In response to media queries on the elections in Taiwan on 13 January 2024, the MFA Spokesperson said:
“We welcome the successful conclusion of the elections and congratulate Dr William Lai and his party on their victory. Singapore shares a close and longstanding friendship with Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, and will continue to grow this relationship based on our “One China” policy.
Singapore has consistently supported the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. Dialogue, building trust, and pursuing cooperation will be beneficial for both sides of the Strait. This will contribute to the stability and prosperity of the wider region and be welcomed by Singapore and the international community.”
外交部发言人在回应媒体有关2024年1月13日台湾选举的询问时表示: “我们欢迎选举的成功结束,并祝贺赖清德博士及其政党取得胜利。新加坡与台湾和台湾人民有着长期密切的友谊,并将在“一个中国”政策的基础上继续发展这种关系。 新加坡一贯支持两岸关系和平发展。对话、建立信任、合作,对两岸都有好处。这将有助于更广泛地区的稳定与繁荣,受到新加坡和国际社会的欢迎。”
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