6.《中国标准2035》是一项雄心勃勃的15年计划,北京计划在今年公布。 它将概述中国制定下一代技术全球标准的计划。 但是,这项雄心勃勃的计划(将成为中国全球技术进步的一部分)可能会遇到许多问题,CNBC引用技术行业的专家对此进行了评论。 您认为中国将在未来15年内制定全球技术标准吗?答:和欧美包括任何国家不同的是,中国是一个可以订立长远目标计划的国家。习近平主席2013年提出的“一带一路”概念,和其2012年提出的“中华民族伟大复兴梦”和“中国梦”一脉相承,是中国国家级顶级战略, 被国际舆论赞誉为“打开世界经济增长和瓶颈的钥匙”。毛泽东时代中国从一穷二白开始起步,奠定了自己独立自主的政治,经济,军事,文化和外交路线;邓小平时代,中国改革开放,韬光养晦,和世界接轨,国家经济军事实力取得长足进展;而习近平时代,将是中国通过带动全世界的经济发展,走向世界,确定中国在世界政治经济文化领导地位,并让世界和中国接轨的时代。因此,北京计划今年公布《中国标准2035》,并将在未来15年内制定全球技术标准是完全可能并可以期待的。中国在2000年前的秦汉时期就在一个统一中央集权的国家内推行“车同轨,书同文”,统一制定文字,货币,度量衡等标准。在未来十五年内,中国也将成为世界的标准并等待世界不同国家来接轨。6. "Chinese Standard 2035" is an ambitious 15-year plan that Beijing plans to announce this year. It will outline China's plan to develop global standards for next-generation technologies. However, this ambitious plan (which will become part of China's global technological progress) may encounter many problems, and CNBC quoted experts in the technology industry for comment. Do you think China will set global technical standards in the next 15 years? Unlike Europe and the United States, including any country, China is a country that can make long-term goals. The concept of the “Belt and Road” proposed by Chairman Xi Jinping in 2013 is in line with the “Great Dream of Chinese Renaissance” and the “Chinese Dream” proposed in 2012. It is China’s top-level national strategy and is praised by international public opinion as “opening the world’s economic growth and The key to the bottleneck." In the Mao Zedong era, China started from the poor and the white, and laid its own independent political, economic, military, cultural and diplomatic lines; in the Deng Xiaoping era, China's reform and opening up, keeping its honour, and keeping pace with the world, the country's economic and military strength has made great progress; while in the Xi Jinping era, it will It is an era in which China has promoted the economic development of the world to the world, determined China's political, economic and cultural leadership in the world, and brought the world into line with China. Therefore, Beijing plans to announce the "Chinese Standard 2035" this year, and it is entirely possible and can be expected to develop global technical standards in the next 15 years. In the Qin and Han dynasties 2000 years ago, China promoted "cars on the same track and books on the same text" in a unified centralized country, and formulated standards for writing, currency, weights and measures. In the next fifteen years, China will also become the standard of the world and wait for different countries in the world to come in line.评分完成:已经给 了三 加上 200 银元!
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