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陆军开始向欧洲部署部队 - 美国陆军公共事务部
送交者: znr0901[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-07-28 11:26 已读 1175 次 1 赞  


美国陆军公共事务部 2023年3月7日
华盛顿——美国陆军已开始进行部队部署,以支持我们的欧洲盟友和合作伙伴。 在此之前,陆军于 1月21日宣布,第10山地师总部和第101空降师第1旅战斗队的人员正准备替换目前驻扎在欧洲的部队。
来自纽约州德拉姆堡第10山地师总部的约500 名士兵将取代第101空降师总部的士兵(注:101空降师总部于2022年6月部署到罗马尼亚)。
“第10山地师很自豪能够被召唤与我们的盟友并肩作战,”第10山地师指挥官格雷戈里·K·安德森少将说道。 “山地师对于全球部署并不陌生。 我们的阵型已经训练有素、准备就绪。”
“巴斯托涅旅已准备好承担确保我们的北约盟友安全并阻止俄罗斯对北约东翼的侵略的关键使命,”第101空降师(空中突击)第1旅战斗队指挥官凯文·夏普上校说。 近80年前,第101空降师的士兵参加了突出部战役,我们的旅现在自豪地拥有“巴斯托涅”的绰号。 今天,我们已准备好确保欧洲的和平,而这一和平是建立在第 101 空降师第一批士兵的牺牲之上的。”
这些部署将确保美国继续处于有利位置,与我们在欧洲大陆的盟友一起提供强有力的威慑和防御态势。 美国将继续根据需要调整姿态,以应对动态的安全环境。
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原文 6park.com

Army begins deployment of units to Europe By U.S. Army Public Affairs  March 7, 2023 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army has begun unit deployments in support of our European allies and partners. This follows a Jan. 21 Army announcement that elements from the 10th Mountain Division Headquarters and the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, were preparing to replace units that are currently in Europe. 6park.com

Approximately 500 Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division Headquarters, Fort Drum, New York, will replace Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division Headquarters. “The 10th Mountain Division is proud to be called to go serve alongside our allies,” said Maj. Gen. Gregory K. Anderson, commander of the 10th Mountain Division. “The Mountain Division is no stranger to deployments across the globe. Our formations are trained, ready and prepared.” In addition, approximately 3,800 Soldiers from the 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, will replace Soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. “The Bastogne Brigade is ready to assume the critical mission of assuring our NATO allies and deterring Russian aggression on NATO’s eastern flank,” said Col. Kevin Sharp, commander of the 1st BCT, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). “Nearly 80 years ago, Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and our brigade now proudly claims the nickname of Bastogne. Today, we are ready to secure the peace in Europe that was built on the sacrifices of those first Soldiers of the 101st Airborne.” These one-for-one unit replacements do not constitute a change to current force posture levels, and the redeploying units will return to their home stations. The deployments will ensure that the United States continues to be well positioned to provide a robust deterrent and defensive posture alongside our allies across the European continent. The U.S. will continue to adjust its posture as needed in response to the dynamic security environment. For more information, please contact the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs at [email protected].
贴主:znr0901于2023_07_28 12:03:58编辑
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