
送交者: 甲骨 [★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2025-01-28 18:05 已读 646 次 大字阅读 繁體閱讀

Despite having only 7 billion parameters (approximately 1/25th of GPT-4), Janus-Pro-7B outperforms its competitors in key tests:

Text-to-Image Quality: Achieves 80% accuracy in the GenEval test, beating DALL-E 3 (67%) and Stable Diffusion 3 (74%)

Complex Instruction Understanding: Scores 84.19% accuracy in the DPG-Bench test, accurately generating complex scenes such as “a snow-capped mountain with a blue lake at its base”

Multimodal Question Answering: Visual question answering accuracy surpasses GPT-4V, with an MMBench test score of 79.2, close to professional analysis models

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