the 85-year-old suffers
from advanced and debilitating cognitive diseases. 6park.com

Ma, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Hong Kong, was charged in
federal court in Honolulu with conspiring to gather and communicate
national defense information for a foreign nation. He faces up to life
in prison if convicted, and is due to make his first court appearance
Tuesday. 6park.com

No defense lawyer was listed on court records for him. 6park.com

Ma remained in touch with the Chinese intelligence officers after he
joined the FBI as a contract linguist in 2004, at which point he used
his work computer to copy images of documents related to missiles and
weapon system technology research. 6park.com

The case was first reported by NBC News.

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