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加州火灾保险,Fair Plan只有3.85亿,完全不够赔240亿损失
送交者: hackneyGina[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2025-01-13 9:46 已读 562 次  


Experts have predicted that the fires blazing through several parts of Los Angeles County could easily become the most costly wildfire event in the U.S. One insurer alone faces potential losses of up to $24 billion: the California FAIR Plan. 6park.com

The FAIR Plan is a state-created but privately run insurer of last resort,
providing fire insurance for residents and businesses unable to secure a
policy on the private market. The FAIR Plan is not funded or
financially backed by the government — instead, if the FAIR Plan runs
out of money to pay claims, it’s private insurers and their customers
who end up with the bill. 6park.com

有美国经济学家测算,此次山火造成的损失预计将高达500亿至1500亿美元,可能成为美国史上“损失最大的火灾”。由此,舆论担心,这波山火造成的房屋损失会不会大到拖垮整个FAIR项目? 6park.com

按照美联社介绍,这一项目资金来源主要是投保人交的保险费,但保险公司也需投入一定资金,以协助维持运营并防止项目破产时无法偿债。加州一项新出台法律规定,保险公司可要求州政府批准保险费率,以筹集对项目实施破产救助时所需资金。 6park.com

FAIR项目发言人希拉里·麦克莱恩说,确定这波山火所致财产损失可能需要花费数年时间,不过预估该项目应该“赔得起”客户,网上质疑FAIR赔付能力的谣言不可信。 6park.com

First, the FAIR Plan would have to blow through all of its reserves — a
possibility that seems increasingly likely as strong winds continue to
spread the uncontrolled fires. Over the summer, FAIR Plan President
Victoria Roach disclosed to the Chronicle that the insurer only had
about $385 million in unreserved funds available to pay claims. 6park.com

看到了吧,FAIR PLAN只有3.85亿 6park.com

来看看REINSURANCE 6park.com

the california fair plan has access to up $2.63bn of reinsurance protection through a partially placed tower that tops out at $4.85bn of limit and has an occurrence retention of $900mn. 6park.com

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