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川宝的一些亲信幕僚对于马斯克否定AI 5000亿投资计划,非常气愤
送交者: 卢火[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2025-01-24 9:48 已读 756 次  


Trump staff ‘furious’ after Musk trashes AI project
“It’s clear he has abused the proximity to the president,” said one ally of the president. 6park.com

Some of President Donald Trump’s key aides and allies are furious with Elon Musk for publicly trashing his $500 billion artificial intelligence mega-deal. 6park.com

A White House official said Musk “very much” got over his skis when the tech tycoon launched a daylong screed against the AI project. One Trump ally said Musk abused his closeness to the president. Another Republican close to the White House went further, saying Trump’s staff is “furious” over Musk using his massive social media platform to pour cold water on the infrastructure deal that Trump called “tremendous” and “monumental” just a day prior.
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