又出事了, 两架私人飞机在亚利桑那州一个大机场的跑道上相撞,一死四伤

送交者: 卢火 [★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2025-02-10 18:47 已读 1090 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读
Private jet crashes into plane on Scottsdale Airport runway leaving at least one dead

Published: 17:20 EST, 10 February 2025 | Updated: 19:33 EST, 10 February 202

One person was killed and several others injured after a million-dollar private jet crashed into another plane on the runway at Scottsdale Airport in Arizona.

The Scottsdale Fire Department said at least one person died on the scene and four people were hurt when the aircrafts collided Monday around 2:45 p.m. MT.  

'We have five souls, one [dead on arrival], two immediate that have been transported to local trauma centers, one delayed stable to a local hospital, and this is still an active scene,' Scottsdale Fire Department Captain Dave Folio said.

'We are still working on extricating one soul out of one of the airplanes.'

The crash occurred when an arriving midsize business jet hit another midsize business jet that was parked on private property, according to officials. 

'An accident has occurred upon arrival to runway 21,' the Scottsdale Airport said. 'Fire Department is on scene assessing the situation. Scottsdale Airports runway is currently closed.' 

The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed private two jets collided and they have temporarily paused flights into the airport. 

'A Learjet 35A veered off the runway after landing and crashed into a Gulfstream 200 business jet on the ramp at Scottsdale Municipal Airport in Arizona,' the FAA said. 

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